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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. I really like this idea! I would say that it honestly really depends on how much lerasium you need to make an alloy. And past that, how much would you need to make a lerasium-strength misting. And obviously you would need to tinker to make even one usable alloy, which would likely take at least one, if not multiple beads, but we’ll just assume that’s already been done or whatever, as it obviously kinda blows a massive hole in the idea. If you could have an alloy that would allow for 16 misting powers, I could see the advantages. I do really like the resonance combos of having two allomantic metals! There is some very strong potential there.
  2. Perses, The Corridor, the Silver Dagger. Perses entered the shop. Luckily, Venser was just finishing up with a customer. “Ah, welcome! We have much to discuss.” Venser motioned for Perses and together, they entered the back room. —————————————————— Venser, The Corridor, Back of the Silver Dagger. This guy gives me the creeps. Hemalugists are very dangerous to be around, and are often quite unstable. Venser had known of other venders in the Hemalurgy business, and few last very long in the area. Whether they died or were snatched up by the Dark Alleys, Venser wasn’t sure. All he knew was that he was never going to sell spikes. ”You have come just in time, my friend. The weapon is here for you.” Venser opened out a secured drawer and pulled out the weapon. The aluminum pistol was covered in a nice silvery sheen, with a sleek leather grip etched with an intricate swirling pattern. Along with it, he brought out a set of magazines. ”Like what you see?” Immediately, Venser regretted the words. He has spikes through his eyes. He won’t be able to detect aluminum. He handed the pistol to the gentleman. “Here.” As the man inspected the gun, Venser continued. “This gun is a dual barreled pistol, with two different types of ammunition.” Venser took a bullet from one of the magazines. “One, a simple 0.45mm aluminum bullet. The other,” Venser said, holding a different bullet, “a pure tungsten bullet of the same caliber.” He laid the two down. “The weapon is equipped to easily toggle between the two, one for anti-investiture targets, and the other for steel-enhanced punching power. Frankly, I suspect that the tungsten rounds could easily punch through multiple walls.” Venser paused for dramatic effect. ”The other interesting part of the weapon is the interior. On the back, there should be an easily removable hatch.” He waited for the hemalurgist to flick open the hatch, which easily slid to the top of the weapon. “The safety, catchs, and ammunition toggle are all internal, only accessible by coinshots. I’ve been able to modify the interior to accommodate for your unique capabilities.” Venser was proud of his creation. The design was wholly unique, made only once before in its original form for a coinshot from Mistkeep. He took pride in all of his weaponry, but the guns were certainly his favorite. The intricacies of different time periods and places were fascinating, and the resources in Alleycity felt limitless. And plus, firearms sold much better. ————————————— Perses, The Corridor, Back of The Silver Dagger. As Venser kept explaining how to use the weapon, Perses struggled to keep up. He had handled many a firearm, but he had never used something like this. The revolver seemed much more advanced that the six-shots he knew, and it felt powerful. He was itching to get to use it. “The magazines hold eight of one type of bullet in them, and are of course also aluminum. The two types of magazine come with two types of etchings at the bottom of them, so they can easily be differentiated. I went ahead and gave you three sets of magazines, one set being already loaded. There are of course more bullets, but those are stored separately. I’ve supplied you with 40 of each type of bullets, and you can come to me when you are running low.” So much of this weapon was foreign to Perses. Magazines? A catch? He would have to ask the gunsmith about them. But that would be once he was done rambling. Of course, he was still getting good information. But it was a lot to take in. @Stormlightsong
  3. Well, we know that technically, lerasium steals ALL abilities of the target, so technically there’s that. However, I think lerasium is supposed to be special in that regard (and is admittedly a bit useless now)
  4. Perses, The Corridor Three days had passed, and Perses was itching for development. For the past three days, all he had done was gather information. What is currently going on in the city, what impact he has made. The Tin Street Mafia had all but fallen, in large part due to Perses’ efforts. The ironworks was a large part of their power in this area, and he had managed to also kill one of the largest officials in that attack. And with their supply of atium gone, their odds of financially recovering from Perses’ efforts was incredibly low. Soon, Perses would be able to lay roots in the Mistwarrens, and slowly expand his influence from there. But why did control have to take so long? After some further walking, Perses arrived at the Silver Dagger. It was time for him to get a much needed upgrade. @Stormlightsong
