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Everything posted by Ishar

  1. I don't know if they are related, but "related" is a super broad term, and frankly, numbers like e and phi and pi show up so often in places where they seem random at first look that I would be surprised if they weren't "related" by some definition of the word.
  2. Well, duh. That's what Minecraft background music is based off of.
  3. 2.718 is an approximation of e, not the the golden ratio, but yes, the number of dragon legs should be the golden ratio, ([1+ sqrt(5)]/2, or ~1.618) Notably this is also the number of functioning ears dragons should have. They also ought to have π toes per foot, (~3.14) and e (~2.718) is the number of functioning eyes.
  4. A skiff is a type of small boat, so if I had to guess a skiffman is somebody who works on one of those.
  5. I mean, I am not sure what would be done. The prism thing felt more to me like a simple application of real-world light physics. It does bring up some questions about wavelengths of these different lights. Honestly though, I feel like if we go too far into this we are going to end up discussing some very complex wave-particle duality physics, and things get really complex really quickly.
  6. As much as I would love to, I don't really have time to work on something like this, even though it sounds like a lot of fun.
  7. Background: In the Cosmere it is known that everything is made of investiture, similar to how in the real world everything is made of energy. Again similar to energy, in the Cosmere, Investiture is conserved. I briefly went looking to try to find whether or not investiture is the base Cosmere unit or if energy is (as it is in the real world). I was not able to find anything specifically saying this (although admittedly I didn't search very hard), but I did find a WoB saying that you can go from matter to energy to investiture etc and transfer between the 3. What is unclear is what is the base. In the real world, energy is the base (to the best of our knowledge) In other words, matter is made of very dense energy (e = mc^2). Again, the thing I didn't specifically find was if energy is composed of investiture, or the other way around. The way Conservation of Investiture is discussed implies that energy is composed of investiture, which is kinda difficult conceptualize, as both energy and investiture are already very abstract concepts (equations would be helpful, but the previously mentioned WoB mentioned that those aren't made yet, and probably won't be for some time). Anyway, on to the actually issues I see with Conservation of Investiture. 1. Nightblood and corruption of investiture I believe it is said somewhere that Nightblood doesn't destroy investiture because the smoke he leaks is that investiture corrupted. I suppose everybody has questions about Nightblood, so I'll limit this just to the question of what the investiture density of the smoke is? I would imagine it is a lot, since Nightblood consumes a lot of investiture, and I don't particularly remember it ever being noted that he was releasing a particularly large amount of smoke. If anybody has ideas on this, let me know. 2. Atium consumption Atium is a godmetal, meaning it is composed purely of Ruin's investiture. In Mistborn: Hero of the Ages, Elend and a large group of Atium mistings consumes the gathered hoard of Atium that was being guarded by the Kandra, effectively preventing Ruin/Ati from accessing his power stored in the metal. This all makes sense, until you actually wonder what happened to the presumably massive amounts of investiture stored in that Atium. Seriously, what happened to it? The Atium is gone. Ruin didn't get the power back when it was consumed (otherwise why would he have been upset?). Does anybody know what happened to it? 3. Anti-light + light reactions When coming into contact, Anti-light and light creates an explosion. It seems that this is modeled after real-world Matter and Anti-Matter. The issue is that with Matter and Anti-Matter, when they come into contact they are reduced to what Matter/Anti-matter is composed of: Energy. Investiture and Anti-investiture also appear to be reduced to energy. This implies that investiture, like matter, is just a form of energy. This would effectively disprove conservation of investiture. So if anti-light + light reactions are not "destroying" each other, and leaving behind the base construct of energy, what are they doing? 4. Perfect Gemstones Perfect gemstones are said to hold Stormlight (and one would assume the other lights as well) indefinitely. The King's Drop is the example of this that gets the most screentime to my knowledge. My issue with this is that these gems still glow. In fact, the King's Drop is described as glowing as bright as daylight. If the gemstones aren't leaking stormlight, where is the light coming from? Light is a form of energy (and by extension, investiture), so where is that investiture coming from? Personally, to me this feels like a minor detail that was overlooked in the books, and that the issue here was overlooked while writing the book and was never caught. In other words, this feels like a mistake to me. It is also totally possible that perfect gemstones have properties that allow them to attract more investiture than just the stormlight within them. Anyway, please let me know your thoughts, ideas, or if there are any relevant WoB's that I missed on these subjects.
