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Everything posted by Ishar

  1. *brings about the end of the world for sole purpose of winning this thread*
  2. If the world end, everybody dies, meaning my post would be the last post, meaning I win.
  3. What if the world ended at this very moment? I guess I would win.
  4. Did you try it? What did it translate too?
  5. Look, there are no hemalurgic spikes in the waffles. Only in the cookies... And the pancakes... And now that I think about, also probably the waffles...
  6. I'd like to see you prove that it even is a fact.
  7. *instructs storm to try meditation or yoga*
  8. *consumes waffle* Wait, was I supposed to use that for something?
  9. *Wonders at about 30 questions related to the blowing gold: How big are the gold pieces? What is the speed of the wind? Are the pieces in an aerodynamic form? What is the mass of the gold? What is the air pressure? etc*
  10. Are they filled? Either way salt shakers never hurt anybody (except for that one guy I threw a salt shaker at). I have a stapler with no staples
  11. When this is what you turn in for your math project: (the project was to design something using conic sections)
  12. Can you clarify what "Shortish" means in this context?
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