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Everything posted by Steeldancer

  1. I really want someone stupid to blow themselves up trying this
  2. Yeah i know. The interesting thing is that even in this the scadrians are a bit more limited... they would really need compounders. And if the rosharians were smart, they would assassinate said compounders and basically completely doom the scadrian forces.
  3. Ok related to this thread: what if we gave the scadrian army unkeyed metalminds? Specifically, BENDALLOY metalminds? No more supply train. Which means we would have to give roshar a contingent of fully outfitted KR. And maybe lift with a bendalloy compounding ability. And just because I'm still in love with the idea, Steeldancer (edgedancer with steel compounding powers) then you might even be able to throw the lord ruler against that, and it would still be an even match. After all, who could compete with Steeldancer? Infinitely fast (limited only by avaliable stormlight and steel), with a shardblade, and also able to steelpush. He might be fast enough to take the lord ruler down on his own. Or at the least give him an awesome fight
  4. Which would be interesting pitted against a rosharan army with soulcasters
  5. I had no idea that Brandon sings LOL
  6. I still think the terriswoman is captain demoux's girl that he meets at the end of hero of ages. I only remember that because of the annotations. And that just like demoux, she became a worldhopper
  7. I had never thought about that before. Wow that would be REALLY cool.
  8. I love Brandon mull. And right now I'm betting that by the end of the series,
  9. In regards to liar, I am of the viewpoint not to take any of the characters seriously, as I imagine that will change, but instead pay close attention to the worldbuilding. I assume that that will not really change all that much, so that'll probably give us our biggest clues to what's going on.
  10. All I care about is in this situation, a steel compounder who is also an edgedancer/dustbringer. Aka steeldancer. Gotta love it.
  11. I think the reason he was talking about the ground is because we know that the land of sel is unusually invested, as stated in arcanum unbounded
  12. Well I'm not an astronomer but there are 2 types of red stars. First you have the aging red giants, who are big and close to dying. Then we have the red dwarfs, the really tiny, really long lasting stars, which are also fairly dim. If I had to say which of the two stars these are more likely to be, I would say they are probably red giants rather than red dwarfs. Which then that means that they've decayed quite a bit. I wonder if the set of red stars is mentioned in any other books... that could give us a sense of timeline.
  13. I was rereading the way of kings when kaladin explains how talns scar is a belt of red stars... similar to the scar of red stars in the arcanum unbounded map. This means either 2 planets call this the scar independently (which is very suspicious) or we have cultural diffusion through worldhoppers. (Im saying this because we know the star map isnt from roshar, even though we dont know what view point it IS from) Which means there is probably a good reason for it being called the scar. It's weird that a bunch of stars are red, is it not? What if a shard turned them red, I thought? To warn people away from yolen (and the fainlife there). Or... what if yolen is there... And they all turned red because adonalsium died there. Now we know that when a shard is shattered it makes a BIG mess. So adonalsium would have made at least 16× the mess that one shard would make. Not too unreasonable to imagine that the scar is like the "scattered blood" from the murder of adonalsium. Or just a realmatic effect from so much investiture being released. My question then (which is probably impossible to answer) is what would have happened to yolen. I know there are probably answers in dragonsteel (the original shattered plains, anyone?) But that's not canon. Edit: ok I did some reasearch, and apparently clusters of red giants are formed sometimes when a large amount of star creation occurs. So I guess it's also possible adonalsium created a bunch of stars in a cluster much earlier than the rest of the cosmere, and now they have simply gotten to the red giant stage. But that wouldn't be nearly as much fun. I would rather it be from the shattering
  14. With all our discussion of voidbringers I think we've started to underestimate just how damaging these desolations are. They RESET progress, even with heralds and KR. I'm trying to figure out what could even DO that to civilization. I just don't think the powers we have seen could reset the ability to write and read and build things and... have an advanced civilization. There is something more to the desolations, I think.
  15. But WHY? Realmatically, does anybody have any idea why surgebinding would cause a desolation?
  16. Very plausible. This might be an offhand moment.
  17. It appears as if the flag is bearing the symbol of dalinar. I'd say they are probably attacking the giant thunderclast
  18. I don't think they are. When they become invested yes they are, but the average individual doesn't appear to be especially invested.
  19. I love the line how Wit explains how he hasn't been assassinated yet- he's got too much chull sass of his own LOL
  20. I've just sort of thought that they represent an ideal, but are in constant flux because that ideal flame or something isn't defined by the general population. But as soon as someone observes a spren and measures it, the ideal has been defined, and the spren must follow that defined ideal. I think this is less quantum physics and more realmatic theory.
  21. Interesting. I wonder if Hoid can catch a cold...
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