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Everything posted by ShardShaper

  1. Don't feel bad, I'm pretty sure that's what he wants. Or at least, that's the only way I can explain him trying to get himself killed
  3. So funny. can you write more verses?
  4. My advice is that after she reads the first book, tell her that you'll see Kelsier again. This is technically true, but it will leave her hoping for a happily ever after. Sanderson doesn't do happily ever afters. Also, be sure to be in the room when they finish "The hero of ages." Trust me, the reaction is to die for.
  5. Please make more of these. They are AMAZING!!!
  6. ShardShaper


    These are some spren pictures.
  7. From the album: Spren

    Sometimes windspren appear as people, but that's to much work to draw.
  8. From the album: Spren

    Shamespren are supposed to look a bit like flowers & petals so...
  9. From the album: Spren

    Rotspren are probably smaller.
  10. From the album: Spren

  11. From the album: Spren

    This is a gloryspren as it appears in the physical realm.
  12. ShardShaper


    From the album: Spren

    This is a drawing of a cryptic. It's not that great but, still kinda cool.
  13. These are so fun to make!!! and... No. No it is not going to end ok. And there isn't a sequel until three hundred years pass.
  14. Removed Rioter, for obvious reasons. Which would you like to lash to a chasmfiend? Honor Cultivation Preservation Autonomy Renarin (we don’t know what exactly he is) Lightweaver Elsecaller Willshaper Stoneward Fused Regal Herald Coinshot Lurcher Tineye Pewterarm Soother Smoker Seeker Pulser Leecher Mistborn Crasher (Wax) (Skimmer/Coinshot) Wayne (Bloodmaker/Slider) Miles (Bloodmaker/Augur) Kandra Chimera Returned Nalthian Elantrian Sand master Things that sense Cognitive presence
  15. ShardShaper


    this is my best guess on how stormlight looks outside of gemstones.
  16. Yes. As a reward for ninjaing me, do you want a free hemalurgicly spiked chasmfiend? If so, click here
  17. Granted. The nightwatcher is so happy with that wish, that she refuses to give you a curse. I wish for clear weather
  18. Granted. In order to grant this wish, the nightwatcher first makes your computer WAY worse, then reverts it back to normal.* I wish I all my food was hemalurgicaly spiked. *Disclaimer: The nightwatcher does not know what a computer is, and gives you a hemalurgicaly spiked waffle.
  19. Granted. Your dog turns into a CAT (AKA Shard of evil) and eats your cleaning cloths I wish I could spel evry wrd croctly.
  20. use single symmetry at this link http://weavesilk.com/
  21. I want the talent of insulting people so badly, that they act as if a shame fillers lense hit them.
  22. You forgot the shattered plains, and the shin religion. THEORY: What if alcatraz broke Adonalism into the shards?
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