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Pearl Chameleon

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Everything posted by Pearl Chameleon

  1. No, they have the eliminator doc to conspire in. EDIT: although they probably might say that they did to cover up Elim tmi
  2. I fail to see how the second point is connected to this entire situation.
  3. Oh, no, I'm more concerned about the sheer amount of people online during eod- curiously when you were close to becoming top train. I'm not worried about you defending yourself, you should nearly always do that, but I'm more concerned of some Elim teammates trying to defend you.
  4. My reasons are mostly: subtle defense of Meerkat, not answering questions, and that I find it hard to believe that all of the elims are sitting in the inactives tier (and the lucky coin said so). EDITED TO ADD: Also, high chance Meerkat is elim based on the high EoD investment.
  5. Reads: Ughhhh that throws everything off, although Charcoal Hyena felt really "hung out to dry," as in, an easy target. No vote manipulation this time, cool. I agree with heron as in I don't think Hyena train was completely pure, but I'd be more skeptical of the earlier votes than the later ones. Need more content from the inactives. Again, if you are a Coinshot, and you didn't shoot N1, I highly encourage you to shoot a low-activity player.
  6. Beagle didn't condemn me. Yeah I'll explain why I'm going to do this later Igauna Hyena Not enough time to explain why now, hope you understand
  7. Agreed. Ask someone who has tallybot. I accidentally got rid of it and can't seem to get it back. They are now! You v!read kanga less than iguana?
  8. I added NK to the end of that by accident. Doesn't mean anything. Choose the person you want to hear more from the most, then.
  9. In what world does an Elim start another train when there is already a runaway train already? Don't you think that's... Unnecessary if you're elim? Not a e/v interaction, I think. Tuatara is not the scummiest person around. As I said before, they could be replaced with any other inactive, but I'm putting Tuatara down for now To be fair, I knew these kinds of reads would provoke some stir within the thread. I know the point of an AN is to foster different playstyles, and I encourage it. But I think you have one thing wrong here, and that is that my read on you is not because of who I think you are, or how you should act. It's based off of gut feeling. I see we have different stances on the purity of the Hyena train. I do agree that even if Hyena's Elim, it's still likely there was some sort of bus. But the point is, the way it was phrased sounds like you were trying to subtly convince people to vote elsewhere, or at least that's what it seemed like to me. NK Video game?
  10. Because they PMd everyone at the start of the game and have done nothing since. Why do you find it ironic to hear something like that from me? Depends on Hyena's alignment. If Hyena is elim, I'd definitely vote out heron next. If Hyena flips village, I'd say that Heron's light cleared to a small degree.
  11. No, actually I'm inclined to think otherwise on Tuatara, but I have my theories. Currently, one of the inactives fits that slot. It could be dingo, or rhino maybe, but more likely Tuatara. I'll admit that you voting Tuatara and then their subsequent retaliation vote doesn't look e/e, but it could just be a distancing strategy. As for you, I believe you are elim simply because of your lack of conclusions. Similar to Meerkat, although less annoying, and more discussion oriented. Other way around, If Hyena Elim, I'd be looking at Heron next. This is exactly what subtle defense entails. You try and make people reconsider why they're reading Hyena as Elim, and the last portion is suggesting "If you vote on Hyena you're elim." Standard Elim strategies. Not saying this means both Hyena and Heron are elim, just saying that this comes off to me as an E/E interaction
  12. Salmon Meerkat Just answer the questions, please. This is a good question. Reads As you can see, I'm trying out a new kind of reads. Amber Vulture, Flamingo (of all people) and Sage Kangaroo I'm not ready to say are completely villager to me, but they're really close.
  13. I hate vote manipulation. Makes Lynches way too difficult and uneasy. But really, I was just disappointed at the distro, since I expected there to be a Coinshot (which, there still could be, but I didn't thinknof that) Having a Coinshot is a luxury, not a need, I suppose.
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