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Status Updates posted by Vapor

  1. If I can't go to vidcon in June

    I'm going to be so upset

  2. oh dear i missed my shardiversary

    im fifteen days late


    im not gonna do the whole @ everybody thing so

    love yall

    have a great 2023

  3. hi i am back for like five minutes ill probably disappear again soon

    i have over 200 notifications

    what did i miss

    1. xinoehp512


      Dunno if you caught it, but I've been back.

  4. a white screen

    has never

    in the history of everything

    made someone so upset as this one just made me

    holy heck

    1. Slowswift
    2. Vapor


      i doubt people will get my reference, even if they know the thing im talking about

      i just needed a bit of a rant

    3. Slowswift


      Gotcha. Take care!

  5. hey hey hey 

    i have a brother 

    hes 13 

    say hi to @Fog

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Fog


      no I am alive now I was not ded 

    3. Robin Sedai
    4. Enter a username

      Enter a username

      Looks like I was over a month late :|

      Eh, I'll do it anyway. Hello and welcome to the Shard!

  6. also sorry for two su's in a row but ive been missing for like a month did i miss anything

    and also you all should listen to Rolling With Difficulty

    it's the best podcast


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vapor


      Yes to both your questions, Tani

    3. Quivil





    4. Enter a username

      Enter a username

      Clone Season is when we all change our PFP's to some variation on one (so far Cosmere-relevant) image.

      It starts on September 24th (10:29 AM MDT) and ends on October 6th (12:16 AM MDT).

      Also, I'm catching up on over two months' worth of notifications, which is why I'm so late to this discussion.

  7. where do i watch the dream smp

    i desire to watch something

    and i have chosen the dream smp

    but i have no idea where to find a solid compilation with all the needed lore and the best parts and whatever

    1. danex


      i’m ashamed to know this but EvanMCGaming on youtube has some long-form summary storytelling cinematic videos about a lot of the lore.

    2. Knight of Iron

      Knight of Iron

      Personally, I think my preferred way to approach starting the Dream SMP is to choose one perspective, and then just watch that one person's videos on it all. The entire server is so saturated with YouTubers making content and having their own plot-relevant storylines that it's pretty much impossible to absorb it all and have it make any sense.

      For example, I mostly kept up on the storyline through Technoblade's videos. It was easier to keep up with one person's streams than many, but he even has several edited 20 minute videos where he attempts to explain and summarize events really quickly (as opposed to other YouTubers, who may just have entire unedited 4 hour livestreams that you can't even tell is supposed to be plot relevant or not, lol). Wilbur also has a couple videos like that.

      That's just my preferred way to do it.
      EvanMCGaming has attempted to document all the major events of the server, and has successfully done so. This playlist I'm linking is to his nine-part video documentary series that sum up the entire storyline.
      Pros: It's got everything important in it.
      Cons: It's documentary-style, it's not going to use actual extended clips. Which means you don't get to see any of the actual interactions. But I guess if there's any of those you want to see, you can always just ask or something and I can point you to where the videos can actually be found.




    3. Knight of Iron

      Knight of Iron


  8. y'alllllllllllll

    I just finished season one of the owl house and ;aldkhfx.,mbliufgklgdafkvxmnhfouqwyq

  9. Vapor


  10. I got access to DALL-E! The first thing I searched for was "Brandon Sanderson riding a parrot" and I got this


    DALL·E 2022-08-25 17.19.11 - Brandon Sanderson riding a parrot.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 2EmLee2


      That is truly a work of art. :P

    3. Turtle


      ohhhhh my brother has accses to this imma ask him for "evil, affable sword"

    4. Just_a_Fan
  11. i love imagine dragons

    so much

    they just occasionally give me terrible debilitating panic attacks and i have no idea why

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      Bruh i thought i was the only one who got those?? Not about imagine dragons, but about TMA and sometimes mitski lol. Like, for me, idk why exactly, i think it's because i'll just realize that something that brings me so much joy is gonna be gone and forgotten in a couple centuries, less for TMA probably. But it happens sometimes ;-;

      I really thought it was just me lmaoo

    3. Knight of Iron

      Knight of Iron

      I love Imagine Dragons too but, ah, panic attacks don't sound too good. Can't say I've had anything like that, but this did remind me that the first few seconds of Peace of Mind just fills me with anxiety.

  12. ahem


    nice bookshelf


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      who's video? is that Daniel Greene.... kind of looks like his bookshelf and his elbow...

    3. danex


      yeah it’s his latest bookshelf roast

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      lol. I need to watch that... glad you made it in to the video though!

  13. I’m taking a break 

    so yeah 


  14. Yay the shard is working

  15. Y’all it’s priiiide tiiiiime 

    To all my fellow aro/aces, I gift you garlic bread. 
    To everyone else, I gift rainbows and glitter. 
    I painted my nails green and purple but only because I won’t see my dad for more than a week :ph34r: 

    I’m leaving for New York tonight, love y’all

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nathrangking


      Keep being awesome @Vapor!!

