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Everything posted by WhiteLeeopard

  1. I have a feeling many of the questions can be answered after a re-read or four . I missed that he didn't speak the words till after the battle, seems I was going full speed reading by then.
  2. I think he swore the third ideal at the start of the battle. Thats why he went to ask what Dalinar wanted of him. That however brings up another question. How could he use gravitation before swearing the 3rd ideal, when his KR was probably over 50 miles from him and would likely mean he was out of range?
  3. He'll probably remember nearly all of it . 3 or 4 years old is enough to remember and to have a huge impact for the rest of his life. I knew a child that had a turbulent childhood until 3 years, then lived with his second aunt's family, who loved him very much and gave him stability. But it still took him at least 5 years to stabilize. Even then it was obvious he was never going to be a "normal" child. 3 years is enough to affect the rest of your life, even if its through memories of memories.
  4. Szeth and Nightblood was one of the things I most wanted to see on OB, and only half of the questions about them were answered.
  5. The Fused are using something a bit different to Surgebinding. Both Szeth and Kaladin say the Fused couldn't change speed as quickly as them, but were more graceful. I can assume the graceful is due to more experience (as exceptional as Szeth and Kaladin are, they have been doing this a few years, the Fused for centuries minimun). But the different acceleration isn't so easy to explain away.
  6. By the way can we name @ArgentUnmade of the 17th Shard? He's been positively evil tantalizing us with a page in WoK with a clue to Renarin, and THIS was the page.
  7. My main question is not a question as much as wanting to know if we'll ever get the scene of the chat between Szeth and Dalinar. Actual questions: Is Szeth bonded to Nightblood or to a highspren or to both? His identical skybreaker surges make no sense if its Nightblood, plus Nightblood will probably not care about the Oaths he is saying. If its a highspren in addition to Nightblood, why haven't we seen it? What is going on exactly with Renarin? Which Void powers if any does he have? Are the Sons of Honor finished or will they reappear? What was the grudge the Ghostbloods had with them about? What in Damnation is the GB's goals? How many Oaths has Jasnah said? 3 or 4? When will we see Urithiru wake up? Is Venli a normal KR or will she have some voidy powers too? Will Kaladin return for his parents to take them to Urithiru? At this point not going with him is basically selfish and irresponsible, as the Fused will almost certainly target the parents of the leader of the Windrunners to put them with a knife to their throats in front of Kaladin at the worst possible time, and order him to stand down and watch the world burn, or his parents die. I'm sure I can think of more, these are just the first I could remember.
  8. At a minimun Renarin is part voidbinder, otherwise that wouldn't be The Page. So, one surge? At a maximum he has both void surges. Although what I want to know is if we have yet seen a voidbinder, as the Fused all just had 1 surge (apparently).
  9. LOOOOOL. . 1. No wonder we couldn't find it in relation to Renarin 2. Thats a very big damnation clue/spoiler. 3. No wonder feather was so sure Renarin had something voidy going on, as I'm guessing she took the page out of you years ago, even if she had to hunt you down and torture it out of you. Argent asks Brandon: why is there something weird going on with Renarin's visions? Brandon points him to Voidbinder chart page . Not overly subtle .
  10. I realized this a while ago, and thought they could just marry a person from Kharbrant to a whole city, applying it to all of the population . Then after they win they can divorce if they want to...
  11. It is quite impressive that Adolin is as whole as he is. However, OB also explained why he and Renarin were over-the-top close. In this in particular Renarin got it worse, at least Adolin had times when his father showed his obvious love of his son, but Renarin didn't get that until a very long time later. Still, neither was in an amazing place, and it makes sense both children gravitated to each other. Almost makes me wonder why Jasnah didn't join the group too, as she obviously had problems too and the 3 of them as an oasis of peace from their fathers might have preserved their sanity. After all, Jasnah says she was close to Renarin but she didn't appear on Dalinar's flashbacks until Gavilar's death. Of course Dalinar was so high/drunk during most of Jasnah's life he wouldn't have noticed if she and her sons were as close as white on rice.
  12. That would also be the poster for unintended consequences. Kill a proto-radiant. Another says the Oaths as a consequence of that.
