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Everything posted by WhiteLeeopard

  1. I wasn't too worried for Kaladin succumbing to Odium this book. Partly because he was in a really good (for him) headspace with Shallan and Adolin. Shallan brings light to him, and Adolin just makes him more stable and looks after his mental health. Also, since it became obvious Dalinar was pointed to be the champion I was mainly concerned with him. I ended up thinking it would be Dalinar as Odium's champion and Szeth as Honor's. Happy how it ended up going instead . There are not enough upvotes for this post. Moash felt "wrong" to me from book 1. He always put me on edge. Really good to see I read his character/Brandon's cues so well since the start . Also, I'm almost amazed Adolin and Renarin are as healthy emotionally as they are, since their relationship with Dalinar (specially Renarin) when they were children was bordering abusive.
  2. To him personally, I think it relates to letting the dead go. For other windrunners it may be about other more personalized Oaths, but always relating to a big personal dragon. Two Windrunner points from OB I don't think have been brought up 1. Windspren are nearly confirmed as been related to Plate 2. How funny is it that Kaladin has ended up bonded to who is basically the Princess of the Honorspren?
  3. Nah. I always saw Amaram for what he pursued, not what he spouted: he wanted power. He preached Vorinism because it was the conduit around to give him most power. Odium appeared with even more power so he jumped to the train with more power. Not surprising.
  4. Rambling, not having read anything in shard, and kind of incoherent after 2 days in la la world. Dang, now its over. Can I mention the work of art that was Kaladin, Shallan and Adolin. Together they were just perfect, and complimented each other beautifully, one picking up the slack when another fell down. Adolin is a stunning character. I wish there had been more Nightblood VIVENNA. I was such an IDIOT I did not notice who she was until the dinner chat she had with Kaladin when they put the cards on the table. Ungh! Also, congratulations to Taravangian! After much, much work he finally managed to perform his goal of the Diagram superceding the Sons of Honor as the dumbest smart Secret Society in Roshar. Totally going to make a meme of this one. I felt quite bloodthirstily satisfied with the path Moash took. He irritated me on book 1. He annoyed me in book 2. And now this in book 3. There is a fierce satisfaction in knowing you had correctly judged a bad person even while everyone around them adored him. For a moment, Unity, I almost thought Dalinar had reassembled Honor ^^. Also, yes Dalinar was a monster, and yes Evi was a moron. Sneaking into a rival city when her husband was clearly firmly on the kill and not listen point, sigh. Elhokar made an amazing character recovery in OB. Then he died . And he was bonding a cryptic! AND JEZRIEN IS DEAD All Hail Queen Jasnah The Skybreakers are an interesting order. Although Nale is incomprehensible. "I have fought Odium actively for several thousand years. I have fought Odium more passively for 4000 years. So I'm now going to decide to side with him because I've decided his cronies deserve this land for no clear reason. Since its not as If I haven't known they were here before humans for the past 6000 years." The should use the spren more to spy, hope they investigate T in detail now. Who just hurried to spill something when he saw Szeth about to do it. CAN'T BELIEVE WE DIDNT SEE A CONVERSATION BETWEEN DALINAR AND SZETH. "You killed my brother" "Yes" "You tried to kill me. Actually were about 10 seconds away from it" "Yes" "Now you wan't to serve me ultimately" "Yes" "I need some valium" "Where should I get it?" Ash will be amazing to read Renarin was indeed bonded to a voidspren as suspected. Although not sure it counts as voidspren, is corrupted void? I called Dalinar was meant to be Odium's champion fairly early on Dalinar was touched by Cultivation herself, hmmm, poor Dalinar, with all 3 gods fighting over who gets more of him. Dalinar's powers were...wow. So many radiants and bridge 4 swearing ideals. Shallan and Adolin wedding. Maxal should be happy. Although I was kind of really shipping Kadolin halfway through. Alas Lift was awesome. I can see Edgedancers as the glue of all the orders. When the coalition fell appart it was amazing. "I'm concerned about what our ancestors did 7000 years ago, so I'm not going to fight as we descend from murderers." "I'm concerned the Alethi seek to conquer us in the next few years, so we will leave the coalition" Dudes...not to be the rain in your parade but the chances of you having a kingdom in a few years are small if you join together, and nil if you don't. So point is...? And if you are going to stop fighting because there are dishonorable people in your family tree then just don't get out of bed in the first place. Life before Death. The living over the dead. The present over the past. And harsh as it sounds, the descendants that own the world over the ancestors that once walked it. If anyone actually read all this messy chaos I wrote props to you. Going to have a nap then fully delve into 17th shard.