  8. I think creating Nightblood probably involved rhythms and vacuums similar to creation of anti-light.
  9. There's a couple. Here's one, and here's another. I find this particularly interesting, especially when you look at what actually distinguishes shards, and how anti-lights are/were made. What distinguishes Shards mainly is intent. So the idea that you take a Shards light, isolate it from all sound/rhythms, then give it a different sound to change it to anti-light implies that intent is held in sound/rhythms, and that investiture holds intent by holding sounds/rhythms. I am pretty sure that if this were the case, it would open a very large can of worms about intent in the Cosmere. This makes me wonder if sound/rhythms were used in the process of creating Nightblood. Edit: I just found a thread that appears to be exactly about the larger role of Rhythms and Identity in the Cosmere, but it contains Dawnshard spoilers, and as I have yet to read Dawnshard, I am not going to be looking at that thread yet.
  10. I feel like Kaladin could take up Harmony
  11. I doubt that the actual communing would be facilitating the progression, but Adolin's changing views of Maya (aided by communing) probably are.
  12. I didn't even think about lighteyes and their relationship with Radiants, but this makes a lot of sense.
  13. As long as the redemption arc involves Moash's body decomposing and fertilizing some nice flowers, I am ok with it. Anything else would be terrible. Edit: A friend has made the valid point that mediocre flowers would also be acceptable.
  14. My issue with the Renarin part of this is that Renarin definitely had cracks in his spiritweb, so there is no reason to assume that it would work as a reverse bond so to speak. In fact, Renarin being cracked seems to me to at least suggest that it does function as regular Nahel bond as opposed to a reverse one (although obviously there are other oddities).
  15. I believe that it is fairly well accepted that Nale was the only the Herald to join the Knights Radiants and bond a spren. I don't know how specifically this has been stated, but if Shallan were Chana, it simply wouldn't be true, and unless there is some loophole, it doesn't seem like something that would be said so clearly.
  16. I'm not sure "bigger" quite, but definitely more intact than most Radiants. I guess though that this would make it easier for people with Breath(s) to form this kind of bond.
  17. Brief disclaimer: It has been some time since I posted theories on here (probably since OB came out more or less), and my Cosmere knowledge is a bit rusty, and probably outdated. If I get anything wrong, please let me know. I also do not currently have a copy of RoW on me, so I won't be quoting directly (feel free to give quotes, and I may edit some in later). I have also not read Dawnshard, so no spoilers for that please. Anyway, on to the theory: Essentially my theory is that Adolin and Maya have formed/are forming a sort of reverse Nahel bond. If my understanding of Nahel Bonds is correct (and honestly most investiture in the cosmere), they are formed when spren attach themselves to a radiant's spiritweb, utilizing cracks in the web to attach more thoroughly. My theory is that when the Recreance occurred Spren and Radiant spirit webs were forcefully separated (it is confirmed that the Spren were damaged in the Spirit realm, but to my knowledge, not how). I believe that a piece of the Spren's spiritweb remained attached to the original Radiant's spiritweb. This sort of fits in with the description of their eyes, as in the eyes are just kinda absent. Essentially, I am saying that I think that piece of the spren remains trapped in the original Radiant's web (Which is why a radiant could revive their own dead spren after killing it). This is why I think Maya and Adolin are forming a sort of reverse Nahel bond. Instead of the spren filling in the cracks in the Radiant's web, Adolin is filling in the cracks in Maya's spirit web. I think this is also why it might be that in RoW, Maya begins swearing the first oath, not Adolin.
  18. 1. Heralds were the best fighters. This is brought up in the scene with Ishar in RoW, Ishar is considered kinda a meh fighter for a herald, and he still beats Dalinar and his group of windrunners easily. I would assume this is mainly because they had thousands of years of practice, but still. 2. Heralds were also able to draw stormlight from what we assume was directly from Honor (they had access to immense amounts of it without needing gemstones or a perpendicularity, although I don't know if how this actually worked has been confirmed), which is an enormous advantage. This ability also makes one of the biggest disadvantages of an honorblade compared to a Nahel bond obsolete for heralds, as they have enough stormlight that the faster consumption by honorblades doesn't matter to them.
  19. This was my immediate thought while reading it.
  20. This is especially funny given that the FBI director from 2013-2017 (James Comey) was/is a Sanderfan
  21. I read it. I'm not a graphic novels person, but I did enjoy it. It would be better as an actual novel though.
  22. YKYASFW you ask somebody in a discord to change your role color from gold to #0047ab (the closest thing to Kholin blue I could find) on account of the gold being odious.
  23. Just saying, it's now 6 posts, so Fish had/has a point. Somebody should make a thread dedicated to random conversations started on this thread, that way we don't have deal with the hassle of excluding people in pms
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