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Status Updates posted by Koloss17

  1. You think you’ll ever get back into the Alleyverse? We have it back up and running again, and we would sure welcome your presence :D. Obviously it’s your call; just floating the idea ;)

  2. You ever considered taking a look at the Alleyverse? Your theories are always a blast to see, and I know you have a roleplaying heart. I promise it’s fun!

    1. Trusk'our


      I'll have to look into it, thanks for the suggestion friend!

      I will say though, I'm generally better at coming up with theories than true role playing or story building 😅

      At the very least, I'll check it out though.

    2. Trusk'our


      Also, thanks for liking my theories! I really do appreciate it when someone enjoys something that I make :D

  3. how's things going, pal? I haven't seen you around in quite some time.

    1. Ravenclawjedi42


      Things go well, I think. I decided to take a break from the Shard, but have now decided to formally come back. How are things with you?

  4. Here’s an occasional recommendation to all my currently active followers: if you haven’t already, check out the Alleyverse RP! If you like other forms of roleplaying or want to embrace your inner writer, the Alleyverse is a great place to be! I’m currently the main active mod of the subforum, so you can feel free to ask me all sorts of questions. I’m more than willing to help out.

    It’s a very low time commitment thing, as it’s a forum roleplay. All we ask is for you to poke your head in at least once a week to see how things are going. It’s a very cool way to explore the possibilities of Brandon Sanderson’s magic systems interacting!

    Here’s the guide that me and @AonEne worked on together, if you want to check it out:



  5. Wow, the internet sure is weird. I keep feeling like I should be embarrassed that I haven’t posted in a long while on non-Alleyverse forums, but like???? I shouldn’t? Yet somehow I feel like I’m expected to make my magnanimous presence known.

    Anyway that’s to say that I haven’t stopped loving the Cosmere, and am avidly reading through Defiant. I just don’t have the theory juices flowing right now. If you want to see me more, I am very present on the Alleyverse Roleplay, where you can be whatever character you want in the Sanderverse!

    I will also very much respond to pings, so if there’s F-Tin posting afoot, give the word and I shall be there!

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Heya Koloss! Yeah it's weird isn't it, you're basically feeling guilty for not wasting your time on the internet :P

  6. Hey folks! If you all aren’t aware, there is what I think to be a successful revival of the Alleyverse Roleplay. If you aren’t familiar, the Alleyverse is a forum RPG that involves various Sharders interacting in a world with all of Brandon’s magic systems and books existing in the same place.

    It's basically collaborative storytelling, and it is really fun. If any of you like roleplay and/or like writing, it is a blast! I’m around there a lot, and can always lend a helping hand! If you’re at all interested, feel free to check it out or ask questions!

  7. It’s Ookla season already? Guess I need to change my name.

  8. Quick YouTube recommendation: Nerdforge. She does so many cool things, and is also a Brando Fando! Her latest video is turning all 14 Wheel of Time books into a single book monstrosity, which is truly glorious. She also created a town based off of Mistborn, which is really cool.

  9. I’ve just put up my ultimate ranking of all the Feruchemantic metals on the Mistborn forum, and I advise you all check it out! It’s an open discussion, so the rankings are sure to change! In all likelihood, I’ll be doing this for all three metallic arts, but for now, we’re starting with the coolest of them.

    Go check it out!

  10. Well, it pleases me to inform you all that I am beginning my triumphant return to the Shard! My day to day commitments have dwindled significantly, and after reading SP4 and the White Sand Omnibus, I have my theory senses churning once more.

  11. Alright so I still have a few weeks to go at least before I can get away with hanging out on the Shard again, but I’m reading through SP4, so there’s sure to be some theorizing to come.


    My return is not yet upon us, but it shall come! I have not forgotten about all my little internet nerds!

  12. Okay, two questions:


    1: am I able to do a little mini chapter to chapter reaction of SP4? Obviously it would be spoiler tagged and clearly marked as to avoid the reads of those that have not read it. But is that sort of thing too Reddit-core for the Shard? 

    2: would that be something any of y’all would be interested in? Obviously if I’m just out here spewing words on the page with nobody to read it, it isn’t really a worthwhile endeavor. 

