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Pearl Chameleon

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Everything posted by Pearl Chameleon

  1. I am working on data collection, trying to trace patterns. What I've found is that scorpion has never put forth many suspicions and has been flying under the radar. Mostly what tugs at my gut is that they seem to follow with the public suspicions, but keep penguin in their suspicions, but never act upon it, besides a stable vote on Penguin the entire cycle...was Flamingo and Scorpion on Penguin D1...now that tugs at my suspicions quite a bit. Trying to do it for every living player, depends on my time, but I think it will be worthwhile. Scorpion Village reads/Defense of players connections Elim reads/Suspicions connections Voting connections
  2. Hmmm true. Good for us, but trouble killing elims they seem to have. That's basically my paranoid theory, but with the coinshot as village Good for you for being less paranoid than me. Still going to go with Flamingo.
  3. May you find peace in death, a peace that we won't find until the end. Gut is partially tugging me towards believing that Flamingo is set up to be a WBG if the coinshot is spiked, doesn't help much now I suppose and I don't really believe it. Will be on more tomorrow still got Calc to finish and the allergy shot today combined with practice killed my shoulders and fingers.
  4. A roundabout way of saying you think I'm the elim Mistborn. ...It was gut I can promise you that. Though that's just my words, believe them if you so choose to. My brain was tired then and couldn't puzzle it out , can see it now. But it's been pointed out so, hard not to see it like that.
  5. I have not heard of this someone else fellow, perhaps you could point me towards him so I could hand him a bottle of my strongest horneater white. Going to sleep on this problem now, not much will come of it til I wake, but my mind as it winds down can come up with sometimes right ideas...rarely.
  6. I didn't know that Lion was a thug but for the past couple hours it has been rattling around my skull that Lion would survive the exe. I had no basis just paranoia, and why Paranoia why do you have to be right.
  7. Yes, it is self preservation, though I didn't realize it at the time, because I had the thought to gather a VC and then was sidelined by the fact that I have to eat sometimes and I didn't make one before voting. I was completely disengaged until today, perhaps going back and getting back into a regular routine had something to do with it. I don't quite know why, when I started I was kind of excited and then it just dropped and I couldn't convince myself to care much about the game. I was writing up the post long before most people were voting for me. I wanted to see what I could find about Lion and Dragonfly. Yes I dgaf'ed about the game the first two Days and Nights, but now I'm not. I was posting to try and care, but it never worked. I just was too tired to care about it and to care about much at all. If you had voted my out D1 or D2 I really wouldn't have cared. Impossible to prove yes, but I am at least trying now.
  8. Speed voting is definitely not my first preference. Preferably never again. >> Was going to ask Tuatara why they are lurking when I realized they are dead. *Facepalm* Honestly considering switching to Lion because Lion has been on and lurking again, but Dragonfly has also been on since the Day has started. Lets see how long this takes. Future Chameleon: Far longer than it should have. D1 Dragonfly Lion N1 Dragonfly Lion D2 Dragonfly Lion N2 Dragonfly Lion D3 Dragonfly Lion And yeah I feel like I'm tunneling, but I don't really have anywhere else to go. I'm leaning towards Lion more than Dragonfly right now. It's more damaging to me that Lion can't form any suspicions, usually a problem only elims have, or people who aren't completely engaged. At least that was what it was for me. Dragonfly Lion When paranoia is up Max, I paranoid a Lion, Dragonfly, Elephant, Weasel, Albatross team. And if you want six, throw in Flamingo as well.
  9. Mainly their last votes on both days sealing off a villager and being hard to see from a villagery perspective. D1 they were on Albatross but switched right at the last minute to Dingo. And D2 they were the last vote on Heron. Though I view being unable to come up with reads as an evil problem, but I've had trouble forming my own reads. But I was also having a very hard time focusing on the game, which I think I've solved that problem now. Currently leaning Evil on Lion and Dragonfly. Between medium and light village leaning Meerkat and Crocodile. Lower leaning on Crocodile than Meerkat. Try this experiment. Read through ONLY D2 in about five minutes and decide who you would vote, only from that information. That was all the time I had and it was actually your post about needing more people to vote that made me decide to vote instead of just get off for the day. It helped me climb a bit out of my feeling just out of the game. I don't know why, never had this problem before. I just couldn't engage with the game for the first two days. I can now, but I couldn't before.
