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The Technovore

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Everything posted by The Technovore

  1. @BenduLuke three things. First, keep an eye on your multi-posting. You might catch a moderator's eye on that. Second, this thread isn't really a discussion on what is or isn't a resonance, maybe another thread would be appropriate? I don't mean to backseat-moderate, but at this point it's a matter of time until a real one shows up to say the same thing, haha. Thirdly, I kinda want to contest the whole "F-iron subtle change in gravity" thing, because the keyword there is subtle. The Earth's mass is 597,219,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms. (give or take a "0" ;P). Human mass varies widely but averages to about 70. The earth's gravitational acceleration is 9.8 m/s^2. A human's gravitational acceleration is 0.000000000000000000000114 m/s^2. Go ahead and multiply that by 100 like Wax did. Now assume an Iron Compounder-let's be generous and give them a factor of a million. A iron compounder's gravitational force is 0.000000000000001 m/s^2 for an object touching their skin. Try giving them a factor of a hundred million, which is utterly insane but sure. You now have a 7 BILLION kilogram human that STILL has an almost imperceptible gravitational pull. The compounder is going to crack stone and sink into the planet's crust and fall into the mantle, and it still won't even slightly nudge a bullet. EDIT: This is why when I think of an iron-compounder, I'm thinking of kinetic weapons. The sheer blunt force these people could potentially unleash has massive destructive potential, but is also incredibly dangerous to the people themselves. However, ettmetal fabrials built around the abilities of Iron Compounders could accomplish wonderful things.
  2. This sounds like exactly the crack-pot 17th Shard conspiracy theory the world needs. Let's pester Brandon about it at his next appearance.
  3. Hah, I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Wow, there's a lot of us here aren't there? That's neat.
  4. Granted. First the videos make their rounds on youtube, and the memes quickly follow suit. For a week the internet is abuzz with jokes. Then the experts weigh in. In reality, none of them have any idea why 10k cats stormed NYC, because it was magic, but they're going to do their darndest. Some blame climate change, some theorize covid restrictions, some manage to find a way to make it a racial issue. For the next month every single celebrity, spokesperson, politician, corporate figure-head, and literally everyone else has some inane opinion to voice about it, except for the middle-school kids who are still endlessly memeing it. It turns into a hotly debated political/social issue, which then segues into all the other hotly debated political/social issues, before it all just folds into the background noise that is the absolute insanity of our public discourse and 2021 in general. The cats are totally fine, they found their way upstate to some small rural properties. The kindly folks that lived there turned a tract of land into a sanctuary. Your bane is that you will never not have diarrhea as long as you live. I wish for an unlimited supply cream cheese danishes that I can eat without food-related consequences.
  5. Nobody readily joined Butt and invited Schrodinger along. Noone, however, simply feigned interest before immediately informing the CotS of Butt's intentions.
  6. Nobody being the conjoined twin sister of Noone, and who could not help overhearing Butt Venture's plight.
  7. High Noon being the intergalatic tavern that always appears when a quest is beginning.
  8. (Butt told noone, but it was secretly because he'd put almost no leveling points into ITNLEG)
  9. But Butt Venture refused to believe this absurdity because HEALTAH "is very clearly an acronym, I mean look at it!" So first he had to choose his quest-mates.
  10. Butt Venture decided that this called for a very long and dramatic quest--to discover what HEALTAH was. Because anything with an acronym that long had to be bad news and had to be macguffin'd to death for at least 10 pages.
  11. Funny how many double agents are here. *Begins eyeing the other TLT authors with suspicion*
  12. It just simply sat there. In the corner of their vision. Counting. Menacingly.
  13. His final fatal mistake. The car's incredible cream cheese energies went critical, and...
  14. This was fine, because he was cooking all this in the engine block, and the car absorbed the damage, becoming infused with the power of combusted cream cheese. All according to plan.
  15. I believe Adonalsium's comment applies better to Just Ben's comment, which is very "revenge of the original inhabitants" and basically the reasoning Nale uses to join Odium. As for me, that reasoning is far too simplistic of a moral definition, as it treats the collective races as individuals, when that's simply not the case. The humans on Roshar during the times of the book are not responsible for the humans that destroyed Ashyn (under Odium's reign), or the humans that started the desolation wars (also under Odium). They're not even responsible for the stealing of the singer's minds, although enslaving them after the fact was not a moral move. Also keep in mind that when the Singers talk about how Honor and the surges left them, Leshwi said "they've forgiven us", which implies that the Singers were not the oh-so-innocent victims. History and conflict is never that simple, and the more people attempt to dump the sins of a collective on individuals, the more the conflict continues. But that's just my philosophy. As for your original theory, @Kyn I think you're right. The more proper Codes of Honor the war on Roshar would have, the better it would be for everyone. I think that the reason that there is none at this point is that Honor died millenia ago, and they've been living under the gaze and influence of a hateful, destructive god for all that time. The Thrill turned the grim responsibility of war into a lustful sport, and stokes flames in leaders that drove them to do things we'd balk at in real life, the Rift a perfect example (although Dalinar chose not to allow Odium to take the blame for that). The sheer lack of accurate knowledge the humans have been operating under after the False Desolation and the Recreance also can't be discarded. Despite all the conflict the age of the False Desolation was a Golden Age of knowledge and power, but a thousand years can do a number on that, especially when you're constantly being corrupted by Odium. Odium and the Fused returned to Roshar after the work of corrupting humanity for thousands of years. Humanity chose to cling onto the ideals of Honor they've been trying (albeit pathetically) to uphold. They're still fledgling both as Radiants, and as honorable moral people, so it may be some time yet until they adapt those principles, and even longer until they impose those principles on Odium (although as you mentioned the behavior of the Fused, it seems like, at least as far as actual army-based conflict goes, Odium's forces are already there). It'd be cool if we saw something like this come out of Book 5 or Book 10, although because of how ruthless and immoral T-Odium tends to be, it also might not happen.
  16. The Carooter began hatching a plan to intercept Butt Venture and destroy the carrot cake. It required four key items...
  17. Butt Venture nodded, and handed Hoid a slice of cake. "Enjoy. The secret ingredient is love."
  18. So Butt Venture strolled out into the beautiful green sunlight of non-canon Cosmere planet #1,948,302. To get some sugar.
  19. These Romeo-and-Juliet-esque shenanigans continued for 17 acts. It culminated in a climactic battle, which ended when Butt Venture married them together, in death, to decorate his carrot cake.
  20. Granted. You are now a day-trader on the global stock market. You have the potential to make millions if you are careful and read up well, and is completely exam free. The Nightwatcher takes no responsibility for any neuroses developed over the course of this career, and likewise no responsibility for any devastating losses you incur through your own knuckle-headed choices. Your bane is that you now have 17 different forms of synesthesia. Enjoy. I wish to turn at last, to paths, that lead home.
  21. Well like Frustration said, resonance isn't the same as compounding, a small but important distinction. Iron compounding produces the feruchemical effect, so compounded Iron means suddenly gaining an insane amount of weight. For a human on the breeze, it's likely lethal, but if you could somehow put that effect on, say, a large rod of osmium being hauled in the sky, multiplying its weight by I-don't-even-know-how-much, and that rod could devastating shockwaves when it hits the surface. We saw this with Wax tapping all his weight at once (wasn't that to escape an explosion? I don't remember, but he basically demolished a good chunk of building right?), so I can imagine it would be quite effective with compounding.
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