    SP4 seems to be a wild ride of confusion and lore, from what I can gather after reading the first chapter, and it might be fun to share my journey and thinking as I read along.

  13. I do apologize for not being on the shard that much as of late. It’s been a busy few weeks for me, and I haven’t mustered the mental motivation to shift back into Sanderson mode, even with Yumi coming out. 

    However I will say this: I’m a full feruchemist!!!! Woooo! Mayhaps when I get the inspiration, I can get into how absolutely overpowered a full feruchemist can really be, perhaps even with a feruchemy tier list too.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Koloss17


      Right now it’s the good busy!

    3. Experience


      Well thats always awesome!

      Hopefully it stays that way *fingers crossed*

    4. Trusk'our


      I totally understand burnout. Take your time if you need it. Congrats on the Full Feruchemist title though! :D

  14. Fadrian, you are a gift unto the world. Just felt like reminding ya.

    1. Channelknight Fadran
    2. Koloss17


      Alright listen here—

  15. Back to one of my OG profile pics we go. It’s honestly one of my favorites, made by the wonderful @Scout_Fox, who has since long left the Shard.

    And happy Pride Month y’all!

    1. Koloss17


      Honestly, it feels so weird to be back on the Shard after all this time. I used to be really active here for quite some time, and then everything kind of crashed down when Covid hit. Now I’m back, and all of my pals have kind of…vanished. I feel bigger than I ever was before, but I feel like I have so few real buds on the Shard. 

      I suppose I’m building a new face on the Shard, aren’t I? I’m almost beginning anew, in a way. It’s interesting, for sure. 

    2. Medium


      i kind of did that

      when i first joined i was a lurker, occasionally commenting in the SA forums.

      i got bored, and went inactive. came back, discovered the community forums…

      and well, the rest is history. i’m now one of the most well known sharders out there.

  16. I love your new pfp! It suits you!

  17. Alright, who in Harmony’s name just spammed me with rep? 

    I mean, I ain’t complaining, I just feel like I can’t take it without scolding/promoting someone.

  18. An incredibly important announcement to any of my followers who may still be on the Shard: 


    The F-Tin cult has been reborn! If any are willing to give the thread a look, and are willing to have their opinion swayed, I invite you to head over to the Social Groups and Guilds forum, where any and all followers are welcome.

    Let F-Tin reign supreme!!

  19. Alright, who just gave me an ungodly amount of rep within a 30 minute timeframe?

  20. Well, Nogo, what is YOUR least favorite way to resurrect a chull?

  21. WOOOO I won a day! And all it took was to be nice to people.

  22. My 1000 post milestone is coming up, and I feel like I need to do something special? With my close to 1000 posts made on the shard, what impacts have I had on it?

    1. Koloss17


      I doubt I’m that significant in the grand scheme of the Shard, but I’ve got to have something to my name at this point, yeah? Maybe my obsession with F-tin? But I have no clue what I could do for a post about that.



  23. Ok you know what? I’ll make it official. Why not? 

    so I’m going to be off of the shard for like the foreseeable future. I’ve already pretty much been doing that, but I feel like I should just fully officialify it. I just feel that this has become more of a burden to keep up with than a blessing. I have no idea how significant I am on the shard as of now, but I hope I’m not missed too much. Don’t get me wrong, I love the shard, but I just can’t keep up with the bustle of it. I dunno when I’m going to come back, but I’ll probably return whenever a book is released and I want to talk about it. 

    yeah I dunno if I did that right, but I’m not retaking it. See y’all!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FriarFritz


      Byeeeee hope life goes well

    3. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      I'll miss you, if that makes you feel better.

    4. Condensation


      We'll miss you! Sad to see you go, but it's like that sometimes. Bye!

  24. Nice profile pic! Sorry to be late.

    1. Koloss17


      About noticing your new profile pic

  25. When did I win the day??? I just found out that my endowment’s magic system thing has the heart on it! And for some reason, I can’t see when it happened! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Condensation
    3. Koloss17


      I literally found my post about deadeyes before I found my post about Endowment on that board thing. Where is it? Am I looking in the wrong place?

    4. Condensation


      Really? Because I found your thing fairly easily. Last time I tried, at least.

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