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Silus - Shard of Flame

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Everything posted by Silus - Shard of Flame

  1. I reread it over the summer, my first major reread since my initial read. I kinda get what you're saying. The awesome twists really lack the punch they had the first time around, but the second time through lets you appreciate the awesome moment for its awesomeness rather than its twistiness.
  2. I had that game for a while. The RTS part sucked, but the spell drawing was really cool! This is an awesome idea. LEGO INQUISITOR.
  3. I would like to announce that I finished reading my ARC of Alloy of Law today! EDIT: I hope it's not tacky of me to say this. :# Double post, yeah, yeah. But this is IMPORTANT! I got my first Brandon based tshirt today! ADMIN EDIT: Yes, doubleposting. Please don't do it. -KChan EDIT: Humph.
  4. No, the Way of Kings inspired the Radiants. The Prologue happens at the end of the Desolations as they knew them, just before the Recreance. Also, the Radiants didn't exist in Nohadon's time, as exampled in Dalinar's vision and other descriptions of the book.
  5. The thing about Full Lashings is that the Surge behind them isn't actually adhesion, it's atmospheric pressure, which could have a large number of interpretations. My personal theory is that Jasnah's Stormlightning is the other side of the atmospheric pressure surge. I agree with ulyssesword, that Voidbinding may be the opposite to Surgebinding (though I doubt it would be such direct opposites), but the opposites aren't within Surgebinding itself.
  6. I doubt all the one posters will come back long enough to realize their mistake. :\ Ah, well, their loss. Good thing there's another contest for the RPG by itself, since Rubix told me I'm now ineligible...for reasons it may be tacky of me to say. I don't know.
  7. I think Brandon mentioned that it would be in the Final Empire before the events of the books sometime.
  8. In terms of controls I think Mistborn would be the hardest, but only if you're controlling a Mistborn. There are obvious shortcuts that can be taken. Tin, Copper and Bronze would be entirely passive; same with Pewter to a lesser extent, unless they use it as a replacement for Hit Points, which would work but feel off; "special" metals like Atium and Duralumin would fit into your inventory to reflect their more unique functions and thus have triggers associated with other items (though it looks like the game will take place before Duralumin was known, so Atium could fill a more normal role); Brass and Zinc would be purely non-combat tools perhaps becoming ineffective once enemies reach a certain "awareness" threshold, thus lending themselves to stealth and diplomacy, which is their real place; Gold and Aluminum...no; and Electrum, Cadmium, Bendalloy, Chromium, Nicrosil and Malatium would be unavailable due to their unavailability. This leaves the player (and the developers) to focus on the real tricky part of a Mistborn's powers: Iron and Steel. I could the issue of selecting multiple things to push/pull on as using a kind of "paint" mechanic with your crosshair, meaning that you hold down the selecting button and move the crosshair over the intended targets. Or it could be more passive, in that you try to go a certain direction and it does the pushing/pulling for you, and if you don't have the anchors to do it then it doesn't work.
  9. An epicly long song for an epicly long book series. Fitting. But the same with the books, I'm not listening to it right now. Yeeeeeah...
  10. Jay'el She turns and shouts into the bustle. "Quinn!" The boy, who had been picking up different pieces from various piles halfway across the room - you're astonished by how quickly he got away from you - shoved his small collection into the arms of a forgehand and ran over; ducking, hopping and occasionally spinning to avoid colliding with everyone around him. "Yes, ma'am!" "Take Jay'el and show him how to work the Spherebreaker, I need ten isolated M.E. based weapons from him by the end of the day. Here's the list." She hands him a small datapad. "Now move!" She, and her retinue, move off toward what looks like the Grid area. Quinn grins at you. "See if you can keep up." He dashes off in the opposite direction from his master.
  11. Death by the Year Long Ball. (Yes, it is to be capitalized now.)
  12. I have changed my profile picture, which has been the same since the last time I saw Brandon Sanderson a year ago, to being ANOTHER picture with Brandon Sanderson, this time featuring Dan Wells!

