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Everything posted by goody153

  1. I think Ati and Leras went together cause Shard intent
  2. Granted, tho Ruin is around to do the stuff below So good luuuck. I wish to solve my programming problems at work really fast.
  3. Don't see how they could even be romantic. Szeth has not shown a slightest bit of need to socialize nor romanticize anybody in all the books. I think he is basically asexual (you can say the same for Jasnah but she dresses like a girl) like i don't think he really cares what other people think. I do look forward how it goes tho. Szeth technically murdered Jasnah's father and i don't think she would see Szeth as somebody who is reliable to be around the most important person in all of Roshar (Dalinar) so the interaction will be plagued by bias of hatred and suspicion. I can't wait for the next book about people interacting with Szeth(i remember he basically murdered like half the nobility in the world) lol
  4. I bet the Kandra is May Aladar( I have no evidence other than gut feeling)
  5. Odium is definitely better and cooler than the Dark On so far. I highly disagree with Odium being far better than Ruin tho maybe colorful but i never felt the sense of dread from Odium unlike Ruin(even Ruin's speech about him being the shopkeeper or the I AM THE END paints him a far more frightening color than Odium) .
  6. The problem is actually Rayse himself(cause so far with educated guess from us he is most likely an cremhole) and well partly that Odium as a shard is "gods divine wrath without context" or if you are a believer of passion == Odium then "emotions without context" stuff sounds like something that will end up with horrible things. So the less you fight against the shard. The better control you have and the better you retain yourself into translating the shards intent ( ) This is where we get the WoB's btw. https://wob.coppermind.net/ Alternatively tho not as many here (cause this is mainly Robert Jordan's words but there are some Sanderson here): https://www.theoryland.com/ Actually there are some good stuff in the annotations about the shards stuff and just about anything in general which can be found in https://brandonsanderson.com/ Hope that helps !
  7. Depends on what metric if it's just about quantitative investiture then Harmony no contest. If it was about range of influence probably Autonomy If powerful by combat ability then Odium.
  8. I think Kaladin and Adolin is a much more popular ship than this ship. It was quite highly upvoted on some post on r/fantasy(or was it r/cosmere). Also i agree that Shallan has a gay-crush on Jasnah
  9. Granted but the shard powering the sun you draw from is a combination of Odium and Ruin with a really malicious Vessel. I wish for much much smoother life.
  10. I don't think Kaladin really cares about lands or prestige. His hands is full with being the officially the leader of the windrunners and basically Dalinar's right handman if we are being honest. Tho he is certainly a natural at leading and ordering people around.
  11. Resisting the shard intent would be a disaster. Embracing it gives the vessel control (e.g. Odium as an obvious one). (cosmere spoilers again)
  12. The issue with all these new vessels plot is that (COSMERE SPOILER BELOW) I believe Sanderson has so much more unpredictability and creativity than just new vessels plot that could be thought by a new cosmere fan pretty easily
  13. Considering how weird and focused vessels of shards can be. I think Honor and Cultivation can separate their own love from their shard intent similar to (MISTBORN FRANCHISE SPOILERS below) But it might influence the intent considering the intent is still a product of "interpretation" by the vessel which is still based on how they view things and what do they stand in life.
  14. This gives me an impression that you can do mental gymnastics with the pact of the shards to all go their separate ways. That when his separate way is basically with cultivation. Maybe that's why Honor didn't have problems. He actually thought it counts as separate ways.
  15. Just like others at first i found the "Odium is Trell" connection as the educated guess. Tho eventually i am a believer that "Autonomy is Trell" (which is the more popular theory nowadays) for a few reasons i could think of Tho by timeline it makes sense(Wax&Wayne era happens post-timeskip of SA). Narratively it doesn't sound good considering it doesn't make sense that Odium goes double frontier and that it's a big spoiler/jeopardizes Stormlight Archives for a minor improvement of Mistborn. One shard is enough to get Odium's full attention It is too predictable(gives me a clue this is not it). The SET faceless immortals did not show the similar traits as the fused or those who follow Odium around Oathbringer(Amaram and Moash perspective). The theme of SET in general as to why they are fighting Harmony is to "set people free". Which with the correct mental gymnastics sounds like Autonomy(even without mental gymnastics on the part of the vessel). Stormlight Archives while is a part of Cosmere is supposed to be able to be able to be read as a standalone (this is Sanderson's big epic). So i highly doubt there would be huge crossovers as you would think like this level.(this is the big reason why it can't be Odium ). The later mistborn however is meant to be for cosmere centric(era 4 and maybe era 3 but era 4 for sure) Red Haze means coopted/corrupted investiture.
  16. Yep pretty much what Calderis posted Btw you can use "@" to tag people. Makes it easier to get their attention
  17. Can't be Odium (SA is written as self-contained that can be connected in the greater cosmere) so Odium will be dealt at that series and same case with Cultivation hands full with Odium(no she can't multitask .. she's facing the literal most dangerous shard alone). Can't be endowment(she's into none-intervention if the letters are any indication). Obviously it cannot be Ruin or Preservation. It just doesn't make sense for any other shard than Autonomy(either their hands are full or that it is narratively bad) Even if Modesty is actually a shard. Obliterating Scadrial doesn't sound like something a shard named Modesty would do. Hell even the part where they abduct noblewomen and use them as breeding tools doesn't sound like something modesty would approve at all. That takes alot of mental gymnastics(which can be done btw just unlikely). Unless i'm missing a joke here
  18. Swingers are uhm to say it simply people who would join a polyamory group.
  19. Not what i intended but given the thread theme. I suppose it worked as i have planned.
  20. Tarnsman of Gor Another: Avengers Infinity War Another: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Suisei no Gargantia Another: Brave New World
  21. If i'm being honest he wasn't always an optimal leader (there are better options whether wartime or peacetimes) but he did have the real intention that he was trying compared to well alot of other rulers in SA. @boldedpart : I'd argue that by the end of his life he was literally living the man he wants to be. He was so earnest in his attempts try and was actually living it in his final moments. Idk there's a couple from era 1 and era 2 of mistborn. There's even some SA
  22. Different orders have different interpretations of ideals. Every person has a different interpretation to their orders ideals( Szeth and Nale are very obvious examples) And it is already very obvious that being a Radiant doesn't necessarily mean the person has to be on team honor or team dalinar. So long as subjectively in their opinion they fulfill their ideals they can be helpful to harmful to team honor. I bet Spark is normal. This just isn't like power ranger where every power ranger is without a doubt a friend. Radiants don't work that way. Same reason why Jasnah and Shallan can get away with murder. While Kaladin could not (different order means different guidelines .. and different people means different interpretation)
  23. Feruchemy or Allomancy. The amount of usefulness it has for modern society just solds me on it
  24. Not entirely sure that being a CS and being a Savant cannot be one person (unless there is a WoB that states this). It could be directly corelated or it couldn't be.
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