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Everything posted by cfphelps

  1. I'll be at that point on my reread soon and see what I was thinking of then. I think it was to hide the soul casting of food now that I think about it. Regarding aluminum as a shield: I think it again goes back to thickness. Aluminum could be made thick enough to block the blade physically. Aluminum has no fatigue limit and is less stiff than steel, but it can be very durable when properly designed. We use it extensively in aerospace for structural applications.
  2. Didn't they use aluminum plates to block the screamers from detecting the spanreed, but it still functioned to communicate with its pair?
  3. Regarding Sadeas, Adolin even comments to himself at one point when Sadeas is trying to rile him up that Alethi society is messed up in that Sadeas can abandon them at the tower and pretend it didn't happen and the rest of the court goes along with it, but any slights in person must be dealt with in the proper way. So I think he didn't expect Adolin to snap so spontaneously and break social convention and the law. Regarding Adolin joining him, I think as has already been said that he was just trying to get Adolin angry, but also it goes back to the Alethi ideal of might makes right and aggressively fighting for what you want. He sees Adolin as a Dalinar that isn't as well controlled, but he doesn't really know how honorable he is, per se. So it's possible that in Sadeas mind, with Dalinar out of the way, Adolin would fall in with him just to keep Alethekar united and gain power, something he himself did with Gavilar and Dalinar when they were uniting the kingdom. Regarding his thoughts on Kaladin. For the duel Kaladin did have to go mostly on the defensive, so he would be seen as mostly a distraction allowing Adolin to finish the other opponents. Very talented, Yes, but if he's not actually defeating the other duelist per se, the uninformed (about Stormlight) observers might just see him using cheap tricks, similar to how Adolin was looked down upon for not sticking with standard dueling convention and just rushing in and defeating his first opponent. That plus pain old prejudice of his entire life being taught that darkeyes are lesser and it's not surprising that most people, Sadeas included, saw the duel as primarily Adolin's accomplishment. Also I believe it was some of Adolin's earlier duels where we get Sadeas's PoV where he realizes how good Adolin is to just barely win while looking like he's struggling. I think on the 4v1 duel he is more worried about his gambit paying off and then leaving before he can be pinned down on a duel once Adolin challenges him. Kaladin surviving the high storm strung up is also probably something that should of note to him, but Kal wasn't really in his radar at that point. Plus he's seen Dalinar go out in storms, and Kaladin mentions sheltering from storms while out with the army, so while being strung up during one is very likely a death sentence, surviving probably isn't so unlikely that he would start to suspect magical powers that most of the world believes to be either exaggerated myth or gone forever. Even once many of these things start to happen, it's probably a lot lower on his radar than worrying about his plots to take over the kingdom. Once it becomes obvious there's really nothing he can do about it anyway.
  4. And honestly (Mistborn spoiler) And cultivation have a lot in common (especially if you believe Odium) Although it's typically thought that Cultivation is making changes to improve the situation, and obviously was somewhat aligned with Honor.
  5. She used Pattern as a blade to kill her mother so she has at least at one point been high enough in the ideal path to get the blade. And spent much of WoR denying that she didn't have to wait the heartbeats, etc. So I think most people think she's father along than we originally realized before her backstory came out, but I'm not sure if it can be determined how far she actually is. We know she doesn't seem to be aware of plate from her conversation with Jasnah on being done with her wardship, so I don't think there's a similar denial thing going on there, or even an "intent" thing blocking her. Different orders also get plate at different levels, so that does leave some slack for her to be in that higher range. I think she has to back up and accept some of what she's sworn before she can really unlock what she's achieved and continue to progress, though. BTW I've always thought of the newer radiants leaking too much Stormlight as more of a factor of how efficient they use it for a given surge, and also how quickly it bleeds away when they are holding but not using it, but hadn't made the connection between it bleeding away more rapidly being what makes it more visible when they hold it, so neat idea there!
  6. I agree with you overall but wanted to point out that Navani tells Dalinar that she discovered the gemstones weren't natively part of the shard blades, and mentions it as a new discovery, and Dalinar sounds surprised. So while it is probably somewhat "normal" for someone to not have bonded a blade yet, I think the average Roshan would expect a gemstone. I also think that Navani mentions that the blade changes shape to accept the gem though (or maybe that comes up as part of Adolin winning one when he smashes the stone and says it wasn't necessary but he wanted to make a point), so seeing a shard blade with no gem and no socket for one might be more normal. The other thing is that while we focus on the main characters, many of whom have shards, we get to see and hear about them a lot. But from the numbers listed shards are not terribly common compared to the general Roshan population, so many Roshans have never seen one. There's so much mystery and legend surrounding them that the average Roshan probably isn't going to notice some of these inconsistencies. Like Numuhuku says, if it operates and is magical looking like a shardblade, that's what it would be classified as to the non scholars.
