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Everything posted by Eluvianii

  1. If they can make air solid, virtually they could fly, though the way I imagine it, it may be a bit uncomfortable and probably would consume a lot of stormlight. But using the same concept. Could they shape air and water around themselves so they can dive with an air bubble of sorts to breath and reshaping water behind them to move more easily?
  2. 1. He would write a page every day and that page would be longer than any book you've ever read. 2. One for each prophet, as they probably hold the Earth equivalent of a shard. 3. Probably surges, I remember Jesus using at least regrowth, soulcasting and probably something with cohesion. 4. Why, of course. Where do you think all those Christianity branches come from? 5. Only if she can find another secret.
  3. Actually remember in the first book when he's seeing shadows everywhere and then Shallan, in the process of becoming a Lightweaver starts seeing things that match with Elhokar's? I was pretty sure since there that he was going to be one but since they stop mentioning them in the second book, I forgot. Then my dreams were destroyed during the attack on the palace.
  4. So, he's keeping quiet what he can but has hinted that maybe, just maybe without confirming or denying it, people on Roshar will start to discover other ways to do it. Great, now I'm even more curious and we're at least two years away from the answers.
  5. Until now every Radiant that has appeared has had issues. Big issues. But now they are saying you have to be like that in order to becme one. Now, people with problems are common, depression, guilt, loss, things like that aren't hard to find but I think almost every character in Stormlight has suffered more in three books than the average person will in a lifetime. The Radiants were a big force back in the day, big enough to command a war over the storming world so we can assume there were thousands of them. So, if you really have to be broken to become a Radiant, either the requirements are not as high as they seem and you could become a Radiant after only feeling guilty for killing ants as a kid or something, in which case the protagonists are just those who have suffered the most, hence the more suitable for a good story and accomplishing big things, or simply Roshar is just a really, really harsh planet to live in.
  6. When you see a tiny little black dot in the air and then it dissapears and you ask yourself what kind of spren it was
  7. @StrikerEZ That sounds like a must, I love everything relating/resembling Sherlock Holmes, I'll definitely check it out. @goody153 I actually don't have anything against vampires or romance, storms, the three things I mentioned have at least one of those each, I just don't very much like the way most YA authors put it but this might be interesting. As for Percy Jackson, I'm planning on reading it in the future but I think it's not what I'm looking for right now.
  8. Thank you, guys, you really helped me out here, most of what you mentioned appears to be just what I was looking for. I actually can't believe I hadn't found any of these before, there are far more than I expected. I think I'll check Dresden Files first but as these all seem to be rather long series I think I may finish when SA 4 comes out. Really, thanks.
  9. I really hope this is in the right category. So, I've been reading XxxHolic and, along with Monogatari and Kara no Kyoukai, I just LOVE its take on the supernatural. So I thought I'd look for books with a similar approach, something a little less anime-esque. Thing is, I can't seem to find any. I don't know if I'm just looking with the wrong tags or something but every time I type "supernatural" vampire romance pops up, a lot on vampire romance, and everything derived from it. So I was wondering if you guys knew something that resembled that. Things with that wide a variety of concepts and creatures, and how the supernatural seem to connect with human nature rather than be a separating line, etc. I'm not even making sense describing it but I hope you get what I mean, any ideas?
  10. @Weltall That's, actually a pretty good idea. Becoming a saint by having a genocide god, to give you advice, it's quite the irony.
  11. When while while exercising during military service you're about to faint but tell yourself "If Kaladin can run with a bridge, I can do this"
  12. Hmmmmm if I can choose any cosmere character I probably would choose Syl and Vin. Syl would be like "Trust him, he is a good man" and Vin would just reply "It's a scam".
  13. I guess the first fantasy book I read was Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but I love HP practically since I was born so it kinda was its own thing to me. It wasn't until I was 12 I think that I stumbled into a copy of The Neverending Story in my school's library. It changed everything. Granted, it took me still several years to fully get into fantasy but it all started there, it's a book that every time I read it, I like it a bit more and it even seems to me that it gets deeper in meaning, I don't know how to explain it but it might be my favorite book to date. A fun thing is that I still have my school's copy of the book. It was in pretty bad shape when I borrowed it and when I tried to return it they wanted me to repair it. I didn't have any idea how to do that and they didn't ask me for it a second time, sooooo that was it.
  14. @Gargoyle I'm not sure how to respond to that (English is not my mother tongue) but I think it would be Eluv-yani, it comes from the Zapoteca culture from Mexico, originally it was spelled Guendabiaaani if I remember correctly but my parents adapted it to be a bit more reasonable. And actually I started to listen to their music recently, a friend of mine told me I had to because it sounded like my name and I'm glad she did.
  15. Eluviani is my real name. I like it because it's kind of a weird name and I've never met anyone else who has it. Besides it sounds cool, it's on the weird side but still pronounceable so it just fits in everything I want it to. I like to think of it as the best birthday present I've been given.
  16. The Hero of Ages: The Way of Kings: Words of Radiance:
  17. For me it's Surgebinding and AonDor. I love the concept of the ten orders and each one having a different ability for a different purpose. As for AonDor, every magic system based on writing is something I find fascinting, besides, it works like coding and as a programmer (well, in process) it's impossible not to feel interested.
  18. I really hope he thinks about everything now that he has time (a lot of it, it seems). At least I have the interludes now. I'm finally going to meet this Lift whose name I keep seeing everywhere.
  19. So I just finished part three in WoR and. Did anyone else want to strangle Kaladin in those last moments? I had to stop reading because I couldn't concentrate after that. I mean, everything was going wonderfully, I guess it was too good to be true.
  20. I'm seriously in love with Shallan's Lullaby and Wit's Theme. Also Warrior makes for a very good credits theme, if a book can have one of those. Ok, after listening to it a second time I think I have to add Sylphrena, Bridge Four, Rysn, Wandersail and Tien to my list. Now I should leave it at that before I end up saying that the entire album is my favorite song.
  21. I always liked Sarene. Also Szeth which I love because it sounds sharp, like a dagger or something. There's also Kaise, Siri, Vin, Kelsier, Shallan, Jasnah, Kaladin, I like a lot of names.
  22. Bookmark. I could remember the page or the chapter I was on, I guess, but I'm gradually starting to collect bookmarks. I don't know, they're cool.
  23. I just finished it myself and man, I don't know. I don't think my mind is made to the idea that is over. I mean, a LOT of things happened, I'm still processing the ending. I can say, however, that is one of the best I've ever seen/read, I just can't put it into words.
  24. The Final Empire: The Well of Ascension: Warbreaker:
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