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Everything posted by Aeshdan

  1. Making yourself heavier also makes your muscles and bones stronger. Otherwise your own weight wou
  2. Well, we know that Plate looses Light when it's damaged, and that the Light fuels the Plate. So if you sabotaged the gems, the plate would fail a lot faster.
  3. I think it works like being ta'veren in WoT i.e. choices and chances are bent in the Ferring's favor when he's tapping and against when he's filling. Either way, it produces a bunch of random and improbable events that do not work for or against the Ferring.
  4. In the battle at the Vanisher's lair, Wax temporarily gets a burst of extra strength, which runs out when he was confronting Miles inside the speed bubble. Now, this sounds a lot like when Vin is unconsciously burning pewter during the fight with Camon. So, my theory is that Wax's earring grants him Pewter Allomancy. Either he had just a trace of pewter in his system, or Harmony was fueling his Allomancy directly, like Vin did in HoA.
  5. I was sort of expecting them to switch to silimatic technology.
  6. On a completely different note, the game mistakenly states that burning Duralumin depletes your reserves of Duralumin itself, as well as everything else. This is explicitly countermanded in the Assembly battle of WoA.
  7. Third option: It infuses the Twinborn like Light, waiting for a chance to be released i.e. Regular Nicrosil.
  8. Also, maybe her body could burn only the good metal since it was all dissolved?
  9. You can't. If you write down the first measurement, it will stay that length and you will get two identical measurements. If you get two different measurements, you'll know that one of them is wrong, and we already know that you have to use a measurement you believe to be correct or nothing happens.
  10. I think that it will work with any medium, as long as you are deliberately writing the size of the spren. (Based on inference from Elantris, where as long as you Intended to produce an Aon, you could use any medium.)
  11. Alright, my theory is this. In the beginning, Roshar was a perfectly ordinary grass-and-earth world. The Highstorms still carried the Light, but were no more powerful than Earth thunderstorms. So then Odium comes along, thinks "Cool! Thunderstorms" and puts a bunch of his power into the storms, turning them into the monstrosities we see today. Cultivation reacts by raising the Mountains of Mist to protect Shinovar and changing the biology of the rest of Roshar. Honor can't cut stop feeding the storms because that would mean no Light.
  12. I agree with the idea that Iron and Steel generate equal force on both objects, though.
  13. I think you're missing something here. The energy the Mistborn are using comes from the iron or steel. The allomancer isn't tired by Steelpushing any more than we are tired when driving a car.
  14. Do you like my new title?
  15. Two theories: First, It's possible that Saze was controlling Miles, because he saw that he'd need Miles to snap Wayne out of his attempt to give up his role. Alternately, Marsh could be doing the same thing. We know that he's a pretty powerful Soother from his encounter with Marasi.
  16. What if The Envisagers (or some relative thereof) have been spending the last few centuries stockpiling Shards so as to have them available when the Radiants show up?
  17. The missing statue of Shalash (see the Prolouge)
  18. I wrote some more lyrics for "The Color of Trust" The first three finish the pattern of the five senses, and then the fourth counterbalances the depressing truth of the first five verses. "Oh give me you trust said the King on high For i must rule all under the sky Trust me to guide and trust me to lead And I'll give you all that you need But trust is the smell of a wound gone sour Trust is the smell of the taint on the Power Trust is the smell of a soul's final breath Trust is the smell of death Oh give us your trust said the lady and lord Trust us with spindle and trust us with sword Trust us to do what must be done And we'll never you shun But trust is the feel of a knife at your throat Trust is the feel of the death of hope Trust is the feel of a soul's final breath Trust is the feel of death Oh give me your trust said the love of your life For together we'll be through war and through strife Trust me with all that you are or will be And the same trust you shall have from me. But trust is the taste of poison on the tongue Trust is the taste of the blood of the young Trust is the taste of a soul's final breath Trust is the taste of death. Oh give me your trust said the dying Lord For your sakes I am abhorred Trust my atonement, trust my command and I'll shelter you under my hand. For trust is the color of his lifeblood flowing Trust is the feel of the sin-weight growing Trust is the smell of the bloodied pine Trust is the taste of the soured wine Trust is the sound of his soul's final breath Trust is Jesus's death"
  19. You. I think your opinion on this subject is wrong, as I mentioned at the beginning.
  20. So, I was thinking it might be a good idea to change the program so that when you upvote someone (but not when you downvote them) they would be informed that you had done so.
  21. There is no past or future, only the endless turning of the Wheel of Time
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