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Everything posted by Aeshdan

  1. I admit your other evidence. I just wanted to point out that Shallan, under those circumstances, would have had to have created blood no matter what Essence she is ordinarily linked with.
  2. 1. Adolin has blond hair. 2. Renarin does not (as far as we know). 3. Dalinar has no memories of his wife, or of interacting with her. 4. Therefore, I propound the following thoughts. 5. Adolin's father is not Dalinar. Or his mother is not *Ssshh*. 6. Dalinar knew that Adolin was illegitimate, but covered it up to save face. 7. Dalinar and *Ssshh* had no children. 8. Dalinar asked the Nightwatcher for an heir. 9. The Nightwatcher created Renarin. 10. And then wiped Dalinar's memory as the cost. 11. And that is why Renarin has the blood weakness. (the Nightwatcher wasn't powerful enough to do the job properly.) 12. That's also why Dalinar doesn't want to tell Renarin what his curse and boon were.
  3. I have noticed that a lot of people think Shallan has some connection to the Sixth Essence because her first Soulcasting produced blood. But I thought it was a rule of Soulcasting that you had to produce the Essence corresponding to the gem whose Light you used. So, Shallan has no special connection to Blood, it just happened that she had a garnet at hand when she first Soulcasts. Am I missing something here?
  4. Say you have a Archivist Ferring who's also a Pulser. Once he's stored his memories, he spends nearly all his time burning cadmium, and if anyone wants to consult him they put up a sign or something and he drops the bubble. He could feasibly stay alive and consultable for about 5 or 6 times the usual.
  5. Talen'elat is the Ninth Herald. I think Stonesinew is his personal title, and he founded the Stonewards.
  6. I always assumed that Quentin's talent somehow knew that that didn't make sense even in High Imperial.
  7. Alright. In Towers of Midnight, it is revealed that Ara'ngar, who is a man's soul tranmigrated into a woman's body, is having sex with women. It made me wonder, does that count as homosexuality? Being a Christian, i'm no expert on these things, so I thought i'd ask your opinion.
  8. On this point: Light is the fuel for Soulcasting, Surgebinding, and everything else the Radiants do. Apparently Soulcasting only works if the Light is drawn from a gem of the appropriate Essence. i.e. Shallan turned the goblet into blood because she used garnet, Jasnah used ruby for turning a thief to fire, diamond for glass, and smokestone for smoke, etc.
  9. The Shin seem to have a dualistic religion based on He-who-adds (good) and He-who-takes-away (bad). Makes sense with the Cultivation mentality. I think Cultivation is He-who-adds (they got the wrong gender) and Odium is he-who-takes-away.
  10. I know! Gaz is Asmodean! He wasn't killed, just shoved to anther world!
  11. Well, i assumed that there would be Mistings who could burn the Tears, just like there are Mistings who can burn atium.
  12. It isn't? I thought Identity and Possiblity were Shards (maybe relatives of Ruin and Preservation).
  13. I'd give all the Black Ajah bibles. and give the Green Ajah WoK.
  14. Brown with good White friends.
  15. Here's my newest idea. Brandon says that atium, unlike other metals, is really fueling the Allomancy because it has inherent power. So that made me wonder, could there be mistings capable of burning the foci form other magic systems. i.e. mistings who could burn The Tears of Edgli to release some Endowment-related Allomancy or mistings that can burn brightsand to produce oculary.
  16. Ultimate anti-tineye weapon: opera singer More seriously, an exploding bullet would be really good against lurchers. They pull it into their chestplate as usual and BOOOM!!!
  17. If Regrowth is a form of soulcasting it would have to be flesh and bone, not blood. (because of the gems used.)
  18. Regrowth, on my theory, is still a specific ability. It merely uses the same mechanic as the Stormlight healing that all Surgebinders have. But, as I pointed out, it can be used on anyone, it's faster, and it can appearantly be worked at will.
  19. I Just got an idea. What if the Oathpact was a test of how long Honor's Heralds could hold out. So Odium agrees that as long as the Heralds hold to the Pact, he is chained. But if the Heralds ever break the Pact, Honor dies and Odium gets to be in charge. So the test is how long honor holds under torture.
  20. I meant that Terris would be more likely to follow the Path than non-terris because 1) it was created by one of their own. 2) it is a fulfillment of the Keeper's ideals.
  21. That's Wit. (The Masked Man, I mean)
  22. There are ten Surges. Each is used twice, and each order has two. I think Regrowth is Stormlight healing with two alterations: 1. It can be infused into someone else. 2. It's way faster. (Similar to the difference between Pewter Allomancy and Gold Feruchemy)
  23. 1. The only currency unit is "notes" 2. The noble houses probably origniate from the leaders/strong Allomancers gaining prominence during the rebuilding. The noble structure was used because it was what everyone knew. 3. I think Elendel is called "The City" because it's important. 4. The labor unions are kind of like the pleb representatives in the Roman Republic. 5. I think Sliverism and Survivorism are powerful because they are descended from the only two religions of any power in the Pre-Rebirth world. The Path, obviously, comes from Sazed and probably is a mostly Terris religion.
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