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Knight of Iron

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Status Updates posted by Knight of Iron

  1. Bit overdue, but apparently I made my account a whole four years ago.

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      happy late shardiversary!

    2. Slowswift


      Happy Shardiversary!

  2. I've been playing a lot of Outer Wilds recently. The world is amazing. The lore is amazing. I love the exploration. I've been getting through it a lot slower than I would other games since I'm uploading it all for YouTube, but dang the game is just so good. I already can't wait to just make a compilation of all the best moments.

  3. I've been playing a lot of Stardew Valley recently. The soundtrack is amazing. The gameplay is amazing. I love the characters. It's singlehandedly holding together my mental health at the moment with how cutesy it is and everything. I'm not super far into parts of the game and I love figuring everything out on my own, only reaching for help when I absolutely need it.

    Minor game spoilers(?):


    Favorite character is Penny. I'm going to try to make some new saves and actually date around at some point, just 'cause I'm curious what's the whole deal with the rest of the dateable people, but as it stands now the person I care most about in the game is Penny. And holy crap, her theme is straight up one of the best tracks in the game.

    (I'm currently unsure if this has any bearing on my IRL romantic attraction, which is, of course, more complicated to figure out then it should be. I've never been able to pin down a "type" that I have, so part of me is like... do I have a thing for shy girls? We may never know.)    

    I also have a fondness for Jas and Vincent. Emily is pretty great too. And Harvey, I think. I haven't talked to too much beyond these. 


    1. Slowswift


      Back in 2020, I had a week to myself while I quarantined after possible COVID exposure. All day, every day, I played Stardew Valley. It's truly one of the best games out now, for all the reasons you've said.


      Penny is fantastic, and her story is one of the best too. On my most recent game, I dated Haley, who is surprisingly wonderful once you get to know her.

      I actually did the dating around thing my first game as I too was curious about the others, and immediately felt like crap during the first romantic cutscene because I knew full well I was playing her. (I'd already decided on Leah by this point.) 


  4. Games I've been playing:

    1. Phasmophobia
    I'm usually terrified of horror games but this one has got me so hooked on the whole investigation part of it. I'm very late to the initial hype of this game, but I think that's actually to my benefit because I hear the game has changed a lot since it's initial release and since most famous YouTuber's playthroughs. It's just got me hooked because I get to be a freaking ghost detective and I get to just learn stuff then know stuff about the different ghosts. I can see myself grinding out a lot more hours on this, as I'm still on the amateur-ish difficulty of the game. It's also very fun with friends.

    2. Celeste
    Someone should've given me a therapy warning on this one, 'cause holy heck. I beat it kind of quickly, and I might spend more time in the future on doing the millions of extra stuff to do; and well, the rest of the game. But I love love love the story so much and I have a Celeste wallpaper now and I'm just. In love. My heart.

    3. Chess
    I am pretty bad at it. I like to play it still sometimes.

    4. The Game
    This one, I'm bad at. I keep losing it.

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Gaaah the game....I was doing good...for a few hours...

      I've heard good things about Celeste.

    2. Chasmgoat


      I was approving until the very end.

  5. I just recently finished a trip that lasted seventeen days, where I got to meet a grand total of six Sharders. 'Cause somehow, some of y'all are real people. It is, in a way, really comforting to know that somehow there are actual people who not only care about me, but understand me. For that, I am ever grateful.

    Also, y'all give good hugs.

    It's past midnight and I'm getting strangely emotional. It was great seeing some of you.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DramaQueen


      It was awesome to meet you irl, Koi!!! And you give good hugs too, even though you don't think you do :P.

    3. Zephrun’s Imperium

      Zephrun’s Imperium

      @The Aspiring Archivist it wasn’t THAT big of a meet up; there were maybe… 12 of us there?  We planned it as friends. 

    4. Quivil


      And then there was a Surprise Tani!!!! :D

  6. Some of y’all will remember a status update from a while back in which I begged for votes to become king in a Minecraft roleplay server.

     Well, this is that server, and the product of yours and other’s help.


  7. Bet On It from High School Musical 2 is underrated.

    This rock/metal cover of it is really really interesting and I happen to be obsessed with it (along with a lot of other rock covers of songs I like, at the moment). But dang does this one really carry vibes



    1. Flying


      It's a great cover but I personally think it's missing the dramatic/over the top dancing from the original version :P

    2. Knight of Iron

      Knight of Iron

      There’s a video that overlays the original dance with this audio and it’s hilarious lol.