    3. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      I don’t even know what most of those mean. 

  16. 1. I’m freeeeeeeeee 
    No more school!!!! 
    2. I’ll be going to NY on Thurs so I will likely be very inactive. 
    3. Almost Pride Month!!! I want to buy all the rainbows and a black ring. 
    4. go to mycrown.xyz best website ever

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. danex



      holy rusting storms

      my streak

      my 6 year streak of not being rickrolled

      it ends to this????

      i am both ashamed and impressed


    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      cool. I'll check out the website sometime.

  17. okay so i am figuring things out

    so bear with me


    y'all's parents never said/implied that the world is trash and you will never fit in and you can't be different because society is stupid?

    like... y'all don't worry that people will hate you for being who you are

    or that when you come out to people that will drastically alter their view of you and you can't be friends with them anymore?

    do you not expect disappointment????

  18. So for my Socratic final we have an oral exam and that's it, and the questions are just like "What was your favorite part of the class and how can it improve?" so everyone else is like 'I don't have to study at all and this is gonna be a breeze!' but I, of course, am the biggest introvert ever and so I'm writing down my answers to all of the questions and memorizing/rehearsing them over and over again

    Does anybody else do this?

    1. Knight of Iron

      Knight of Iron

      Absolutely. If there's no pressure I think I'd just wing it, but if there's some pressure to do well then definitely.

      Plus, I don't really like to say things that are too generic or vague-sounding, especially if I don't have reasoning behind it. Every time I've had to answer "How can we improve?" I've had to delve deep, deep within my consciousness to come up with a satisfactory and honest answer.

    2. Serce Forts

      Serce Forts

      Totally! I applaud you for writing them down. One of my biggest struggles (still) is that I rehearse what I'm going to say over and over again in my head, which drains my energy and drives me into a state of panic. Writing thoughts down and then limiting the number of times I am allowed to practice has been the most beneficial thing for me.

      Good luck with finals!!! I like to imagine the tests begging for mercy at the sight of you and your trusty writing utensil. :)

  19. Oh dear I forgot yesterday 

    Day #30- Last day 

    Thanks for dealing with all my status updates 

    Yesterday I had Girl Scouts, and I did an ort 8FA290BE-00D2-4680-9B63-1D9B55C5A4F1.thumb.jpeg.7b3af82cc8d69b8b7ee6e502f0593511.jpeg

    idk what it is so don’t ask :P 

    The magic school bus is actually so good and the theme is a bop 

    Y’all are better than cake and ice cream 

    Love y’all!

    1. Nathrangking


      You are better than an ice cream cake.

  20. Day #29

    I want to go home :/ 

    I don't want to count I can't stop counting I'm so tired of this 

    I hate my mind I'm so done 

    anyways, how is your day?

    you are better than chick-fil-a

    1. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      You have 1111 rep!!!!!!

  21. Day #28 

    11 more days of school :) 

    I had to dissect a frog today and let’s just say I wanted to be run over. 
    I also can’t stop counting and I’ve been on the verge of a panic attack all day. I hate and love numbers. 
    Y’all make it worth staying alive 

  22. Day #27 

    Aaaaaa the end of school is almost here 

    The new Mark Rober video is fantastic 

    I am not not sad but also not depressed 

    Y’all are better than garlic bread.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Doomstick




      you keep saying that word

      in this case I think it means what you think it means :P

    3. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Now that's not true.

      I love my siblings very much, but if it was a choice between them and garlic bread, they know what the result would be.

  23. Day #26 
    Happy Mother’s Day! 
    Take a moment to thank all the wonderful women in your life if you can. 
    Today I made cookies which are really good to combat my negative self talk and it didn’t work but at least I have cookies :P 

    You guys are better than fedoras and trilbies combined. <3 Love ya

    1. DramaQueen



      Better...than fedoras....and trilbies????

      Guys, I think Vapor might really like us

    2. DramaQueen


      I don't even know if Fadran likes me that much..... :P.

  24. Day idk 25 or 26? 

    Okay so I ate expired canned pineapple 

    And like that’s really big for me 

    So I’m like really anxious but also super happy that I was able to do it 

    And also I don’t hate my face 

    Your hair is honestly the bestest

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Hahaha you wouldn't say that if you could see my hair. But thank you!

    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      And you look great too :)

  25. Day #24

    i don't even know what day it is hahahaha

    i'm tireeeeed

    people are stupid

    tomorrow i get to see mist :)

    today I got to plant raspberries and i have dirt under my fingernails but im happy about having done it because i want to eat raspberries when they are old enough

    out of all the people in the world, I hate y'all the least

    i like you because you join in on my weirdness

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