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Zephrun’s Imperium

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Everything posted by Zephrun’s Imperium

  1. So you’re attracted to Kelsier, huh? I guess you could call him… The snack that smiles back.
  2. I'm back with another Mistborn themed status update. (Can you tell I've been rereading the greatest trilogy ever written?) I wrote this. :) Yes, I ship Lerati. Yes, you should too. Enjoy; I had a good time crafting this short piece. 

    The misty god stopped in place, bracing himself. It was now, the moment he'd been dreading for two thousand years. "Ati..." He closed his eyes, turning his head to the floor, a hand coming to rest on his shoulder. 
    "You look terrible."
    Leras stiffened. He had been expecting censure from his old partner, but the gentleness was somehow worse. "You say that as though you had nothing to do with it," he snapped, meeting Ati's eyes. 
    Another thousand years couldn't have possibly prepared him for that sight. 
    Red haired and almost as short as Leras himself, Ati wore robes of black and gold. Too many memories... too many memories of that face. Leras had to turn away again, lest they overwhelm him. 
    "It was your choice to lock me away and spread yourself so thin. You brought this upon yourself."
    Fists clenched. "You speak of choice, but what else was I to do? You would destroy all that we worked for!"
    "Endings are inevit-"
    "Don't recite your speech to me, I know your justifications quite well." Leras folded his arm, scowling. They'd had this conversation a million times over, what was it worth? Nothing. He awaited Ati's retort. 
    "And you? Given your way, you would see this world at a standstill, held in one moment forever. Life is only beautiful because it ends. Things that don't change might as well be dead. We want the same thing, really."
    "Neither of us can convince the other, Ati. I've given up trying to persuade you, you would be wise to do the same."
    Ati sighed. "I just thought," he said, "I would give you one more chance. I don't want to kill you, Leras."
    "I know..." 
    "For what it may be worth, I am... sorry." 
    Ati tried to take Leras's hand, but Leras pulled his hand away, tears beginning to burn in his eyes. "Leave," he whispered. And Ati left.

    1. Morningtide


      I love it! You are a very good writer!

  3. A follow up to my previous status update (because I cannot stop thinking about this):

    Two points. First: despite Kelsier (ostensibly) being the hot one, it’s always Marsh being drawn without a shirt. Although I suppose sexualizing Kelsier is like sexualizing Jesus, in some capacity… 

    Point two: Okay, so y’all know the iconic fight between Vin and all the Inquisitors in Luthadel where all the Inquisitors are shirtless, just because? Well I propose that it was not just because. Y’all know Ruin had to coordinate that! What a drama queen. Just to stick it to Leras, like, “my servants are hotter than yours.” 

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    2. Morningtide


      My reaction is exactly the same as Thaidakars lol. I agree on both points and find them also amusing :D

  4. A PSA by Star

    Listen, y’all.

    I know artists like to draw sexy characters. I’m an artist too, I do it all the time. Muscles are fun! But people? 


    Not ripped. Not jacked. Not swole. Not buff. Lanky. Do I really have to spell it out? 

    adjective, lank·i·er, lank·i·est.

    1. ungracefully thin and rawboned; bony; gaunt: a very tall and lanky man
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      But staarrrrrr, if i can't see them that means they are hot and i will draw them as such.

    4. Wyndlerunner


      Ah, but Marsh has pewter Metalminds, meaning I can draw him as jacked, and still be canon-compliant, so long as he happens to be tapping pewter!

      All joking aside though, I agree with the spirit of this statement, so  long as it isn't being used by non-artists to harass artists who happen to take a little artistic license here and there. Honestly, in my mind that is the greater crime.

  5. I just devoured a 500 page book - The Lost Metal tee hee hee - in two days. That may not sound impressive to some of you, but guys? I haven’t read that much in ages. This is a huge triumph. Look out boys, I’m gonna be rereading Era One again!!! 

    1. Mat


      I’m on page 365 right now :D.

    2. Mat


      I finished it :D.

  6. Oh dear... Gods forgive me for that typo; I was on my phone. I have no inkling where the WoB is, but I'm sure someone else does...
  7. It was confirmed to be canon, yes. Proooooobably my favorite ship in the entire cosmere.
  8. Four years ago today, 13 year old me decided to join the Shard. And boy howdy, if that wasn't the best darn decision I ever made.

    In years passed, I've written up a post a few days before my Shardiversary, but I decided against that this year. Think of this as an unedited video of sorts. I gotta say, 2022 was probably the hardest year of my entire life. My depression and anxiety have been worse than ever, I've lost some of my closest friends, I've been to the ER twice, I've renounced my previous religion, and I burned myself out on art so badly that I haven't drawn anything in three months. That's not to say it's all been bad - I made huge progress on my writing, I got a new dog, I went on a choir trip to Chicago, I learned how to do calligraphy, and I made all state choir - but it's been hard.

    And yet... this last week, something changed. I can only describe it as a realization that the way I've been treating myself is not sustainable. This year, I am committed to handling myself kindly. To me, that means starting to do yoga again, listening to more music, journaling, spending time with friends, and paying attention to what I need. It's about time I let myself be happy. I deserve it. 

    I really just want to thank everyone for great memories and support. I cannot overstate how much joy has come from being a member of this site. I may not be nearly as active as I once was, but my younger self owes her happiness to the friends and stories she made here. 

    If you're reading this, go have some chocolate and listen to your favorite song. Happy new year. 

