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The Technovore

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Everything posted by The Technovore

  1. Thus ensuring that the narrators never had to deal with actually defining what HEALTAH was.
  2. After selling 350 fraudulent spoons on live tv, he turned to the cameras and screamed in his best lunatic voice "WHAT DOES HEALTAH MEAN?"
  3. Butt had stolen the rings too, and were now using them as coinshot ammo for the last unfortunate security guard on Scadrian Waffles. He then took every individual spoon from the studio drawer and bent them in half, before...
  4. He stole it from a man who wore 20 rings and only had 2 fingers on each hand.
  5. But his parents had certain obsessions that ought not to be mentioned here.
  6. Which is why the host of Scadrian Waffles was actually 32 Jons, from the planet Jon, which was the 3,479th non-Canon Cosmere Planet. Well, now 17. Since... well frankly Butt killed the others.
  7. "Johnathooonn--Jonathon? Wait, that's not Jonathon! Wait, someone stop him!" Butt first grabbed the waffle iron, raising it over his head and snapping it in half. He threw one half at a security guard in front of him, beaning him in the forehead, then turned around with another half to catch another guard's head.
  8. But that was okay, because Butt Venture also hated cooking. That was why today he'd infiltrated the show and stolen the host's Identity.
  9. "Today on Scadrian Waffles! The Horneater Surprise kicks up the heat with these three exotic spices! Also, how does YOUR Radiant order effect your favorite flavor of Ghanderflaffle Flapjacks? The answer will surprise you! And now, your host,...
  10. lol that's actually my bad, when I wrote that I was reading page 1410, I was about to edit it in a panic when I realized it still pretty much fit, but then I got the gender wrong XDDD The judge waved the flag away, explaining that she had only been momentarily confused by the cookies. She was fine now. She still really needed those ninjas out of her court.
  11. The judge silenced the Redundancy Ninjas' antics with a second firm glare and some severe gavel pounding. "Yes." He said, tiredly. "Just please, bailiff, get them out of my court."
  12. The Redundancy Ninjas' motives, in fact, were so mysterious, that no one knew what they were.
  13. Page 2, post 6, has a profile picture that looks vaguely like David Tennant (didn't look too close) When Dr. Who Octupus tried to get hearing aids, they actually gave him noise-cancelling earplugs. Charged him double for it too. Edit: Lol completely misunderstood, it's the page right before this one, sorry about that.
  14. He'd never even heard of it, Side note #1: Page 1408 is what happens when a third of the fanbase (+- 15%) is all from the same religion/culture, and it's glorious. Side note #2: Someone wanna tell tLPW about this?
  15. The shrimp tried it. That evening Nobody had an excellent Shrimp dinner with his good friend Noone.
  16. Okay so this brings me to another thought, but I'm tired so this is probably going to make no sense, but... okay I can see now that likely was still Voidlight like Frustration said, just missing polarity, (because prior to that scene was a scene talking about axi, so it makes sense, even when mixing lights there was no conversion but an emulsification to mix "oil" and "water") but now I'm thinking about the trouble with off-world Investiture. Why exactly does it not work? It's distance from Intent, right? There's a lot in RoW talking about how Investiture needs Intent for it to work. In the vacuum, the voidlight was divorced from the rhythms, which could like a weakening of its Connection, (there have been connections between the Roshar Rhythms and the Shaod, perhaps the same mechanics apply?) but perhaps in a more-potent vacuum, given some distance, could it divorced completely from its Intent? It would just be raw (likely completely useless) Investiture, but could it given a new Intent, keyed to a new Shard, when it's brought back? This would likely need a very secure vessel for the investiture, because I can just imagine taking a gem into space and watching it rapidly become dun as the Voidlight rushes back to Odium, but maybe a perfect crystal? It sounds far-fetched even as I describe it lol.
  17. Some quotes from "RoW Rhythms vs Mistborn Rhythms" Turns out I'm not the only person asking these questions. This could be just as exciting as I originally thought it could be. If it's possible to convert Investiture from intent to another, it might be possible to just completely annihilate Odium. Turn all his Voidlight into Stormlight. However if this was feasible, why didn't R-Odium do that to Dominion and Devotion, or Ambition? hmmmmm...
  18. Right, so it's in CH. 97 of RoW that Navani makes anti-voidlight, and this brought up a lot of questions for me, and maybe someone has some answers here. So in the previous Navani chapters she's learning a lot about Cosmere and Roshar and the three pure tones and vibrations and so on and so forth. She also gets an interesting tidbit from Raboniel that the interplanetary space in the Physical Realm is not traversable (yet), even by Radiants. They sent Fused into the sky with plenty of Voidlight but they still died. So Navani gets the idea to put the voidlight in a vacuum to divorce it from the tones of Odium "For the first time in its existence." So to my point. She divorced the Voidlight from Odium's tones. She divorced the investiture from... from what, it's Connection? It's Intent? And then warped it, changed it entirely. Anti-noise sounds a lot like normal noise but the entire point is that mathematically it's a dramatic difference. So, what was the Voidlight when it was in the vacuum? Just... Light? AdonalsiumLight? Could she have turn that Voidlight into Stormlight, or Towerlight, with different tones? Because if so, the implications there are massive. Or there's some WoB that's already out there that's going to massively disappoint me because "no that's not how it works at you're an idiot @The Technovore." Or I just completely misread that passage, but I do also notice that it's referred to as Voidlight and as Light inside the vacuum. So what's going on here?
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