  5. Chloris, now outside the burning building, stood in disbelief. What just happened? Alleycity, Val. Anything can happen. Instinctively, Chlo checked to make sure everyone was okay. The only people still in there seemed to want to be in there, which was decidedly not her problem. Was this purposeful? Was there something, or somebody, important in the bar that was intended to be hit by this? She would have to check over the footage that her MAPID took. It had a small camera that records events within 24 hours, but Chloris did not build it to be access anything other than text overlays and the database. Anything else, such as voice and video logs, needed to be accessed on a laptop, which of course, she left at her motel room. I told you that you should have brought it…What if it was stolen? Chlo brushed the comment off. She had a tracker for it, and plus, very few in Alleycity knew the value of electronic technology. Especially in the Mistwarrens. Looking back to the fire, she contemplated. Was there anything she could do? Not really, no. If the Windrunner couldn’t do anything, she certainly couldn’t. And with those final thoughts, Chloris left. @TheRavenHasLanded @Stormlightsong @Ravenclawjedi42 @RoyalBeeMage @Scars of Hathsin @Lunamor
  6. @TheRavenHasLanded, the bar is Bendalloy Bar in the Mistwarrens.
  7. Chloris winced slightly. “I’m in between jobs at the moment.” Is that another way of saying that you thought it was more important to look into the backstory of your previous employer than take the money he was giving you, and then ending up getting involved in the Tin Street Mafia? Minthe replied icily. not helpful, Chloris replied mentally. Right. Asylum was employed by someone, weren’t they? I wonder if I could get hired by them as well… Chloris, brain finally catching up, put two and two together. Hold on. Hemalurgist? Building leveler? Great. Asylum’s in league with the newest crime lord on the block. Wait…Is this bar in danger?
  8. Chloris’ MAPID was going haywire. This was unfortunately what happened when she met new people. She mumbled a voice command to move the visual pop-ups when new data was being added to the database to the corners of her vision. As she was paying attention to her own thoughts and her MAPID, she realized that she had once again missed someone talking to her. Deciding to bite the bullet, Chlo replied. “Could you repeat that? I was a bit distracted.” She realized that she could just have the MAPID play back the conversation, but that would just lead to further spacing out. And she wanted to at least appear slightly normal.
  9. Sorry that I’ve been absent as of late! I will hopefully post something tomorrow, but the week has been busy.
  10. Alright I am so excited to hear this question. I worked hard on my vocal range, so Lord Ruler help me, I will show it off when I can. my vocal range at the moment is a G1 to a B5, which is a bit over a 3 octave voice range.
  11. Alright, it’s time to share my view on this. to start, I think it’s important to define how I see gender. Keep in mind that “gender” is largely nebulous, and is not easily defined by a universally agreed definition. To me, gender is the association with certain traits and characteristics with a certain lifestyle and group of people. Basically, it is a method of us sorting people into more mentally digestible boxes. If we see someone with short hair, a mustache, and a deep voice, we will assume they are strong, like women, play video games, and could be more aggressive. If we see someone with long hair, a higher voice, and wearing a dress, we will assume that they like fashion, are weaker, and are more submissive. Obviously this is an inaccurate look at people, but it is an averaging. Men on average are more interested in gaming than women, and women on average are more interested in fashion than men. Non-binary identities, genders that are outside of male or female. Generally, they have traits and qualities that are strongly associated with a certain gender, and have another trait that goes directly against that. Basically, they don’t fit into that typical mold, and choose to outwardly express that. To me, my main starter point in my transition was that I didn’t want to be seen as male. It was incongruent with how I saw myself, and I wanted to change that. At first, I didn’t have any interest in being seen as female. It was something that was largely unimportant to me. I just didnt want to be seen as male. And so, I labeled myself as agender, meaning I didn’t identify with any gender. I wanted to be myself without others immediately assuming qualities to me. However, as time went on, I realized I liked feminine looks and traits. I wanted to have a feminine voice, wear feminine things, and be seen as a girl. And so, here I am. I am a trans woman, with a name that matches my inner self, have been on feminizing hormones for over 2 years, and I have as feminine a voice as any other woman. And I couldn’t be happier. Now, I still have non-feminine traits. I like women and am an avid gamer. These do not make me not a woman, but they go against what people expect a woman to be like. To wrinkle that further, I actually really like that I still have the ability to talk in my masculine voice. I enjoy the vocal control I have, and I appreciate that I can still sing in my lower range. I don’t like constantly speaking in my masculine voice, but I do like singing in it (as well as singing in a feminine voice). Does that make me less of a woman? I don’t think so. However, I still don’t feel like I am fully a woman. I think of myself as being around 75% feminine, with some masculine traits. That’s why I am also comfortably in that non-binary umbrella. However, there are those that have those qualities that wouldn’t consider that they’re nonbinary. In the end, that comes down to personal preference. Many in the nonbinary umbrella want to be themselves, free of societal expectations on gender. Many feel joy from having clear masculine and feminine traits, and that’s awesome. And sure, they could still call themselves a man or a woman, but that goes against what they seek to be; someone without those annoying societal stereotypes.