  10. My reasoning for my vote on day one was a poke vote, I said something in the thread again some time and then I forgot about the game until around an hour after the day was over. Came into the thread at night and then realized when it was the next day that I would rarely have the chance to get on during the day. Decided to get on late day two and reading Meerkat's post I decided to just vote on the first person who pinged my suspicions because I really didn't have the time that day to get on, but I did it anyways. Tried to form a reads list during N3 and just kept on losing focus and having a hard time doing it. I finally read through it all and you want suspicions? Well I have a few, trying to keep the paranoid ones down to a minimum. Dragonfly because I haven't been liking their posts. They seem too opportunistic and careful. I don't know exactly. I've thought of a Dragonfly/Falcon team but it's probably a crack tunnel built of horneater white and adamantium string. Reminds me of a LG90 meme actually. But anyways, my mind has been thinking about the coinshot since they could be evil or village. If evil I think that would point to V!Flamingo...unless they're going into WGG territory which I really don't want to stray into right now. So E!Coinshot probably points to V!Flamingo while V!Coinshot is good for us but doesn't help with the flamingo question. WitLees was feeling rather confused, he'd been drinking too much horneater white again. But it had sparked a brilliant idea, it shimmered in the folds of his mind. Standing up on a table, WitLees declared. "Come one come all, come to the drinking competition. We have free drinks for you, but only if you can hold your drink! The requirement is to drink at least," WitLees scratched his beard. "Hmmm, I'd say a quarter of your body weight!"
  11. [OOC: I've been forgetting about this, so here are some reads and thoughts from me about the past few days after I basically forgot about the game and my life got busy. RPing helps keep me involved and all PMs should be out before D3 Rolovet...fingers crossed] WitLees awoke from his stupor, his unique talents draining the toxin from his body and excreting it into a small glass vial. Liquid could drip in, but not drip back out. The excess from the horneater white created a deadly acid. WitLees wasn't quite sure how or how potent, but it could eat through metal. It could eat through hemalurgically charged metal. His escape if Ruin and his spiked ever found him. The only way to keep Ruin away was to destroy a spike. Sure he'd go insane, but he'd been nearly insane for years. This would just allow Ruin to only track him, possibly. WitLees wasn't quite sure of all that Ruin could do. But with only one spike Ruin couldn't control him. Ignoring all the looks of the patrons in his bar, WitLees quickly and quietly extracted a spike from his leg and shoved it into the vial. The metal began to corrode, flakes spiraling off of the metal. A grin began to twitch at the corner of his mouth. He was free! Finally free of all that could control him. Madly he began to scribble on the notice board in the bar. WitLees's Madness scribbling [OOC: Very dirty, very fast reads list, still incomplete. But here you have it for D1 and only D1 >>] Village lean Null Elim lean EDIT: Hope that all will work out and that you will get some good news soon!
  12. I had literally only a few minutes to briefly scan D2 and Heron was the one who pinged my gut the most. All I had time for was a gut read, today I can try to actually look at EoD of D1 and get a reads list to try to help.
  13. I have scanned the thread with the short time I scrapped out. And all I have is a gut on Mint Heron's post. And now I have to leave for another day. Sorry thought I'd have more time, but guess I don't.
  14. [OOC: My days have been unexpectedly busy and exhausting. Sorry to everyone I have not PM'ed yet, I will...tomorrow morning or afternoon. I will PM you all, eventually. And I will try to be more active, just been really busy.]
  15. WitLees stretched and groaned as the bump on his head burst to painful life. It was the voice that had scared him, the hollow tune that the spiked god played. It had haunted him since he had been made and so he'd ran away. Stupid decision it had been to hide in Tyrian Falls. Always a point of Ruin's attention, always in a constant struggle. Well in time like this, there was nothing a man needed more than a strong drink. So he took down the closed sign and put up the permanently open sign. Grinning to himself at the thought of a drinking contest later WitLees went down into his cellar to bring up the strongest wine he had. A rather strange fellow had sold it to him, he'd been tall and talked rather funny. He had also been surprised when WitLees had downed an entire cask of what he had called 'horneater white'. Sure it had scorched his bones but he'd been able to keep it down fine and it had convinced the fellow to sell him some casks. And now was the time when people needed it most. "Just hope that fellow was lying about dropping dead from consumin' too much. Oh well, they won't have to fight the Koloss that way." Still musing to himself WitLees pulled up his weaker bottles, nothing was weak in the bar Witless, but weak in comparisson to the 'horneater white'. "Perhaps I will get everyone alone and with a bottle, best service I can do for the town that way." [OOC: I will also send out PMs to everyone. Send one my way if you don't get one!] Sighing, WitLees slumped over the bar seeming to be asleep, but quitely watching the doors.
  16. I'm too tired to RP right now, WitLees will have his bar open in the morning. Free horneater white for everyone. Time to see if we can get some heartfelt reads :eyes: Charcoal Hyena
  17. Guys. I left for less than an hour. And I came back to 2.5 more pages. Also, @Amber Vulture that table you made was hilarious. I almost burst out into laughter in public, which would have been embarrassing. Also, @Melon Dingo I decided I may as well keep up the CR. It amuses me a lot.
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