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Everything posted by ShardShaper

  1. Why did Rock take the chull dung out of his stew? Airsick lowlander! Rock never took the chull dung out of the stew! Why did the broke scadrian (pre catacendre) jump up and die? The real question is was he broke, or Ruin ed? Stormfather, these are terrible.
  2. Yo mama so light, when she burns steel and pushes a thrown coin, she flies backwards. Yo mama so dumb, she bonded with a stupidspren and became a knight dimiant of the order of dumbwieghts Yo mama so lazy, when she taps an electrum metalmind, she has to roll down the stairs Yo mama so weak, she has to burn pewter to wake up
  3. Yeah, we have *mumbles under breath*, but let me tell you, it's not cheep.
  4. I am hemalurgicaly-spiked cookie-stick-fire. FEAR ME!!!
  5. Hello @Sandoite, Here are the three pieces of advice I give to any newcomer to the shard. First, here on the shard, all food offered to you, real or digital, is Hemalurgicaly spiked. Eat it, and you lose your soul. (So risk VS reward, eat the cookies not the pineapples.) Second, everyone here is unified by a love of all things cosmere. This does mean that we understand if you have ever suffered from S.P.I.K.E.S (Spikes Protruding In Knees or Elantrian Sickness). If you suffer from S.P.I.K.E.S, let us know. This is a [kind of] safe space. Third, go back and read the terms and agreements before joining. If you did not yodel with a shoe on your head (poorly of course) your soul now belongs to @Chaos. THIS IS NOT A JOKE!!! That's it. Welcome to the 17th Shard , and by the way, do you wana cookie?
  6. Yes. And no, you cant hear about it, and yes, I was talking about hemalurgy when it happened. You should all pity me.
  7. So, I was thinking about the different "Secret" organizations in Roshar after reading WoR for the 1000000000000000th time (Never gets old) and then I realized we the sons of honor want to return the desolations, the skybreakers want to stop them, but we have NO STORMING IDEA what the ghostbloods want. And we KNOW they know about worldhopping. What do you think their goal is?
  8. Then, a rabid pineapple fell from the sky and started to growl
  9. But you could be fire... What if I gave you my stormlight?
  10. Who doesn't put delicious spikes on their waffles?
  11. Didn't Adolin summon his blade faster then ten heartbeats in Oathbringer? Anyway, I'm not sure summoning a dead shardblade counts as using investure. Maybe a surge savant though.
  12. First of eighth (this is purposefully confusing, as I was born on the eighth)
  13. The nightwatcher refuses to grant the wish. I wish for a soul
  14. "I swear, if he cracked any of my skulls, I'll kill him" -MeLaan
  16. I hope Brandon doesn't kill Lopen. If he does, I will ACTUALLY CRY! Alternatively, what if he kills Sigzil or someone?
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