  8. Yo, Knight of Iron here (in case y'all can't tell cuz of the Ookla, lol).

    I'm part of a Minecraft RP server called Thee SMP. Last week the kingdom went through great efforts to cast out our tyrannical, former king, and today in the afternoon we're going to have an election to elect a new monarch, and I'm running!

    ! I'd suggest to wait to vote until people stream this afternoon, but if you can't make it, feel free to vote now!
    Preferably for "The Honorable Knight of Iron."

    Please I don't have any followers on Twitter or my own Discord server (yet? :ph34r:) so any votes are appreciated

    Oh and the voting deadline will end in about 4½ hours.

    1. Szeth_Pancakes


      I, the Pancakes of Szeth, hath voted.

    2. Quivil


      Thee SMP?

      Where is the stream

      I maybe want to see the election

    3. Knight of Iron

      Knight of Iron

      @Ookla the Implosion

      Sorry I didn't post it—but the VOD will be up for a little while and I'm hopefully planning on making a YouTube video out of this SMP...

      https://www.twitch.tv/knightofiron17 (it takes place about an hour and a half in)

      Alternatively, I'll also shout out https://www.twitch.tv/scarletfoxlive because she had a huge part in it and was also streaming :D

      I think I'm probably going to stream next week too though... it might be more of a regular thing, for a little while at least.

  9. I have succumbed to the pressure of choosing an Ookla name and have chosen one on a whim, Thankfully my whims usually turn out okay, 31% of the time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Quivil
    3. Trutharchivist


      What abomination have you become?

    4. Knight of Iron

      Knight of Iron

      @Ookla the Questioning? I have become Marissa, a songstress of some renown. Huge crowds once flocked to hear her sing, then something changed. The audience, once so enrapt, began to leave. She continued to sing yet her voice fell silent upon their ears. Her voice is said to ease troubled minds.

  10. Well, well, well, it’s that time of year again. It’s officially been three years since I’ve joined the Shard. I don’t think I ever quite expected that choice to have had such a profoundly positive impact on my life.

     I wasn’t very active my first year, so most of you reading this (with the possible exception of @The Awakened Salad) will only have known me for two years. It doesn’t feel like two years and it certainly doesn’t feel like three.

    I’d like to thank @Tesh for becoming a really good friend of mine. From RPs and writing, to Hollow Knight and Owl House, to long, long chats on Discord, it’s been a blast getting to know you. Kaladin too! Thanks for the octopi!

    I give another thanks to @Chasmgoat for being so great to have discussions with, to generate AI things, and to share Silksong news with. I’m legitimately excited for it to release in just twenty more years, and we‘ll have so much there to share. Cuz even once we’ve 100%-ed it, the end is never the end.

    And a thanks to @DramaQueen. Friendship is an astonishingly wonderful thing. It both confuses me and makes sense to me how we ended up becoming friends, and regardless I’m glad it happened. It’s been delightful to learn about the things you’re passionate about, including music, musicals, and theatre.

     I’d like to thank @The Awakened Salad for graciously granting me a position within their company as the Prime Spinal Fluid Source, @Vapor for rekindling my Dream SMP obsession, @Scarletfox for her support and for countless Minecraft fun times,@Ed Venture for their friendship with a touch of D&D advice, and so many more of you that I don’t have time to type out due to my financial obligation to keep myself alive (aka “gotta get ready for work”).

    Unfortunately, I can’t thank everyone in a single post, and I certainly can’t thank any one person enough. All of y’all have changed my life for the better, and I think I’m the luckiest knight in the world to have ended up with you all as my friends.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tesh



      Thanks for all of the spinal fluid. >:) 

    3. Nathrangking


      Happy Shardiversary!!

    4. Slowswift


      Happy Shardiversary!

  11. It’s World Mental Health Day, everyone!

    Mental health is something that affects all people, diagnosis or not, mental illness or not. I know I’m probably preaching to the choir here, but if you’d like then this is could be a  good opportunity to raise awareness of mental health issues elsewhere, which I’ll try to do today.

    In the meantime, I think I’m going to need to figure out a way to start paying for therapy again, because as of these last two weeks I think I definitely need some.

  12. I revived my RP. Finally. I'm going to try to be on top of it again.
    I already see that a few of its members have gone relatively inactive on the Shard itself, but in case anyone wants to join, y'all can still check it out too. And then just PM me with questions because it probably looks like a lot to join but it's not actually as serious as the character sheets and my giant organized posts make it out to be, lol.

  13. Not me forgetting the Shard is a thing that exists for a good three weeks…

    Hey! I’m back, I think.