  13. Thing is, despite been queen Jasnah has some big limitations in the power she wields as highprinces are largely independet with the monarch having little say on who ends up as highprince. Highprince is simply the person the princedom brightlords pick as highprince. However, house Sadeas is a tight spot between the turning voidy of their troops and the Sadeas betrayal followed by Amaram turning to an Unmade. If the Sadeas group tries to name one of their own highprince Jasnah may be able to block it with the argument that they've had 2 traitors in a row, and most of their house affected by Odium so they are not reliable. But if they try to name Kaladin...he is the leader of the Windrunners, there isn't really a good argument Jasnah can make to block him. And I don't really think she would want to, she knows despite their differences there wouldn't be better options. Honestly, the one to block that path would likely be Kaladin himself who wouldn't be interested. I'm not saying I think this will happen, just considering the possibilities . Fun ones .
  14. I'm pretty sure by this point among the Kholins bridgeman for Kaladin is very much a term of affection. I did also get the vibe that most people perceive Kaladin as someone closer to herald/god status than normal human being. Its less evident from radiants of course, but non-radiants leave this overall impression on their povs.
  15. I knew I was forgetting 1 more option ^^. (Dalinar-Odium agreement to the champion fight). If anyone remembers another important tidbit tell me and I will add it to the options.
  16. The only reasonable explanation if she did have shardplate for not using it in battle, is if she didn't yet know how to control/use it reliably.
  17. Which of the news the protagonists find out at the end of OB will the coalition take worse assuming the Kholins disclose all? All in all, I think the next coalition meeting will be fun .
  18. This is actually...not impossible. Considering highprince is decided by whoever the highlords pick as highprince when there is no clear heir, and that Ialai left Urithiru is disgrace, some lighteyes could possibly try to get Kaladin as highprince. As was stated above Jasnah won't put up with their chull-droppings like Dalinar did, and after the second mess in 3 months for House Sadeas they may well try to throw all hope of survival for the House at Kaladin. Sure, he'd change the name, but they would continue existing instead of getting dissolved . Swearing themselves to the Windrunner leader might actually be one of the few ways they have of legitimizing themselves as appart from the past (kind of similar to Szeth swearing to Dalinar). The funniest thing is Kaladin might have an apoplexy at the idea .
  19. Thank you for tipping me, I wouldn't have realized otherwise.
  20. verb (used with object), nonplussed or nonplused, nonplussing or nonplusing. 1. to render utterly perplexed; puzzle completely. noun 2. a state of utter perplexity. I didn't find other options
  21. I dont know. Considering who her family was when she was younger I wouldn't be too surprised if the Blackthorn had burnt alive anyone that did that to his family. Which would have sent a lot more waves and been more obvious I think. Of course it could have always have happened when Dalinar was so lost in the Thrill he wasn't even aware of the world around him. Which was roughly the first 4 years of Adolin's life. That feels like its too early, Jasnah would have been very young.
  22. And then what do you bet that our heroes win and a new country is born which worships Nightblood as the ultimate god?
  23. This is possible. However, with Elhokar's son been alive she may be able to get away without a husband, since she already has a heir in her nephew. Then again what the Kholins did of deciding who gets the throne on the spot based on who is the better fit for it held a certain appeal. Imagine the problems it would have solved if they had picked Jasnah instead of Elhokar to lead them 6 years ago. Maybe no Everstorm for starters. At the moment the Kholins are well organized. Adolin will make a good highprince (he's basically been fulfilling that role for years) but he didn't fit as king, while Jasnah will be excellent as Queen. They may all want to start having babies soon though, as Renarin as highprince or king...would raise up a ton of problems. I'm happy that despite been bonded to a voidspren he is on Honor's side, but from there to been heir...that could be a tough sell to their men.
  24. Considering the lesson about secrets, I hope Dalinar keeps as few as possible. As honestly the ones that T released were minor, at best and apparently that was enough to break the delicate hearts of the coalition leaders. If Dalinar keeps this ones (Renarin, Szeth, etc) it would be far too much to juggle. I do however also think he needs to throw T into the fire by saying T is the one who ordered the death of all the previous monarchs, that could take the heat off Dalinar himself quite nicely.
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