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Everything posted by goody153

  1. I might be wrong but the shard intent doesn't work on himself/herself/itself. Like remember how Ruin is the shard of entrophy well he doesn't wanna kill himself but he does want everything else to die. It is kinda like that. Or like how preservation would've wanted himself to live forever by intent but he still sacrificed himself. So the shard intent doesn't actually apply on themselves but they just apply it on other things so Apathy will still be able to do things. Like make things apathetic which is ironic because he is the shard of apathy and he isn't apathetic. Get it ? This is actually literally impossible. Even if somehow the shards has physical bodies and points you can spike them(considering the shards are what consists of the universe .. them being described as infinite and everywhere is not an exaggeration as they literally make up of everything in cosmere) with if you spike them this is conceptually similar to trying to contain an entire powerplant worth of electricty in a single battery lol
  2. Depends on who is leading what kind of group of people/organization. Elend might be better than everybody in terms of economic, technological and diplomatic relations(as he shows to be the best in a democratic setting). Kelsier is not qualified to rule anything that isn't a society that would burn itself out eventually. So he can't lead a stable society without messing it up rightly. Dalinar isn't a leader for the modern age but he certainly understood how to lead in the timeline of stormlight archives. He is an effective leader even in the state of war. Elhokar seems like mediocre feudal age ruler. Kaladin isn't meant to lead anything but a squad of soldiers or an army. Raoden/Sarene - dunno haven't read Elantris Lightsong is not the leadertype i suppose. So answer should be either Dalinar or Elend depending on how the state of the world goes Wait nevermind. This has to be the correct answer. Rashek storming knows what's up(he even managed to build the most stable and longest running empire ever lol) He isn't called The Lord Ruler for no reason lol
  3. How the Orders ended up in detention Windrunners: Defending the bullied from the bully by hitting the bully. Skybreakers: Didn't end up in detention but everybody hates him/her for some reason. Dustbringers: Hitting somebody cause why not. Edgedancers: Keeps vandalizing about some ideas so that people don't forget. Truthwatchers: For spacing out in middle of the class. Lightweavers: For doodling in the middle of the class. Elsecallers: Letting the class copy his/her answers Willshapers: Skipping classes and getting caught trying to skip classes. Stoneward: For being unbelievably stubborn even when it comes to teachers/faculty. Bondsmith: Creating a gang
  4. Because Hoid is just a person despite having multiple access to power. I think you could even kill Hoid with somebody who has good knowledge of Hemalurgy and him/her having right timing on hitting hoid on specific spots of his body. Nobody except a shard should be safe from Nightblood. Yeah i think Nightwatcher gets devoured. Stormfather is melded with whatever remains of honor(and is weird enough already) but nightwatcher is not safe indeed. Or anybody who isn't shard or close to being a shard for that matter
  5. Nah not the omnipresent things like shards or spren like stormfather. People just like to think Nightblood can obliterate those things but if nightblood can kill something that exists everywhere that would've solved all problems in cosmere
  6. I think he can obliterate anything short of a shard or one of those superspren like Stormfather
  7. Honestly i would rather not have that. That would be the most obvious path of the story in the grandest scale which i don't like. I'd rather it be in the shardlevel on how the story evolves around the shards. Having grandest scale plan/plot doesn't necessarily mean better for the story (alot of manga/anime stories prove that)
  8. Being in Dalinar's place would mean being in the sight of the shards of Roshar. That doesn't like an ideal situation for Hoid. I don't think he ever wants to be in the sights of any shard or worse influence in that matter.