  12. Chloris took in what was going on. This Asylum was working for a Hemalurgist, and was decidedly odd. The radiant, however, seemed quite calm of the insults Asylum hurls. A fight looked like it was about to break out. For now, however, Chlo turned to Eza. “Do you also work for Asylum’s boss? Do you know who they are?” Val, you should not be digging into this. This is none of our business. We should just leave. However, the food had not yet arrived, and she was getting hungry. It was worth staying for that, if nothing else. @Lunamor @Scars of Hathsin @Ravenclawjedi42 @Stormlightsong
  13. At the moment, we have left your character in the scene, just not interacted with them. It’s all good! This little roleplay is nowhere near as important as the majority of life things. And I do appreciate the update, even if it’s a tad late.
  14. This is an interesting thought! Now, Ruin’s big magic system is Hemalurgy, and while it doesn’t really involve his signature black, it is still connected to him. And there, It is corrupting through grafting someone’s spiritweb onto someone else’s. Now, you could argue that it has to remove something to add to it, but I think the biggest thing with Hemalurgy is the augmentation, not the excising. and @alder24, would that mean that Ruin is the shard of (black oriented) Corruption? I’m frankly a fan of this notion.
  15. I’m right there with ya @Returned. Is Wayne sexist? Maybe. Is he self centered and doesn’t respect boundaries? Certainly. Does that make him a bad person? I wouldn’t say so. He’s a flawed character, and that’s a good thing. Personally, he’s one of my faves. A silly guy that has issues. Does the fact that I like his character mean that I have to agree with all of his actions and personality traits? Of course not. Personally, I like that he has those traits, and I appreciate that he’s problematic. And I like that Brandon is careful to address that he is problematic. Fictional characters have that luxury where real people don’t. Fictional characters’ beliefs are stemmed directly from a real person, and in this case Brandon has established those personality traits as flaws, not good qualities. Wayne, sexist or not, is a little guy, and I appreciate how Sanderson built him.
  16. Woah! Alder not shutting down one of my theories! A rarity indeed . Do you have any theories on how Midnight Essence and Ruin are connected?
  17. Counterpoint: that’s an 11 year old WoB that might not be reflective of current shenanigans. Also, he’s kinda set up the trend of having shards correspond to different colors. It is completely possible that Ruin’s color is some color other than black, but from the books, that’s the clearest color he’s associated with. Nonetheless, I think that the point still stands. Nightblood and the Father Machine have some sort of connection to Ruin, likely through nature of their command and intent, and they are also associated with black. They also seem to have connection to Midnight Essence, with shared themes of mimicry and corruption, in addition to being jet black. Something’s going on with these four ideas, and I haven’t quite figured out what it is.
  18. well, if we're getting into the weeds, the problem comes from assuming that because you are a man, you would know better than them because they are a woman. The generalization that gender is the main determining factor is what's the sexist part, not the patronizing of the person in general. If you want real world examples, look no further than any sort of women running for any sort of government office. There are a whole lot of questions regarding qualifications and capability of the person, which is really not questioned with as much fervor in male politicians. A very common talking point is "oh, this person is gaining office or getting voted for just because they are a woman, not because she is qualified for the job." That sort of thinking is indirectly stating that being a woman makes you inherently less likely to be qualified than men. But I digress. Wayne has unconscious sexist tenancies, and it was probably put in there because Brandon wanted to accurately portray the time period he was emulating, and also kind of act as an example of a character with much less overt sexism in stories.