  5. Can I just point out how absolutely no-one even considered that Eshonai was dead in the past 3 years? To paraphrase Warbreaker "(S)He just plummeted to his (her) certain death from a 3 story high building. Of course (s)he is alive"
  6. I've had a horrible evening with my stomach in a ball. If the book doesn't appear at midnight on my kindle I wouldn't be surprised if the pain moves everywhere. Why is it so much worse the last 3h than the entire previous 3 years?
  7. If it doesn't appear on my kindle at midnight I will be upset. It would be the first book ever to not do that. Of course its probably the biggest, most anticipated book I've bought on release day since I have the kindle.
  8. The biggest problem Eshonai had going forward is she was pefect. If you were writting a character to lead and save the parshendi from Odium and become the first parshendi KR (Willshaper) Eshonai ticked. Every. Single. Box. For it. And when was the last time Brandon wrote a character perfectly representative of his group? Thats right. Never. The way I figured this was okay, was because the Parshendi had possibly the toughest path going forward, and if parshendi were never knights the first would have too be perfectly perfect for the order to be chosen by the spren, right? Turns out no . If Eshonai is dead so much changes. Rlain takes basically undisputed spot 1 as parshendi hope. The parshmen are more screwed. Now there is no hero to free them and go back to Honor, now we don't know where their paths take them. Things look more grim for there ever been a parshendi KR. Additionally, could mean next book is the Dustbringer one, and Shallash book will be the Willshaper one. On Venli topic. Yeah, I'm so looking forward to her -sarcasm-. The parshendi are so lucky to have her. Lets make a list E wanted what was best for her people. V wanted to be queen (personal glory/worship, over her people). Check E as single stipulation over above clause was she hated and feared the gods and was willing to watch her people die than return them. V returns gods willingly and gleefuly to be queen. E wanted peace with humans. V wants to destroy humans. E fought the transformation into Voidbringer. V embraces it. E was honorable to her core. V...well, odious to her core E fully respected and seen as leader of the parshendi. V jalaleus, spiteful -insert whatever odium word you want here- of E I could go on, but will stop. The parshendi are so lucky to have V. Looking at the list I see Venli is the perfect voidbringer. Once again there is not a single voidy box she doesn't check. I guess thats why we are left with her. As she'd be the perfect unlikely hero. Nevertheless...Szeth has the redemption arc of SA, not overly interested in a trobe of them more. My brain feels like scrambled eggs since I heard the excerpt, so...here I am till midnight when my kindle gets the bomb to completely blow up my poor brain.
  9. I've had a theory for a while that Szeth was once a Stone Shaman. I wanted to publish it, but I couldn't enter theoryland to get the supporting WoBs and restarted reading OB part one around the time the new WoB archive came up.
  10. I can handle 2x speeds but I was far too impatient to figure it out above. In any case...even 2x speed or higher can't match excited eyes at the climax. Of course this way there is no danger of your eyes accidentally dropping to a paragraph below and reading a bombshell that means you can't focus on your original paragraph.
  11. WHAT?! WHAT?!!! WHAAAAAT?!!!!!!! Okay, I haven't finished the interlude but WHAAAAAAT??????????? I WAS FOND OF ESHONAI. SHE ROCKED. SHE WAS MEANT TO BE OUR WILLSHAPER. Edit after finishing. Firstly I don't know how people on audible can do it. Wew! What do you guys do on these crazy parts when you can't just read faster? Secondly, theories... Option one Eshonai just needs stormlight if nahel bond can kick in to save her...of course this needs her alive. And since we Shardblade was unbonded... Doesn't work Ehrm, Nale is around with a revival fabrial...but he's probably too late and would have no interest in helping. OMG, just...why did this have to be published before the book came out. First time I regret reading/hearing something from OB. Tomorrow my concentration is going to be zero.
  12. I'm looking forward to reading all the epic moments. Dalinar and the Stormskype will be great too. And maybe, maaybe a confrontation between Szeth and everyone in Urithiru, which could happen if Nalan thinks they should go there. That would mean Szeth and Dalinar, Kaladin, Adolin and T . Each of those on their own would be a rollercoaster.
