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Everything posted by cfphelps

  1. In this case Mr. T is remembering Gavilar saying it, so Taravangian wouldn't have to be on Bondsmith path to remember Gavilar saying it. I agree that it is sort of ambiguous, but given current information it seems like the characters are just remembering it, although some of the Dalinar scenes make it seem like "something" is repeating it for him to hear.
  2. I agree with everyone else. The questioner is trying to be sneaky and have Brandon reveal extra information about Kaladin's fate, so Brandon RAFO'd it to avoid falling into the trap one way or the other, since he knows his answers are picked apart relentlessly! Not to beat a dead horse, but you might want to label that your spoiler tag is in fact for Mistborn. Right now someone could click it thinking it's SA spoiler and get quite the shock...
  3. I think you got the K-city names mixed up. The agreement is that Odium will spare Kharbranth, which Taravangian is king of.
  4. With Sanderson at the helm I would almost be more surprised if they weren't important later on.
  5. It's possible the attacker was trying to remain inconspicuous and using a normal weapon on Rock first, but then the other bridgemen came to his aid and the attacker was forced to use his shard blade to win the fight and get away quickly.
  6. It's a tough question to answer though. If you believe he has the honor blade in order to surgebind, then no observation of him using storm light would prove he's a radiant. Szeth sucks in stormlight and lashes before summoning his blade in tWoK prologue, so being bonded to it is enough. Therefore whether or not he has his blade out, the honor blade lets him use stormlight. If you don't believe he has any honor blade then any use of stormlight confirms his bond.
  7. Well we see him fly which would require stormlight to power the surge, unless the Herald's using Honor Blades are still somehow directly connected to Honor's investiture.
  8. The way I read it is at this point in time Dalinar doesn't know that shards are spren, so he thinks of them as powerful artifacts that were created by the ancient advanced civilization of the past. The only shards he knows about are swords and plate armor, which he sees only war/fighting as the applications for. So he's wondering why the ancient advanced civilization didn't create such tools to enable people to create/build things. He seems that the extra strength and endurance of his plate armor makes it so he can dig the entire latrine considerably faster than a work crew, and thinks that it is strange that there aren't similar shards that would enable the "regular man" (read as non-soldier) to do their profession more easily.
  9. Nale is the only one who has reclaimed his blade though, violating the agreement of the Heralds to leave them, right? And that was fairly recent (seems like within Szeth's lifetime since he seems to recall Nale's going missing, but that might be historic knowledge that was passed down amongst the Shin) So the others wouldn't have really been practicing with surges. Plus their all insane in some way or another, so I don't know that they necessarily spent their time with productive training/practice, but it's certainly interesting to think about.
  10. I also was reminded of the "rockslide" line during a re-read, and wondered if it hinted at possible Sadeas involvement. I don't think Sadeas being loyal to Gavilar necessarily would prevent him from trying to position himself better, as the defacto number 2 vs. sharing that title with Dalinar depending on the situation. As the OP says, Sadeas could play the outcome and spin it as a framing if Dalinar survived, and if he didn't using that as justification (to the rest of the world) to attack the Rift in the name of vengeance. He has no reason to like Tanelon, so that would just be a ploy to consolodate his power. The fact that he gave it his all attacking the Rift doesn't really mean much IMO, as he'd want to be convincing in his outrage at being framed and the attack on Dalinar, and we already know he doesn't really care for the safety of his troops.
  11. I agree. It's mentioned how they bring out large panels to keep people's eyes off, but Adolin is able to go inside because of his rank, although the ardents still seem uncomfortable with him watching soul casting.
  12. Shallon didn't have time to think through a ton of options. Again, she's a frightened person, who reacted how she had to in order to survive. She hadn't even fully admitted to herself that she had a shard blade, or one that could be summoned instantly at that point. She was not the sort of calm individual who could take a step back and consider her reactions. She was scared to leave her room because if she acted out, her father beat someone else in her place. She was clinging to the family she remembered with not wanting to leave her father, but she was definitely afraid of him and abused by him in non-physical ways.
  13. If you think about it the time perception makes total sense. As you get older, the same time duration becomes a smaller percentage of your total life. So when you're 2 years old, a year is half of your life! When you're 40 years old, it's only 2.5% of your life!
  14. Keep in mind that lashing changes gravity direction, so it is a constant acceleration applied to Kaladin as long as he retains the lashing (and has storm light to maintain it), vs. an initial push force that gets him going in a direction.
  15. This is adieu how I read that quote. The others are looking at him afraid he will suddenly become a Voidbringer. He's pointing out that he would have to open himself up to any new form in order to take a new form.
  16. So when Elhokar gives Kaladin land, it is after Elhokar has declared Dalinar high king of Urithiru above him, and Elhokar maintains that Dalinar has to give up his claim on Alethkar/Kholinar. Could this change the land Elhokar has at his disposal from when Adolin had that thought in WoK?
  17. With Adolin it was also that Sadeas had betrayed him and his family multiple times (battle of the tower, the dueling fiasco, etc.) and said he would do so again. Before Adolin attacked him he literally told him that there was no way he and Dalinar could both survive, and that he intended to kill Dalinar to take over the kingdom. Adolin likely thought he was protecting the entire Kholin family and kingdom by dispatching Sadeas. Regarding the Rathalas situation, wasn't history re-written such that Evi's death was due to trickery from Rathalas, and not the fault of Dalinar OR Sadeas? Do we actually know what Adolin thinks of why/how his mother died yet?
  18. I believe Dalinar talks about wishing Jasnah would return to the war camps to help several times during WoK (as well ask asking her during their Span Reed conversation after he digs the latrine with his plate and war hammer), so my impression was Jasnah had indeed been with the war camps at the Shattered Plains. He could have been referring to her being with the group before he made his way to the Shattered Plains, but we know from OB that he was basically in a drunken stupor until he met with the Night Watcher on his way to the Shattered Plains, so it seems that she would have been involved in the war camps after he lost his Evi memories and was able to move on and concentrate on the Vengeance Pact. Also I am pretty sure when Jasnah tells Shallan that they are going to the Shattered Plains she says she's been away from there for too long.
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