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Everything posted by Aminar

  1. I like the idea there was more to the Recreance(mostly because I think the current reason isn't all that convincing). But I don't think this is it. Something about surge binding broke life and forced humanity to flee their home planet. The Spren being drawn to humans is pretty much that humans feel more diverse emotions. A war form Listener isn't going to get a Creation Spren no matter how hard it works. A human can go from a Creation Spren to an Anger Spren to a Glory Spren in the time it takes to write a single beautiful sentence and follow it up with a Gloom Spren a minute later. Which is besides the point. I don't think the destruction wreaked from Surge Binding is because it draws Spren away from things. I think it's a function of the old magic system. Odium's version of Surge binding. Using passion to fuel destructive magics comes with obvious downsides. Imagine Division being powered by Rage. Angry people would be terrifying. In addition Cultivation is kind of the opposite of wild growth. It's planned Growth. It's almost anti-ecology. So I'm not sure she'd be killed by destroying nature.
  2. I think that's actually kind of hard in this world because the act of being an amazing person seeking to make change seems to draw Spren, enabling greater change. The Recreance changed this. Otherwise I'd agree. It's great to have non-magical folks. But when Magic comes from effecting change and doing good it's harder to root for that.
  3. 100% Support before. Support after. Love before. Love After. Faithfulness before. Faithfulness after. The only things that changed when I got married was the weight on my finger, my last name(not hers), and how I did the taxes.
  4. Sure. But so will lots of things. Having Kids. Adolin learning how to be a High Prince. Changing gender dynamics. Working out intimacy. The fact the world is falling apart around them, which will be a far bigger strain on every relationship on Roshar than Shallan's identity crisis and trauma history will be on her relationship with Adolin. Relationships are about those things(minus the apocalypse). As for the difference between a relationship and a marriage. Eh. Marriage is just formalizing something. The commitment comes before then and the marriage just kind of tells people it's there. The dynamic of change and adaptation will never stop. It's that whole, Life is a Journey thing. Marriage isn't a destination. It shouldn't be treated like one any more than any other part of a relationship. But our society is really bad about that.
  5. I'd assume it's pretty obviously Dalinar by the end of OathBringer. Odium tried to make him his Champion.
  6. Every Relationship is built on people not revealing parts of themself. People are constantly growing and changing and discovering things about themself they didn't know. Things they have a hard time articulating. Things they struggle with or fear judgement about. If you want a partner that never changes their identity you're going to have a hard time. Relationships are about committing to a person's present, and future self. Relationships can end when people grow apart. That happens. But feeling betrayed by a partner growing, changing, or struggling with their identity says more about the person feeling betrayed.
  7. That's a general nerd thing. Doesn't matter what your nerd passion is, odds are the people in your family won't latch on(unless you have impressionable younger siblings to make really excited about the things you love). Your parents figured out their hobbies and interests when they were your age and changing as an adult is hard. I'm assuming you're still a minor, or maybe an early adult living at home. If you look you can probably find people that share your passions. Try a local game store. Make some friends there. Even if they haven't read the books you have, the fact they're in a game store suggests they'll have at least a passing interest. Try some conventions and make friends there. I made some of the best friends of my life staffing a convention. But also, be varied in your passions. Find the things you can connect with about other people on their level, don't just throw your passions at them. Your Mom and you have to share some interests that you can build on while you build other relationships around books you like/games/what have you. It's good to be a varied and complex person.
  8. Told me I'm a Willshaper. And I can see it. I believe Morality boils down to restricting the freedom of others as little as possible, and that doing good is increasing the capacity of people to make their own choices. But they're definitely also my secondary order in that they are a path I could go down. I like building. I like going to places and helping people bring themselves up. But I run more Edgedancer. My job is working with underprivileged teens, which is 90% listening and letting them have a voice so they feel heard and understood. And 10% patience as they make stupid choices over and over again/vent their rage onto you. I found the quiz a little lacking in that I guarantee me balancing Heart and Head suggests not and Edgedancer, but like, I'm good at listening because I have excellent emotional control. When a kid tells you they want to die your heart breaks, but you have to be able to stay calm in that situation. (In essence, I think it's built on false dichotomies where 50% could mean, I value both of these in spades or it could mean I'm in the middle.)
  9. I don't buy it. It'd be impossible to find literally anything. It stops being functional to have soulcasting work the way we've talked about is trapped a thousand miles down and held in place by pressure and friction that as to exist for living beings to be able to function in Shadesmar.
  10. It really isn't. We saw a group of people go there and see/interact with the same things. It'd look absolutely insane if every observer there saw it differently. It breaks down because the number is literally unfathomable. Think about those Triangle Puzzles where there's one triangle with a bunch of little triangles inside and you have to count how many triangles there are. Then think of a complicated object. How many named parts are there of that object? Like a castle. There's wings and suites and bricks and buttresses and you could divide up in trillions upon trillions of ways. A small house would be billions of pieces. You'd have more beads than there are stars in the universe. It would be a mass several times larger than Roshar as a planet. Bigger than a star. It doesn't work.
