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Everything posted by Andy92

  1. I was browsing Brandon’s store and saw this funny card of Szeth and Nightblood. Now this may be a stupid question because it’s just meant to be a funny card, but is the purple gem looking stone in Nightblood canon to what the sword looks like? lol
  2. My personal opinion, save Secret History until after you read Era 2. It gets called a “minor spoiler,” but I personally think the end of Bands of Mourning loses some of its wow factor if you’ve read Secret History first.
  3. Trell was also the name of one of the old gods that Sazed studied, and that name seems to be referring to a Shard as well. It’s not necessarily the actual name of a Shardholder, but there seems to be a correlation there. It wouldn’t surprise me if some Yolish lore found its way into Scadrial considering the creators of the planets’ peoples came from Yolen in the first place. I think it’s a plausible idea. Not really enough evidence for me to completely buy into it, but I think it’d be cool if it turned out to be true.
  4. Hey man, it all started when we were stuck carrying these bridges, and then this guy showed up and he was GLOWIN’. Walkin’ on walls and stickin’ rocks to everything, some witchcraft voodoo stuff, man. And then we started fightin’ those Parsh people and Kaladin jumped over a chasm like BAM. And then he got promoted and we all kinda tagged along when the old dude with the beard was all like, “here’s my fancy long sword punk, FOR THE BRIDGE MEN!!” And then we freakin’ started glowin’ ourselves, goncho. Now I spend my nights walkin’ on the ceiling so I can scream and stuff as soon as Teft wakes up and sees me just kinda hangin’ there.
  5. One of my favorite musicians, Mark Tremonti, released an album a couple months ago called A Dying Machine that was based on a novel he wrote. It was his first attempt at writing his own sci-fi/fantasy book. Mark is a big fan of Sanderson and fantasy novels in general, so this concept of writing his own novel plus an album that tells the story was something he had hoped to pull off at least once in his career. The music is on the hard rock/metal side if any fans of the genre want to check the album out. I know you can buy the novel through his website. Not sure if it’s available in regular bookstores yet. https://www.fret12.com/products/a-dying-machine-novel I wanted to make this thread because I’m a big fan of his work and wanted to spread the word, but I thought it’d be cool to see if anyone else around this site might also be fans of his music.
  6. I thought I read somewhere recently that if he didn’t start The Lost Metal by January, he was going to start SA4 on January 1 anyways. And he’d take a break partway through to write The Lost Metal. I can’t remember the source for that though...it was depending on how some of his YA novel writing went this fall. I still hope he starts Mistborn again soon.
  7. It may end up being The Lost Metal if he doesn’t start it soon lol
  8. This one would be my guess. If they all evacuated through the same gate for one final time, they might not have had anyone to stay behind and lock it. Only real option would be a Windrunner/Skybreaker that could fly out of the city after locking it.
  9. I came in here to say the same thing. I pretty much have to complete the collection lol.
  10. I thought that’s what you were getting at. Just wasn’t 100% sure lol
  11. Is Dragonsteel still around post-Shattering? I don’t know much about Brandon’s thesis book he did for that. Maybe it’s possible that Adonalsium’s pre-Shattering Godmetal was Dragonsteel, and now what remains is Aluminum.
  12. I’m pretty sure Brandon has even said his idea behind the Cosmere is “what would happen if normal people were given the power of the gods?” I’ve seen a similarly worded WoB anyways. So I don’t think the intention is for the Shardholders to equal divinities. It makes sense why certain in-world characters would view them that way though. That conversation between Hoid and Jasnah seemed intentionally placed to me for Brandon to signify that there is an idea of a true God in the Cosmere that some in-world characters believe in while others don’t.
  13. I’m pretty sure Eshonai does say something along those lines in one of her chapters.
  14. I never really understood them all giving up their Radiant powers because their ancestors destroyed a world. It’s kind of like in LOTR when people who know what the rings do always give the warning, “don’t wear this because you can’t control its power.” But people put the rings on despite the warnings. I know the Skybreakers didn’t abandon their oaths, but I still feel like you would have had some stragglers from each order say, “just because others couldn’t control their powers doesn’t mean I can’t.” I personally believe witnessing the parsh have their Connections severed and turn into mindless drones would have been a much more appalling reason to walk away rather than “your ancestors were destructive people.”
  15. I still think it’s an Unmade. Like some others have said, I don’t think we have a reason to believe the black sphere Gavilar had wasn’t a perfect cut. Does the book ever say it’s an imperfect gem? The King’s Drop is still “small” in comparison to the spren it holds. So I don’t see how the size of the gem really makes that much of a difference.
  16. I don’t think Moash can have a redemptive arc anytime soon because we’re starting to run out of living antagonists lol.
  17. Odium lost his Champion in Thaylen City. What Dalinar did was a pretty significant blow to his planning.
  18. I was a bit more disappointed with it personally. We never saw Shallan and Adolin progress too far beyond the stage of some fun flirting and a few more serious moments. Adolin basically had to probe Shallan into publicly choosing him. I’m not too convinced the two characters truly love each other. If they hadn’t been betrothed, they wouldn’t have fallen for each other naturally.
  19. If you’re into collector’s items I’d say it’s worth it. I have all 3 of the current leatherbounds that are available. They look great, just keep in mind they’re really more for show than they are for reading. My $8 paperbacks tell the same story lol. But as far as the quality, the artwork, the feel of the pages, etc...they’re amazing quality. I’ve seen other leatherbounds that don’t come close to matching these.
  20. When Brandon talks about them he usually says they’ve “been successful.” I don’t personally see many fans of them around here (myself included), but apparently there’s enough of a market for them.
  21. I tend to agree with this. They could be telling a lot of cool stories revolving around ancient Jedi/Sith wars that give some background into the origins of Force users. They’re trying to play it safe by making spinoff movies with familiar characters, and I just don’t think they’re ambitious enough.
  22. I understand the concerns, but part of being in this business is taking opportunities when they come to you. I’m hopeful that a successful TV venture here can bode well for some Cosmere TV series in the future.
  23. This is pretty much how I imagine it’ll be. I don’t think he wants to commit to shelving the Cosmere aside to write a bunch of Dark One stories, but who knows really. I think he’s going to be the creator/an advisor to this series while other people handle all the other details of it.
  24. To be fair, Martin created one of the most watched TV shows of all time. Hard to call it a failure just because his book fans are miffed about him not writing in a while.
  25. Their goal was never to free anyone, and they were under a strict time limit. They needed help escaping, and freeing the animals was nice and symbolic. Two people aren’t going to liberate a kingdom on a strict time limit when that isn’t even their primary goal in the first place.
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