  13. I thought there may be two ways of having no reaction to Nightblood (other than having bonded it). Either to be neither good nor evil, or to have the same amounts of good and evil. Which is not exactly the same. I couldn't help but wonder which of the two it was when for Szeth when I finished WoK. Of course I have found a ton of WoBs and info since then, so I no longer know what to believe where Nightblood is concerned. Other than its awesome and I can't wait to read more about him .
  14. I guess 20 is Szeth. 14 is completely hilarious . Most of the rest could be anything. All I can say is it will defintely be a rollercoaster.
  15. I thought so at first, but then didn't he say in twitter OB story would be the Girl with the Red Scarf? So I thought we might have already gotten our story. But not certain there. And honestly, meant for Kaladin or not, I can never think of Wandersail truly meant for anything other than Szeth . The other points Kaladin gets from it are a bonus, but secondary for me. As for Fleet, I suspect there is a huge realization we will get from it in a later book. As the lesson from Fleet, or the realization to our characters somehow seems incomplete.
  16. Shallan can't really be used to disprove level 3-shardblade theory because apparently before her mother died she had nealy spoken all Oaths (via WoB). The biggest challange to the theory is actually Renarin. He said they needed more people with Shardblades so he tried to summon Glys, although Glys wasn't sure it would work. If the levels were solid there would be no "sure" about it. This makes me think Truthwatchers are fluid, and that he and Glys were winging it trying to summon the Blade before their time and got lucky.
  17. Kaladin is lv 3. Shallan seems to be lv 4 but she is not clear cut. Dalinar is also at lv 2. Levels correspond to Oaths . Level 1: can absorb stormlight randomly Level 2: can surgebind Level 3: gets Shardblade and surgebinding gets cooler Level 4: don't know Level 5: full Radiant Of course things are a bit more complicated as I'm no longer sure if all orders get Shardblade at the same point.
  18. While 2 is not enough to form a pattern, there are some things that always seem to happen in SA. Rather amazingly several of these have already happened in OB Story told by an in-book character 1. Way of Kings: Wandersail 2. Words of Radiance: Fleet 3. Oathbringer: The Girl Who Looked Up Ten Fools appearance 1. Way of Kings: Cabine, He acts like a child although he is an adult 2. Words of Radiance: Eshu, He speaks of things he does not understand in front of those who do 3. Oathbringer: Dillid, He ran up a hillside toward the Tranquiline Halls with sand sliding beneath his feet—running for eternity, but never making progress. Kaladin's otherworldy chat with the Stormfather 1. Way of Kings: When strung up by Sadeas 2. Words of Radiance: In the chasms with Shallan 3. Oathbringer: Rescuing people trying to convince SF to stop blowing So, what other specific events seem to happen in all SA books that have not yet appeared in OB? Or that have happened already?
  19. No-one seems to know about Kaladin's involvement in it. They all seem to have forgotten about Moash. I guess at the time they had bigger things to worry about, but the question about where is Moash may be asked soon. What I'm curious is if Kaladin told Bridge 4, since he seemed to be dreading doing so but knew he had to.
  20. @Salkara Sorry this took a bit longer than expected. Words of Radiance. Interlude I-14. Sorry I originally directed you to the wrong place, sometimes all the information in my head gets jumbled up and I don't remember where I originally got things from .
  21. I've never done something like this, so not sure how it is. Spoilered for size. Kaladin's story, Part One: The story begins with our hero in his usual upbeat mood Till the surprising news He says hi to old acquaintances Before sharing all his new flashy gear Everyone reacts with the expected awe So he decides to cut short his family visit Then the ominious foreshadowing As he hunts down the evil monsters He eventually takes his leave His new friends are unhappy he leaves without a proper farewell And to end in his usual optimistic mood he decides to pick a fight with the shadow of a god The end of Part One.
  22. I am afraid negative emotions are easier to fall prey to than positive emotions. The parshmen may well just remember his betrayal, and convince themselves he just taught them things and was kind to them to gain their trust in order to be able to spy on them till he decided to ditch them.
  23. In the strict sense of the words you could probably say riding the storm accros half of Roshar as Kaladin just did could count as "harnessing the storms".
  24. Aha! I knew I was forgetting something else. Following that point, I wonder if Kaladin is a bit different to other Radiants because his spren is an "experienced spren" so to say.
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