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Pearl Chameleon

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Everything posted by Pearl Chameleon

  1. hey guys i'm back that was fun have more thoughts for when this is over over but congrats on the village win i forgot to get on and open wolf for the last hour or so rip
  2. Well, to start things off, let us start with the current standing of the votes. Pearl Chameleon (8): Amethyst Scorpion, Chartreuse Penguin, Azure Mouse, Quartz Zebra, Onyx Flamingo, Magenta Albatross, Fuchsia Ostrich, Violet Axolotl Magenta Albatross (2): Pearl Chameleon, Salmon Meerkat Oxblood Beagle (1): Mint Heron At this point I am wondering if it is worth trying to defend myself. I will try, because I am positive that there is at least Spiked currently voting on me. First, I shall respond as best as I can to people's concerns about me. I did not feel the need to comment on this because I felt like it was not really saying anything about me. I have learned from previous experiences that there is often no need to respond to someone discussing you if they are not factually wrong about something or voting on you. Perhaps this is not the best method of doing things, but it is what I do. I do not understand how I was being non-committal there. I still stand by my point. I do not see the reason for voting for someone if I do not personally find them suspicious. Clearly I was wrong about Gorilla in the long run, but I stand by my point. I do not remember if I said this at the time, but I voted on Swan at the time because I was not suspicious of Gorilla and, like I said, I do not like to vote for someone I do not suspect. And, at the time, there was still plenty of time to move my vote later on if I needed to prevent a tie. Or my own exe, depending on how things went down. As for the act of making a tie itself, I do find myself being drawn to them some of the time. They are very tempting, both because RNG is fun and because it can often force the Spiked to act to save one of their own. This is a gross misrepresentation of how the votes were situated at the time that Gorilla made that post. Crocodile's post just before Gorilla's vote showed that I was in the lead with 3 votes and Gorilla had 1. Gorilla's vote on Swan tied it up between me and Swan. Yes, I coordinated people voting on Iguana. If I remember correctly, that consisted of asking Albatross if they were willing to vote on Iguana with me. I am not sure how this makes me suspicious. If I had wanted to gather votes onto Iguana to save Gorilla, why not gather my teammates? Could I not be confused about where the suspicion was coming from at the time? Am I not allowed to be wrong about my suspicions? I guess, to be fair, that our main method of solving this game is through seeing when people vote on villagers, though I have certainly gone several games as a villager and only voted on villagers. What exactly about my PMs to you seems odd to you? Just the fact that I was asking if you wanted to vote on Iguana with me? I was going to respond to more points, but I am running out of time. Both in real life and in the game. So I will cut it off here.
  3. For what it is worth, I do not believe I ever noticed that post from Gorilla. Or if I did, I skimmed it at a time when I was skimming through many other posts as well, which I did a lot of on D1 as there was a lot happening during that first day and I was sick at the time. I do not know why Gorilla claimed to have village read me based on PMs. Like I said, we mostly talked about OOG things. If I had noticed this, I would have asked them about it. Most likely in PMs, unless I thought their answer in PMs was significant enough to warrant letting the thread know. I have further thoughts about your post, but I am about to go get food, so that will have to wait for later.
  4. i mean yeah i suspected falcon more than gorilla gorilla had hardly done anything imo, though i had started to lean elim on them (you can check my reads list around middle of d3) if my goal was to get people to switch to falcon from side trains…why would i even suggest gorilla as another possibility? I preferred falcon over gorilla, but that didn’t mean i was upset over gorilla getting exed. i just wanted people’s votes to matter if i wanted to gather votes to save gorilla, i would’ve begged people to switch to falcon alone
  5. why does falcon being village make me elim? i am too tired to think about who to vote on right now actually no, i'm not magenta albatross i've been feeling fishy about them ever since they survived. with all these village power roles, i could see the elims having a thug
  6. Well that is certainly something. Did Swan claim to anyone before their death? I agree with Flamingo that they must have rolled steel and attacked Falcon along with whoever our mysterious normal Coinshot has been. Was that coordinated, or a(n) (un)fortunate accident?
  7. well, my suspicion of falcon came from other things, well before anything with hyena came out. and i had trusted hyena before. and was slow to process the hyena stuff
  8. It is indeed quite a shame. I would like more people to talk to. Is it so wrong that I thought Falcon is Spiked and did not think that Hyena was Spiked at first? For what it is worth, I did some more talking with Penguin after the Falcon role phishing fiasco that convinced me that Hyena was indeed the better choice to go for between the two, because Hyena flipping Spiked, which happened, implicates Falcon as well, or vice versa. Whereas Falcon’s alignment doesn’t tell us much about Hyena if they turn out to be a villager. Does that make sense?
  9. @Salmon Meerkat i can tell you who i told about falcon. you, vulture (rip), axolotl, and penguin. not in that order. do not remember the order i went to people and am too lazy to go look i went to you, vulture, and penguin because you and penguin are players i trust who have actually been talking to me. i may technically have pms with every player, but most of them haven’t responded to me in a hot minute i went to vulture because i knew they’re good at analyzing stuff and things i went to axolotl because they’d pm’d me and i was freaking out a bit because falcon’s rolephishing felt like something important for people to know if you talk to each of the living players I went to, i probably told them something different, as i told people stuff as the conversation with falcon was happening in real time
  10. just wanna say not sure how i feel about using a player id guess to inform this suspicion but at the same time i'm glad that my suspicions of falcon are finally getting widespread appeal i've been pretty sus of them for most of the game and it's for a lot of these reasons, even ignoring the id guess so yeah
  11. did did you guys did you guys miss the part where i said it was a bad idea do i have to add the to show it was a joke? i was trying to stay in the serious character for that post
  12. You thought who was me? I am confused I am half tempted to suggest we keep you alive, for old time's sake. Just have you hanging around as our pet Spiked Hyena. That is probably a very bad idea, considering your reputation, however.
  13. aman you bloody bastard there is definitely a world where you almost got out of this but not today i am glad that you realized that you made a mistake in how you were trying to not die thank you for accepting your death instead
  14. Thank you, Fifth, for that very insightful reminder. It is always good to be reminded that, regardless of alignment, regardless of how you feel the game is going for you, it really is just a game in the end. It is not all about winning, even if we should all strive for that. In other news, I would request that everyone actually take the time to, if not reread the thread, at least make a reads list based on the information we have now. I think we are all in agreement, for the most part, that Hyena is going to flip Spiked. Assuming there are no more unseen curveballs coming our way, of course. I can understand a reluctance to do anything except think or talk about Hyena, but that exe has been decided. It is in our best interests to talk about other things and other players now while we can. Discussion is the village’s greatest tool against the Spiked.
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