    Also I do YouTube kinda.

  14. I'll admit, when I first heard that the Shard was down, I was devastated. You may point out that I'm not on as much anymore so it shouldn't matter, and you'd be right. But still, that's, like, ten minutes of my day I no longer had anything to do with. What am I supposed to do with an extra ten minutes??

    Then it hit me. I could finally do all the things I wanted to do! All the things I said that I never had time for!

    I immediately began working out. I'd never done this before, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly. Soon I was deadlifting twice my weight, and I was seeing results. I started running as part of this, and even ran a marathon.

    I finally got around to the novel I've been procrastinating, and finally finished its first draft. I got it in with a publisher, and it's now sold 4 million copies worldwide and counting. I'm not allowed to give details yet, but let's just say, be on the lookout for a possible film adaptation coming to a theater near you.

    Now, I hadn't forgotten about my religious responsibilities. I got my call and ended up serving my mission in Sweden, of all places. I have since returned and am now happily engaged to my fiance.

    My friends, there is a very important lesson to be learned from all this. Even just ten minutes can change the course of your life. So, tell me... how are you going to spend the next ten minutes?

    This status update is a work of fiction and/or satire. Any similarities to real people, events, or places are purely coincidental.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Quivil


      How long was it down?

    3. Knight of Iron

      Knight of Iron

      Not quite twenty-four hours but I think it was close to it.

    4. Quivil



      I didn't know you could serve a two-year mission in twenty-four hours...

  15. All I freaking wanted to get done today was installing a lightbulb and kicking off my RP with a post.

    I spent hours today trying to figure out what lightbulb I need. I got it wrong, of course, then had to return it and get another.

    I forgot about the new bulb and spent until 4am writing the perfect RP post.

    I was finally nearing completion when I remembered the bulb.

    I screwed it in.

    Instantly tripped the breaker to my apartment (and it’s not a normal breaker). Lights out. Computer off. Post gone.

    My phone is my last connection to the online world at the moment, and it’s at 29% battery… and I can’t charge it. Someone might be coming over in a couple hours to fix it, but one thing is for sure, anything and everything I did today was for nothing, and I’m not going to be getting any sleep tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran
    3. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      I'm wincing in sympathy.

    4. DramaQueen



      That really sucks, I'm so so sorry...

  16. I started my first roleplay!

    I've been wanting to do this for like a year and a half now.


    1. Tesh


      HECK YEAH!!! I have zero motivation to do anything like this and continue with it for longer than a week but it sounds super cool and super fun!

  17. Imagine Dragons Mercury Act 2 is coming out soon but they’re forcing me to buy both Act 1 (which is already released) and Act 2 together for $25 instead of making it possible to buy only Act 2… sigh.

     Doesn’t matter I guess, I have -$17 to spend on stuff like anyway so it’s not like I even could’ve.

    1. Mat


      I just abuse pandora :P. There’s a thing you can do where you watch an ad and get a free 30 minutes of whatever, and afaik there isn’t a limit to how many times the feature can be used

      I don’t ever buy music but I can listen to whatever I want 

  18. Thinking of starting my own RP… now that I’ve unofficially left all my other ones that have died.

    I dunno what the current RP activity is looking like, if its all dead or currently too saturated to successfully start another. Or if anyone would even be interested.

    1. Zephrun’s Imperium

      Zephrun’s Imperium

      You should join Witherhunt!

    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran


      And also start a new one. All the oldies are dying for some reason.

  19. greetings all

    i will be off the shard until further notice

    thank you

  20. I've updated y'all on my writing for a little bit now. But I finally have my first short story finished. Take a look, or don't, your choice.

    Here's the thread where it is, and where I'll be posting any future ones that I write:


  21. I've been on fire recently as far as writing goes.

    I'm working on this one short story (surrounding a character in my ever-expanding fanfiction multiverse) that I've been struggling to get written for a long time. I would write "Chapter One," then lose interest, then come back to it and say "I need to rewrite Chapter One." This repeated a couple times until I finally wrote it good enough for me to look at it with satisfaction and call it perfect.

    ...then I realized that I'd forgotten it needed to be a short story, and not first-book-of-a-trilogy-epic-fantasy prose. So I promised myself, alright, this is going to be the last rewrite.

    So basically the last three days I've been writing 1500+ words each day, and if I do so tomorrow, I might have the story done! I might give it another day or so for edits, but then I'll make a thread + status update here on the Shard so y'all can read my fanfiction short stories, if you would so desire.