  7. I don't think Moash does think he's honorable at this point. I think he probably does feel like killing the king was for his grand parents, but throughout his time with the singers he thinks about bridge 4 and says he doesn't deserve them, he thinks he should step up and do more for Kaladin's group of singers but doesn't and hates himself for it. I think at this point he doesn't like who he is or feel he's honorable, but he's accepted that it's not his fault and given it to Odium.
  8. Neat idea. This is very similar to the story for Diablo (PC game) though so I hope Brandon goes in a different direction! I could see Dalinar resisting Odium if he also held (most of) Honor, since the two opposing shards might make it difficult to do much, and Dalinar's will making up for the difference of having only most of Honor's power.
  9. The most important step a man can take is always the next one. If he can start stepping in the right direction maybe he can be redeemed. It may also be like in Mistborn Or maybe not, lol.
  10. Pattern also mentions that he fully expects to die by that it's worth it to research and learn about the humans and physical realm. It's possible that the other Cryptics feel that the risk of dying is worth it as well.
  11. I feel like Iyatil would not have been so surprised and impressed by Shallan losing her in the streets and finding her/sneaking up on her while watching for her to take the Taln investigation instructions if they were aware of Radiant powers. If they had another lightweaver in their group from Tien's cryptic, they likely would have figured out how she achieved what she did, rather than Iyatil following her to watch her infiltrate Dalinar's medical center. Instead Iyatil asks who she really is and lists the ways she's impressed the Ghostbloods. Agreed. In fact, I don't think you could attract a spren by saying oaths you don't intend to keep. In WoR when Kaladin starts to realize he can't keep his promise to both Dalinar and Moash, Syl tells him it would take him more than just telling the Moash group he's out. Other times she tells him she doesn't believe that he really believes the things he says. So I don't think a spren would be that easily devieved with false oaths, but as you point out, many spren would find what the ghostbloods are doing compatible with them.
  12. Keep in mind that the things we see Dalinar doing in the flashbacks may be appaling to the readers, but are the very things that made Dalinar a hero to the Alethi.
  13. Well yes. My point was about what the alien races considered civilized, and was pointing out that it wasn't cytonics like the person I responded to was saying.
  14. It's not that humans don't have cytonics that makes them uncivilized, it's the fact that humans still have war and crime. Jason talks about how most races figured out how to be peaceful and thus civilized way earlier than humans, and before they develop technology past steam power. The entire issue is that humans have cytonics to obtain FTL while still being uncivilized with crime and violence,which is why Jason is worried about the rest of the galaxy. He's also worried humans will develop technology for FTL even if he keeps the cytonics FTL away from them. Usually races are already peaceful by the time they can FTL, but in the case of humans, they're still violent and can already FTL.
  15. I wondered if Detritus could be an astroid that was harvested for resources, and built into a giant shipyard/manufacturing complex. Spensa notes that Detritus doesn't have any oceans (possibly any bodies of water?), and it has such an extensive cave network, that originally being a giant chunk of space-rock that was mined out for resources could make sense... I also thought one of the comments/thoughts from Spenda early on mentioned Detritus showing the scars of the previous inhabitants war, so it was sort of implied that whoever lived there went full on world war and eradicated themselves, but maybe it was really part of the greater war with the Krell and other alien species.
  16. I agree. It sounds like the Detritus humans were able to create Starfighters because they discovered plans and machinery capable of producing Starfighters, rather than doing much design and engineering themselves, so likely the knowledge of how to make Cytonic compatible ships doesn't exist for the Detritus humans yet, since they aren't even willing to officially acknowledge the "defect". Based on Spensa's revelations at the end of the book, I expect the Detritus humans will work in that direction though.
  17. I would claim he wasn't lucid enough to know battle was going on, and therefore was neither afraid of it nor avoiding it. The only time we see him aware of violence, he seeks to prevent it by catching the blow darts.
  18. My take was he's crawling up the stairs because they are built for heralds and too large for him (10 strides tall apiece) . Since we know the Heralds are actually normally sized, I take the paragraph as hyperbole as the author didn't really know the truth.
  19. It's the epilogue of OB. Hoid/Wit PoV and he's in Kholinor and gets into the palace.
  20. It's in tWoK when Shallan first finally manages to convince Jasnah to be her ward. Don't have specific pages or chapters off the top of my head.
  21. 4. I think Veil runs into him while spying on Amaram. I thought we had confirmation this was the same Hav. 5. They mention baskets on the end of long chains that can be lowered into the storm to recharge spheres.
  22. Could definitely be a fun/interesting twist! Please use the spoiler tags when posting about Mistborn inside the Stormlight Archive forums.
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