  19. 100% to this. Wayne, while not explicitly sexist, has at least internal sexism. It is of course a product of the 1920s society the book is set in, but is still intentionally established. He sees women as dame's that need someone to help them along, and that that person is him. You can especially see this with his treatment of Ranette, with the blatant disregard for her clear non-interest in Wayne. This is a very common thing with sexism, that being that a woman doesn't really understand what they want, and that a man knows better. Does he improve by the end of TLM? Yes, certainly. But the sexist undertones are an important aspect of his character, and was intentionally crafted as a flaw.
  20. Hey all! I just now found out that this exists! I am an avid Greek Myth nerd, and try to work in as much Greek Mythology as I can in any of my creations. I mean, I named myself Athene IRL, sooooooo... I have gotten into writing poems after quarantine, and a lot of them a Greek myth oriented. In fact, I've posted my Greek inspired poems in the Creator's Corner! Here's the link, for those interested! I've also done my best to incorporate Greek Myths in my characters over in the Alleyverse (Check it out if you haven't already!!). As a fun little game, without looking it up, do you know the references to my characters and why I picked those names? Perses (not Perseus! )-My first character, is now the destructive pseudo-inquisitor that is the main villain Clotho-An older, now retired character that was an A-Gold savant Chloris-An ex-Edgedancer that is now a midnight essence spore eater Minthe-The manipulative midnight spore that has infected Chloris Arges (not Argus)-A minor NPC pewterarm that secretly loves geeking out about medieval weaponry
  21. Yes. Midnight Essence is a universal cosmere phenomena, and has existed for quite some time. However, that doesn't mean that it is not connected to Ruin in some way. For example, I frankly don't think Ruin had any direct control over Nightblood's creation. I think that when Nightblood was created, through its very nature, some of Ruin's investiture was implanted in it. An unrelated connection that I have made: The Father Machine was built to mimic the Yoki-Hijo. Nightblood was created to mimic sharblades. Does that idea of mimicry have any connection? I don't really know, but it is another similarity between them and Midnight Essence.
  22. So at this point we pretty much know that Nightblood's connection to Ruin is that the command of "destroy evil" is an innately ruinous command. This connection to Ruin is what causes Nightblood to bleed black, Ruin's color. This is also likely what occurred with the machine in Yumi, which also had destructive tendencies with blackness oozing out of it. My question is this: How does that connect to Midnight Essence? Does it connect to it, or is it just a color coincidence? We know that Midnight Essence uses some degree of corruption of investiture, but that isn't exactly ruinous. In fact, a lot of what we see with Midnight Essence seems to be more close to Cultivation or Preservation than Ruin. They are built upon mimicry and adapting, and are not inherently destructive. Is there a connection to be made, or are they just weirdly similar?
  23. Fun fact! @Kingsdaughter613 is on the shard! She isn't as active as she is on Reddit, but she exists! I also wonder how the Iriali and the Long Trail fit into it. Obviously we don't know of the origin of the Iriali or the religion, but it is interesting. Though I frankly don't know how much you are counting the newer influences to the planet. However, I will note that Dominion and Devotion likely had some sort of influence, if indirect, on Scadrial. We know that for the longest time, there was some form of cosmerelogical trade between Scadrial and Taldain or Sel. There was a great but ultimately unfounded theory a while back on the Lord Ruler's can stashes being a valuable trade commodity. Ultimately, I think the abundance of metals and atium were the valuable trade goods. Hoid mentioned in SH that Ruin's Perpendicularity was a major trade hub up until Kelsier ruined (ha) it. And past that, there's also the Ire, which undoubtedly interacted with Scadrial before trying to take Preservation. Through similar means, Autonomy has been hovering around Scadrial for a long time. Obviously she spent time meddling post Catacendre, but they are also almost certainly responsible for original Trellagism.
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