    The one I'm working on is set in the cosmere universe and is probably the only one where preliminary knowledge of the books is needed (but that'll be less of a problem here on the Shard then on Discord :P). Just stuff like basic Era 1 and Era 2 knowledge, Warbreaker knowledge, and Stormlight (up to Words of Radiance, preferably) knowledge .

    Okay now I'm just rambling and I don't know how to end this, but I think you get whatever point I'm trying to make. Sorry. It's past midnight for me. Have a goodknight, whoever you are that mysteriously read my status updates, and also, "my life to yours my Breath become yours" to anyone who's actually read this far, mwahaha.

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      That's great, congratulations!

    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      And a good knight to you too!

    3. Flying


      1500+ words a day is actually really impressive.  I can't wait to read the stories when you post them

  22. I drew a picture, I call it My Thoughts, because every layer/color tells a different story of something I have to worry about. It's been a couple weeks or so since I made this, and every day now I have another few layers I need to add on to it, but I think there are enough to get the point across.


    I'm no artist.


    I warned you.





    These days, I'm becoming everything that I hate.

    People are hard. Life is hard. I'm trudging through it. So much is going on and I have no clue what I'm doing, or what I'm going to do. I hate it.

    Thanks for reading my late-knight ramblings, whoever you are.

    I will now proceed to curl up and my body will undergo the complex secretomotor phenomenon characterized by the shedding of tears (higher in chemical composition with prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, Leu-enkephalin, potassium, and manganese) from the lacrimal apparatus until enough endorphins (oxytocin and endogenous opioids) are released to "numb" me and to dull the emotional pain enough for me to go to sleep.


    AKA I will cry myself to sleep.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Trutharchivist


      I wish I could be helpful to you at this time. Sadly, I'm too drowned in my own problems - and too bad at helping others with emotional issues (or any issues at all) - to actually have a reason to think I can be of help.

      I wish you well.

    3. Flying


      You're great, Koi. Sorry you're not feeling good :(

      Also, if there's any way I could help, I'd be happy to try. 

    4. Tesh


      *tight hugs*

  23. Lately I've just felt so terrible at everything, and I don't know what I want to pursue to actually be good at.

    Currently I desire to have:

    • Written two books and eleven short stories.
    • Learn to program video games and create one in an original world.
    • Learn to make music and create theme songs for my original characters.
    • Be an original Minecraft YouTuber based around custom lore and storylines.
    • Be an original Lego Stopmotion YouTuber recreating parts of original (and not) stories.
    • Learn to art, then create pieces surrounding my original worlds.

    Where I'm at:

    • It's been two years and I have a total of four chapters towards all my writing projects. Yeah.
    • I watched twenty minutes of a learning JavaScript tutorial, followed along, forgot all about it forever.
    • I moved out and don't even have a piano to mess around with anymore. Not that I was any good at it.
    • Everything I've ever done in Minecraft is unfinished, much less the one video I vaguely planned.
    • I made one video, but I don't have the supplies to make it as great as I want it. Or the time.
    • I literally only drew this down below, nowhere near the style I desire. I look and I cry.
    • Spoiler



    1. Experience


      You're great mate!

    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai


      Remember that your worth is not determined by any of the above things - you're still a really cool guy regardless!

      You're still better than me at all of the above. Also, your art is actually kind of cute!

    3. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard

      My dude, I am stuck in the same rut as you. All I can say is that you shouldn't stop. I can't count the things I've tried where I've been vaguely good at, but I gave up for some trivial reason. If you find something you think you might enjoy, keep at it.

      That was my issue. I found something I thought I liked, but then various outside forces forced me to stop trying it out for about 5 months. Because who knew that it would be difficult to bind books when your house is getting remodeled?

      Keep trying new things, my friend. If you find something you like to do, move heaven and earth to keep at it. That's the best advice I can give. Fortunately, it's free of charge. But you know what they say, you get what you pay for.


  24. Just took the Knight Radiant quiz again and I turned from a Truthwatcher to a Lightweaver, very interesting and seemingly opposite.

    1. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      hah, i switch between skybreaker and dustbringer, how's that for opposite

    2. DramaQueen


      I haven't taken it for a while...I feel like I'm still a Lightweaver (woot Lightweaver buds!) but maybe I should retake it just to see.

    3. Knight of Iron

      Knight of Iron

      I don't know what I'm supposed to do as a Lightweaver... lie? Do art?

      Although I do admit it would be seriously cool to bring the worlds inside my head to life with Lightweaving...

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