    1. Nathrangking


      Zephrun you will be missed and you created memories that will last a lifetime. Much success with whatever comes next!!

    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Happy Shardiversary! I wish you all the best!

  9. I’m your girl. I hate the LDS church and I was once part of it. Hit me up.
  10. Guess who just bought The Lost Metal?! 


    And I also bought a blue leather purse, which makes me happy. Lord knows I need more things that make me happy right now. 

  11. I just had the greatest dream about Mistborn that involved Kelsier, and breakdancing, and Walmart and Cheetos, and trampolines, and very large boats, and large scale musicals, and references to drag queens. What’s funny is that it actually started out very dark an and then just turned into Kelsier VS the government and Christianity. That’s something I can get behind. 

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      That's, that's awesome.

      how do I get dreams like that?

  12. Hi, all,

    Not sure how often any of you guys think of me, but I like to think I at least matter somewhat around here, so I guess I should say something. I'm not very eloquent right now, unfortunately - haven't been for the last month for whatever reason - but I'm going to try to express what's appropriate.

    I was just discharged from the ER. Another brush with suicide unfortunately. But I am still here. 

    For the last month, I’ve slowly been sinking into the depths of my own mental health. There are some things I’ve realized about myself that have gone unnoticed for years and there are things that I cling to for dear life that it’s about time I let go of. I've missed so much school that I've had to drop two classes and start doing things online. It's been very strange not being the kid who doesn't need any help and understands everything. 

    I guess the biggest thing for me is that I need to stop pretending. It’s okay to not be okay; we’ve heard that a million times but I’ve never internalized it. I've really been pushing people away recently and let my anger get the best of me... for anyone that I've hurt, I'm sorry. I'm an angry person, yeah, but that's no excuse. I've been pushing people away when I should be holding on to them for dear life. 

    That's all I really have to say... thanks for everything, everyone. :) 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sherlock Holmes

      Sherlock Holmes

      I believe in you, and you matter to me. Good luck.

    3. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Star, you're right. It's okay to not be okay- it really is.

      You matter to us. You're important. And you're stronger than you think


      “Sometimes, life will kick you around, but sooner or later, you realize you’re not just a survivor. You’re a warrior, and you’re stronger than anything life throws your way."  Brooke Davis

      If you need anything we're here. 

    4. Nathrangking


      We care about you Star. If you need to talk we're here for you. My DM's are open to you should you need it.

  13. Thinking about a song I sang for an honors choir in 5th grade. There's a reason these lyrics have stayed with me all of eight years.

    The water is wide, 
    I cannot cross o'er
    Neither have I
    The wings to fly

    Build me a boat
    That can carry two
    And both shall row
    My true love and I

    A ship there is 
    And she sails the seas
    She's laiden deep
    As deep can be

    But not so deep
    As the love I'm in
    And I know not if
    I sink or swim

    I leaned by back
    Against a young oak
    Thinking it were
    A trusty tree

    But first it bended
    And then it broke
    Thus did my love
    Prove false to me

    Oh love is splendid 
    And love is kind
    Bright as a jewel
    When first it's new

    But love grows old
    And waxes cold
    And fades away
    Like the morning dew

  14. I have... a lot of not-so-nice things to say about the LDS church. (I grew up in it, and the more I look back on things, the more disturbed I am) But I will just touch on one thing I find important: It is not a choice to be queer. (I personally don't find the word "queer" offensive at all - in fact I love it because it's very inclusive and it's not a mouthful - so I will use it in this post. Check out this video from gay YouTuber James Somerton "Reclaiming the Q Word" for a more in-depth analysis. He's an incredible creator.) I was talking to one of my LDS friends about the queer community and we seemed to be on the same track until I said, "What I don't understand is why God would make people queer and then proceed to preach love and acceptance while also claiming that it's wrong to love people of the same gender." She responded, "I don't think God makes people queer." Well, that's an oof, isn't it? And, like... man. If I believed that it was a choice to be gay, I would totally get it. But you don't have to dig deep to realize... it is not a choice. You don't choose to be straight, do ya? I recently had a talk with my out gay friend who explained that if he had a choice, he would rather not be gay. In his own words, "men are disgusting" and beyond that, why would anyone choose to be so discriminated against? I'm sure my trans friends would rather not spend so much money on surgeries just to feel comfortable in their own bodies. It's just... *sighs in defeat* The society we live in is messed up. I can wear suspenders and no one bats an eye, but anyone more masculine presenting wears a dress and all of a sudden they're c r i n g e to the heteros. I could go on a tangent about how blived up it is that femininity is seen as lesser and weak, but I will refrain for now. I'm not sure how to wrap this up, so I will just say this: y'all deserve love. I don't doubt that some of you don't get enough of it. But, honey, you are perfect the way you are. Go have a nap, a treat, a break; you deserve it. May you have peace and rest.
  15. Me: what are you dressing up as for Halloween?
    My ninth grade friend Kyle: The hottest man alive. I won’t even have to change.

  16. Never fear! I do have art today! Day Eighteen: Scrap Here is Sierra Satrebil from my other series Keyed.
  17. Heck yes there is! Here’s the link to the third draft; it’s a work in progress, but let me know what you think of it! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PqDHrpR74ITTl2bFeC3Z7MsSR2fm5f5d06gh2Xw74zQ/edit
  18. Day Seventeen: Salty Here’s Heather again. Not only is she crabby, but she is also salty.
  19. Day Sixteen: Fowl I freaking love this drawing. What else is there to say?
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