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Everything posted by Ethan_sedai

  1. that was the inspiration for that part of my signature...
  2. "your pants are not majestic" "Except, there are no T-Rex on the Moon!"
  3. isn't that all of the Cosmere? sometimes, I wonder if that's how he comes up with Inspiration for all of his books...
  4. when you see people comment about having 2, 8, or even 15-16 tabs open on the Shard, and you fall out of your seat laughing, because you have so many tabs, you can only see the 17th shard icon.
  5. when you instead of naming your dnd character after a character from the stormlight archive, you look at glyphs and suffixes, and create alethi lighteyed names for your dnd characters. when you get new dice for dnd that happen to be metal, and you immediately think "I set these dice in metal, for anything not set in metal cannot be trusted."
  6. I don't have any Spikes cookies, and I have a limited knowledge of Hemalurgy cooking, but I can turn common objects into nightmares without any form of investiture! (or the One power, for that matter...)
  7. "...Except the Investiture is anti-hammer-men."
  8. "Imma murder someone so I don't have to shave my head every now and then." "canolis are our downfall" "aha! taken by the almighty pineapple!" "I forgot to blow-dry my toothbrush." "why else would I have you in a wrestling hold to find out why you put a spoon in my cup?" "don't make me come in there!" (said pointing at own head)
  9. Ethan_sedai


    I suppose that it being aluminum is still a possibility, but because it is a soluble ionic compound, it must be at most only 32% aluminum by mass, and the compound that gives us that ratio, Aluminum Fluoride, is toxic, and that percentage of aluminum is only for a pure sample of Aluminum Fluoride. in order for the compound to not be toxic to the level of killing whoever gets shot with a terken arrow, the percentage of aluminum goes down even further. Also RUBIES and SAPPHIRES are Insoluble Ionic compounds that are 52% Aluminum, and they still hold stormlight just like any other Gemstone that doesn't contain Aluminum. (I can't believe I forgot to mention that before...) So, I think that it would be more plausible for Terken to cause a reaction through the lichen, and it isn't that hard to do so, because one Sand Master can mess with another's Sand Mastery just by hitting their ribbons in the right spot.
  10. if everything has a spren, could a Parshendi bond with a swordspren? a shieldspren? in the distant future, a computerspren? a laserspren? a websitespren? a threadspren? (that brings up an interesting question: if the website has a spren, are we killing it when we don't comment? are we literally reviving the thread when we necro it, rather than just metaphorically?) how about a spaceshipspren? (try saying that five times fast) a commentspren? a userspren? (we could name it Tron!) an autocorrectspren? (there wouldn't be any trouble finding one of those. this comment alone would attract several.) the possibilities are endless!!!
  11. where is that thread? I tried to search for it, but I didn't find it...
  12. sounds like something lift would do...
  13. I think ships from Star Wars are a bit faster than that, because isn't there a line about how "they could be on the other side of the galaxy by now" fairly soon after the Millennium Falcon dissapears? and I think that the Star Wars galaxy is larger (in number of planets and stars, at least) than the cosmere, and I think that the reason it takes longer than that to get from some places to others is that they have to avoid planets, stars, and even nebulas in order to prevent faster-than-light collisions. just sayin'.
  14. I was about to try to come up with a counter-argument about spren being a huge variety, not just smaller pieces of the Shard's intent or the Vessel's personality, but the spren gaining their own sentience might be different, so you win for now.
  15. My first thought was "maybe it was 1,000 Divine Breaths?" But of course, from what I can tell, not only is that impractical, I think it's impossible, too.
  16. I like this, but if the cognitive shadow split with the shard, would that mean that Adonalsium was already a cognitive shadow at the time of the shattering? Not that I disagree, this seems to make a lot of sense, and it is entirely possible that he already was a cognitive shadow at the time of the shattering, maybe it had something to do with the failed plan to kill Adonalsium?
  17. Ethan_sedai


    I think it isn't aluminum, because: I'm pretty sure that on Scadrial, in order to get an alloy that is completely resistant to allomancy, it still has to be a large amount of aluminum, and, as far as I can tell, still needs to be an alloy. the terken dissolves in water, which means it is an ionic compound, and therefore no longer an alloy, and because it is an ionic compound, a large amount of the compound would be something that isn't aluminum, and would probably mess up the resistance to investiture. in addition, from what I've learned about soluble compounds in chemistry, and online,(I mostly used wikipedia, so I could be wrong.) any soluble ionic compound that includes aluminum would be at least a little toxic, which, depending on the anatomy of a terken, might not matter, but would be at least irritating, so whoever got shot with a piece of terken arrow, would be in much more pain than it looked like they were in. so, it is probably something that only works on sand mastery. As to how it works, it could be either a chemical reaction, or an Investiture reaction, that does something to the microorganisms that make sand mastery possible. I might be completely wrong about everything except for it being an ionic compound, though.
  18. "Why is the salsa making laser noises?" "When you're learning to snowboard, you'll probably hurt yourself. when you're good at snowboarding, you'll definitely hurt yourself." "It was my leg I had a bad fall on, not my head... Unless I did fall on my head, and now I think it's my leg." "If I'm gonna die, the comfy chair is coming with me!"
  19. "my chin used to be farther down on my face!" -me, about 15 minutes after getting my wisdom teeth out. "death by yoga pose laser"
  20. remember to put OB spoilers in spoiler tags.
  21. also, metal is very important across the cosmere as well, which is interesting. I actually might have something more in-depth. some of this is from coppermind, and definitions, but some of it is my interpretation: definitions: "The name Adonalsium is derived from a Hebrew name for God, Adonai." -coppermind the suffix -al, as defined by google as relating to; of the kind of. (not sure if this is actually important, but it seems like something that nobody else has noticed, though.) and the suffix -ium, forming names of metallic elements. (according to google, it could also be denoting a region of the body, or denoting a biological structure.) my interpretation: so, it seems like it means something that was like or relating to a god (which brings up interesting implications), perhaps a metal, which means it could mean something like "something like or relating to a god metal (strange that we already have god metals...)" or maybe something else, perhaps it means "a region of or a structure in or relating to the body of a god", which I think is a really interesting concept. I might be wrong, though. I would like to see what other people have to say.
  22. yes, that works too, but what I was wondering is if, someone else has a full stomach(not just nutrition, but physical food in their stomach), and you spike them, can you also have a full stomach? will it last longer, or will it disappear just as fast as if you had eaten food?
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