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Everything posted by Ishar

  1. I was going to say that... (Also, it is spelled Sebarial) Nohadon.
  2. Proof: Sazed would have never ascended if it weren't for Dockson Theory: Animal's horns (no matter what the animal is) are Hemalurgic Spikes.
  3. Hmm... but of the plot of this thread is explaining times you misunderstood a book, isn't explaining the thread fall outside of it's guidelines, meaning it isn't in opposition to the thread, but merely there?
  4. Proof: The Cosmere is fictional (Sadly) Theory: Unicorns are Hemalurgically spiked Rhyshadium.
  5. I would enter for the next round, but I feel like I would end up insulting people's choice of character instead of the actual character.
  6. When your non-sanderfan friends automatically assume that whenever you say something that doesn't make sense it is a book reference. When your sanderfan friend gets a unicorn onesie and tells you that it has a gold horn, so you immediately warn them to be careful of hemalurgic spikes. When you begin wondering if you hemalurgically spiked a horse in the cosmere through the head could you create a unicorn? If anybody knows please let me know. Also, on your starwars topic, the original lightsaber's where just CGI surrounding sticks (at least that is what I have heard). And do you know what that means? It means that the stick Shallan failed to soulcast was also Luke's lightsaber, among other things.
  7. I mean, there is no rule about how specific. You could pick an entire planet, or, say the safe where Shallan had kept pattern in.
  8. Whitesands: Steelheart: Firefight: Calamity: Rithmatist:
  9. Hmm... saying the character is noble blooded makes me think mistborn over all the other books with nobles... Breeze.
  10. Yes. No rule against it, although personally I doubt they would repick somebody from a recent round. (By guessed I assume you mean a character who was previously picked. Either way, same answer) Shauka-daughter-Hasweth
  11. I agree. I do think that Lift and Lopen are bit to unserious, especially in comparison with some of the other characters in the Stormlight Archives, and I feel that they aren't necessary or needed as comic relief because we already get that from characters like Pattern and Wit, where it fits significantly better. To be fair though, I only realize this when I am looking back on the books and actually thinking about it. Lift and Lopen are still some of my favorite characters despite this, and I really enjoy reading about them. Adolin annoys me. I don't really know why, but he does. Maybe it is a combination of him just seeming to be too perfect, and honestly more there to support Shallan then anything else. I just find Adolin really hard to relate to I guess. I am not a fan of Mistborn Era 2 or Warbreaker overall, and those are easily my least favorite cosmere books. For MB Era 2 I think it might be more the setting that bothers me. Personally I dislike most industrial settings that don't have totally modern technology, not really sure why, just not my type of books. For Warbreaker, I think the reason why I didn't like it is because it was harder to get attached to the character, such as Lightsong. In Mistborn you had a full 3 books to get attached to Vin and Elend and Sazed and Spook, but in Warbreaker you only had 1, and I don't feel that it was enough to communicate who the characters were, and so it was difficulty to get attached. I do feel that characters such as Vivenna and Vasher's future in the cosmere could be much more interesting. I am actually kinda happy that Brandon has not yet published Dragonsteel, because I feel that if he feels it isn't ready, then it probably isn't ready, and that it would be a lot worse to get a poorly written book with a poor plot to set off the beginning of the cosmere than to wait a while and get a really good one.
  12. Most controversial cosmere thought: Reckoners is cosmere.
  13. Elantris (I mean, might as well say it now)
  14. When your friend says “Dancing is falling in style” and the first thought that comes to mind is “no, that’s lashing” but because he hasn’t read Stormlight Archive you just say “Read the Way Of Kings”
  15. Where else would I get this photo? The highstorms are actually caused by a bright orange squid that circles Roshar and emits Stormlight.
  16. I haven’t read the wheel of time or Mistborn Era Three, so obviously they are the same thing. The Knights Radiants were founded by a large walrus that could surgebind.
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