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Everything posted by Master_Moridin

  1. This is an odd question not sure quite relevant to this thread but: Where did the recent trend of people referring to Shardholders as Vessels come from? I've seen a couple of people use it and I'm just wondering if there was something said in something or other that I missed.
  2. Hasn't, in a way, the question of redshift been answered in the Alloy of Law annotations? In them Brandon says that bubbles absorb the excess kinetic energy of objects leaving them. This could probably be extrapolated to apply to light as well, as a change in wavelength is roughly equivalent to a change in energy. For Cadmium bubbles I presume the effect would be reversed, with the bubble injecting extra energy to get things to where they should be
  3. Shouldn't time bubbles be looked at as affecting local spacetime directly, and so aluminum shouldn't have any effect as the Investiture isn't being directly applied to it, or having to go through it?
  4. This wouldn't work, because as mentioned in the original trilogy some of the Allomantic metals are actually toxic, and they have to be burned away so they don't poison the Allomancer from sitting in their stomach too long. Unless you mean they're changed on a chemical level, in which case I personally can't see that working either as all the metals somehow being chemically changed to be non-toxic seems...far fetched, and also there'd still be chunks of metal in the person's stomach that they'd have to...pass...later, which probably would have been mentioned.
  5. Perhaps it's a matter of any innate Investiture related to the body itself still being active? Like, perhaps Returned are sort of...puppeteering their bodies? There's something from Stormlight Archive that might be relevant here but I'm unsure of cross-series spoiler policy...
  6. Can't really answer the first question, but I can this. When you're burning to compound, you can take a portion of the power you get and store it in another metalmind. So it's sorta both. Fill a metalmind, burn it, and then take the compounded power and store part (or all) of it away to compound even more later whenever you want. It seems to be really tricky though to get the feedback loop working right though.
  7. Allomancy does involve the Investiture entering the Allomancer though, just very much temporarily before it becomes an effect. This is how savants are created after all, the power widens the troughs in their spiritweb.
  8. That entire WoB was him correcting something he had previously said in a previous WoB. The only reference to cognitive in that is in reference to the "It's full of stars" moment Atium uses the spiritual, and enough atium strength lets you peer straight into the Spiritual Realm Extra context:
  9. Possibly because the mechanism by which memories are created is the same no matter the memory, but all your senses work differently?
  10. So apparently we have a WoB that may give a clear answer to this. The physical atium itself is just normal matter.
  11. This ignores though the effect the metal Vin burns is having on the Investiture she draws in. She isn't just choosing to burn a metal for access to power, the metal itself changes the power as it flows through/in/out of it. She chooses to burn iron, but the power she gets as a result is completely outside of her conscious decision and is a result of the interaction between the Investiture and iron. We have a WoB that says Atium lets one peer into the Spiritual Realm Quote
  12. I see a common statement across the theory board that Elend's duralumin-atium gave him a glimpse into the Spiritual. I cannot seem to find a WoB that says this though. Can someone source it? And just a few short minutes after posting this I find what I was looking for. So please ignore.
  13. Ahh, I couldn't remember the Ars Arcanum from WoK so I assumed it had been another Cosmere term drop. welp
  14. Just to have it here for reference, here's a WoB on what a focus is.
  15. It is on the US version. Got my copy right here. It is weird that it made it to print. Oddly phrased, and spoilery.
  16. There were spren on Roshar before Honor, Cultivation, and Odium showed up To me it seems as if Roshar allows for leaks of Investiture into the Cognitive and Physical, giving life to cognitive entities in a way they weren't before, giving us spren.
  17. It's probably less "they don't matter that much" and a lot more that they aren't sapient, and so don't get trapped in mind hell when the bond is broken, cause they had nothing to loose. Probably. Edit: Beaten to the punch by seconds
  18. Only WoB's I could find, both through personal searching and checking the Coppermind, never gave an approximate time, just a vague "after". There could always be one though that hasn't made it into the database or referenced on the Coppermind yet I suppose.
  19. I always figured it had to do with the bad alloy filtering the power into something your spiritweb and body can't process, and so it just wrecks havoc.
  20. Is the reason why metals in Allomancy act as a gateway (and filter) for the power related to how infused gemstones glow due to a leak from the Spiritual, and to how atium forming in the Pits of Hathsin, due to a leak, occurred in crystal clusters? (I honestly think I might be overthinking this a bit but who knows)
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