  11. If you use a definition nobody else is using you're being intentionally confusing. WoB isn't technically Canon either because he can change it if he wants. You're not helping your argument by saying, "Well the definition everybody understands isn't Canon." You're just making your argument badly.
  12. Practiced isn't Savantism. Savantism is a very specific condition. And it's pretty much an addiction mechanism. He may be practiced, but even then, I suspect he's pretty busy with his being wherever he's needed thing.
  13. He's not a Savant. There's no reason for him to be. He's not going to run around burning metals constantly. That's a lot of baggage to carry around and Hoid seems to be on the move constantly. Think about how much pewter was needed for a Pewter Drag.
  14. I would think the insides of a giant magical fire breathing beast would stand a good chance at being fatal, even for Hoid. That or they give him the ability to psychically speak with dragons via color and sensation(or something more cosmerish). After all, he is from Yolen, and that's what happened in The Pit Dragon Trilogy Jane Yolen wrote
  15. So... I honestly suspect having this conversation in depth would require a move to Cosmere Theories. Because Mistborn Secret History has some pretty specific pieces early on that confuse the issue, but we'd have to riddle the discussion with spoiler tags to talk about it here.
  16. My struggle is that the Stormfather has a clear identity that doesn't seem like Tanavast at all, before the bond he had no understanding of tragedy, no empathy, no suggestion he remembers being human at all, but does feel like Honor in his appreciation for Oaths and general personality. The Stormfather's personality just doesn't seem independent enough to have ever been human. And Brandon constantly refers to it as Honor's shadow.
  17. Isn't that about Sja-Anat? It's part of the same Desk Drawer section that talks about the Unmade.
  18. I'm not so sure Tanavast's cognitive shadow is the same as Honor/The almighty's. Tanavast was a man. Honor was a deity. A cognitive shadow is basically other people's understanding of a being, so Honor's cognitive shadow is people's idea of the Almighty. They have no concept of Tanavast, so I suspect there's little of Tanavast's identity involved in the Cognitive shadow.
  19. I don't see it going down like this at all. Dalinar's probably not going to survive to the back half of the trilogy and Odium is being set up as more than just the antagonist of Stormlight. Not to mention how terribly repetitive that would be.
  20. She specifically said Else calling back is really difficult. And Hoid knew exactly where she' d cross back. That suggests there was a reason she'd be there, in virtually the middle of nowhere, seemingly not even by a water source. It really sounds like she used a perpendicularity to cross over rather than Elsecalling.
  21. Understandable. It's a really unique contradiction that the other orders don't seem to have.
  22. Because Wisdom isn't exactly Hoid's strong suite. Lying on the other hand. That's his bag. Not to mention Lightweavers have an easier path to follow than other orders as far as sticking to their oaths. Their path is one of self-understanding. Wit's free to explore who he is, at his age he' s unlikely to massively change. Lightweavers oaths are not lies. They're absolute truths about a person they can no longer deny. If he went for Elsecaller he'd have to devote himself to a search for Wisdom. We don't know what those oaths are, but I imagine they involve a lot of time spent studying that Hoid has to spend travelling to where he's needed and working that out.
  23. Exceptional among the Listeners. But like the other Radiants, there will be hundreds of others among the Singers.
  24. There was a big discussion on this a few days ago. I suspect it was more Odium betraying the Humans he brought to Roshar in creating the Fused than Honor betraying the Singers. The Fused were the Kings of the Singers at the time the Heralds crossed. If they were suddenly suffused with Odium's hate they could easily see Honor not siding with them as a betrayal. ~5 Millenia of the Telephone game later what people believe is bound to be twisted.
  25. Elhokar was in his early-mid twenties when his father died. "The End" seems to have started for Gavilar before the Great Shell hunts. The first suggestion is the flashback where Adolin was born. Not only does Gavilar talk about Uniting Alethkar a whole lot, but he says, "Words are Important." and talks about missing when people were Radiant. That was ~23 years before Way of Kings, 17 years before his death. I suspect he'd already started having the visions by then, but wasn't truly the kind of man to become a Radiant. Strength before Weakness is not the Alethi way. Jasnah had just struggled with her "Lunacy" which may have been the first steps towards her Radiance. Elhokar was 6 or 7 at this point. Old enough to remember his father dueling, but also seeing his father change. Even the flashback before that has Gavilar talking about the need for unity when he tells Dalinar about the Rift rebelling. Dalinar didn't become a Radiant until he'd moved on from Uniting Alethkar and towards preparing for a desolation, something Gavilar never really did. His approach was to create more conflict not less.
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