  13. Peter, you are such a troll. *shakes fist* I found Brandon after WoT, but not through WoT, and I haven't gone that far back in the blog. But I can see what you mean and I find it sad, but it led to getting SA earlier, so that's good.
  14. I mentioned this to my mom and my brother. I told them it had to do with neutrinos. My brother's comment? "That sounds gay." Really? What might eventually lead to time travel and faster than light spaceships? And all you have to say is "gay"? (he was probably kidding, but it's kinda hard to tell with that kid)
  15. Actually, I completely missed that part of the question. LOL Good job! If you want me to, though, KChan, I can write an introductory post for your character, showing them being someplace. Though the only time I've actually done this was to start off the RP. EDIT: And really, since the characters are all grouped around one place, it's a good place to start. Unless you want to do your own thing. I can do that.
  16. Awesome! Always love to see new people interested in Nexus. 1. It depends partially on what kind of Spheremount you have (meaning whether it was made in the Current Age or Lost Age), Current Age ones experience some bleedthrough of characteristics, depending on what kind of Forms you use. Ones that mess with your mind or drastically affect your physical form are more likely to experience this. The majority of them, the Lost Age ones, don't have this; which is good since it tends to be very unpleasant. Muscle exercising is a different matter, though, which you were asking about. I'd say yes, if the amount you exert yourself is proportional to the strength you have. You wouldn't be exercised by doing bench presses in a Form with super strength unless you're benching a car or something. Scars would come through only if you suffered significant damage. 2. No, because they are not activated like normal Formspheres. The ability to use a Special Form is tied to you. 3. Really? I like present tense a lot. Synopsis? Maybe. I'm not sure there's enough to put into one to justify it. 4. The point of the first person present use is that the atmosphere I'm trying to create is one of being around a table, playing a game like D&D. But that's not a rule, you write however you want to.
  17. I'm glad Scholastic is doing them anymore. Those covers make it pretty clear that they don't care. Since, you know, the covers are AWFUL.
  18. Death by Metalmind Shardplate...however that works.
  19. There's no drainage, other than the fact that it's a bottomless chasm. There's magic going on, don't worry about it. But yeah, no moat. Summoned out of thin air.
  20. Okay, since there seems to be some misunderstanding of how the Waterfall Cavern, and by extension the Mist and Glyph Caverns, I have whipped up a handy diagram. In this one, there's gaps for the Waterfalls, but not in the Glyph or Mist Cavern. Really, the Waterfalls are too far off to truly be utilized by someone other than say, a waterbender. (This was determined BEFORE River, with his Waterbender Form, showed up.)
  21. 1. Knockout. 2. The same three. 3. They are encouraged to stay, and why would they leave? Free room and board, resources aplenty, and a great place to strengthen their powers. Also, they don't know where they are at any given point, which would make things rather difficult, don't you think?
  22. Christopher Paolini is coming to Utah on what day? December 1st, the day AFTER I go into the MTC. And he'll be IN PROVO the NEXT DAY.It's a good thing I probably wouldn't go anyway. I don't look up to him as I used to.

  23. I would like to announce that there are currently 16 Mistborn Fan Fics on Fanfiction.net, mine being the newest.
  24. Have any of you guys heard of Extra Credits? It's a show about video games, talking about games and their evolution, their problems and how to fix them, and about the culture and events surrounding them. Sure, there are hundred such shows, but have you heard it done not just intelligently, but cleanly? I bet you haven't, I hadn't. The space is cluttered with too many Yahtzee or Angry Video Game Nerd take offs, but this, this is awesome. And it's not just random guys, they're legitimate industry people, who know what they're talking about because it's their job. I've been following the show since it started on the Escapist, and I love it to death. So if you have heard of it, discuss! If not, go watch it!
  25. Jay'el Quinn nearly runs into you, obviously distracted, rubbing his hands with a stained cloth. He's a lot younger than you'd expected, no older than fourteen; a spindly kid with a crooked smile and eager eyes. "Tori's been expecting you. We've got a bunch of Grids to work and more than a few Spherebreaks to get through." He dashes off into the smithy, relying on you to follow. "Never had this many projects before! Not in a whole year!" Moving out of the shop front and into the main part of the smithy, you're struck by how cramped everything is. Piles of machine and magic scraps go over your head, forming narrow paths through the space. This area is obviously larger than any of the other stores in the Living Quarters, though not as big as some of the other rooms like the cafeteria. You emerge into a more open space, probably with a few more scratches than you came in with, which is obviously the main part of the smithy. It seems dim, but most of the light sources are just focused on the important places, not wasted on the unnecessary; all the light is white with a hint of blue around the edges, fading into the darkness. There are approximately a dozen workstations scattered about, each one emitting sparks and flashes of light of various intensities and colors. The smell of burnt plastic hangs in the air, mingled with sweat and the unmistakable scent of magic. Curses echo every so often, along with mumbling about measurements and an incantation or two. You spot Tori immediately, all the activity of the room - quite a bit, bustling back and forth, one assistant nearly bowls you over in his haste - focuses around her. She's in her element, giving directions, answering questions, adjusting datapad schematics with a flick of the hand, and shouting above the din, most at the same time. A small ball of light floats over her shoulder, serving as both a beacon and a light source. "Shaman! Get over here! We've got work to do!"
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