  9. If Mercury and Uranium are godmetals which shard would it belong ?
  10. I think the lesson we all learned is that if anybody becomes a vessel go hold something like Endowment where you won't have much issues. Don't hold something like Honor or diametrically opposed shards like Preservation and Ruin or worse try to reassemble Adonalsium (i mean you are already having a hard time with one or a few shards and you want to assemble all 16 wth is wrong with you) xD But yeah on a serious note. Adding intents won't necessarily make it easy and as others have said it might add even more weirder problems than Sazed is already facing with just two opposite shards. I think reassembling adonalsium may have to have a certain pattern of what shards a certain vessel should pick up so that the vessel won't have compatibility and handling issues until all 16 are assembled. Not just blindly pick up each. Hell it might even requires a really unique vessel considering each vessel may interpret a shard differently. It is actually one hell of a rabbithole to even consider reassembling adonalsium
  11. I know that motivation, narratively and almost alot of aspect lineup for Adolin to become a edgedancer by fixing Maya but that is not what i want to happen for it seems predictable. I'm hoping for a "surprise me" event where Maya gets revived but not in a conclusion that you would think would happen.
  12. I think it was probably whatever investiture Honor/Cultivation managed to take from Odium that stuck him in Rosharian system. Dominion may have injured him but i don't think it was long-lasting effect.
  13. Any shard can replicate any magic system(there's a wob about this) but it is most investiture efficient with Ruin's essence because obviously it is his magic system. Besides to make that magic system work you apply Ruin's intent. I don't think Sazed can stop anybody from using it as well. The magic system definitely has a unique place and will be used in future cosmere according to Sanderson. It is basically the most universal magic system people has access to and is specifically made for Cosmere longterm.
  14. The splintered shards can be reassembled. Adonalsium is just basically all investiture united as one or just a super-shard
  15. It could also be that their intents aren't actually opposed to each other as well so it doesn't matter for them if they sticked together. Hell Ruin and Preservation stuck together and they're basically enemies by intent. Oh Dominion and Devotion don't seem complementary too but they found the benefit of sticking together.
  16. Granted! Whenever you burn a metal you actually burn-up inside like you feel like you are on fire on the insides. The consolation is that nothing actually happens to you but it's just that you completely feel a burning sensation whenever you use allomancy. I wish to be really lucky
  17. I would be a little afraid of nightblood too. Anybody with a sane mind would even the most familiar with it (Vivienna or Vasher) but i don't think this might be the case. Endowment and Honor/Cultivation aren't natural enemies as shown so they might just ignore each others presence tbh Yeah he might have a similar case with Shallan. And the highspren would never die considering he never broke the law of his land.
  18. Granted. You gain height instead. Also you don't shrink back after eating. In a few years of overeating sweets you'd two times longer than the tallest basketball athlete. I wish for DC to do a successful cinematic universe like marvel did.
  19. I don't think Odium even needs him in a sphere to control him. I think Odium can do a Ruin if he needs it to be. Of course for those who are utilizing his power.
  20. Regarding Sanderson's words about Honor wouldn't even think it was a loophole. I kinda get the line of thinking there. The promise was "to go their own separate ways and not bother each other" which Honor and Cultivation considered themselves as going their own separate ways together. As it was mutually agreed upon that "their separate way" is together like they have been before. It does beat the oath as they don't even violate it if they believe that the oath is about separate ways not actually as shards.
  21. Granted but you now live in age where an AI rises to eliminate humanity. And dragons. But the good is that you are now a protagonist of a story about having a petdragon against an evil AI overlord. I think it is still worth it I wish to have a Kandra as a pet
  22. Yeah. Assuming he currently spoken enough words to summon a shardblade as a skybreaker but yeah. Two shardblades. One from Endownment and another from Honor
  23. That giant blade that bleeds black smoke on his back that is his spren. Ok serious answer. The skybreakers have the same squire system as the windrunners so he got squired at the beginning as to how he initially is able to use skybreaker abilities. He got spren around the 3rd ideal after he swore infront of Nale to serve Dalinar. The highspren only showed itself once in the readers pov and to szeth it occasionally pops up but doesn't really show himself/herself/itself most of the time. Ok technically nightblood is a spren so he does have a spren aside from the skybreaker spren.
  24. Him as Preservation went fairly well considering how all vessel played their part. Even Vin did the exact opposite of preservation (kill alot of stuff as shard before killing herself) but the circumstances surrounding his ascension was indeed constrained and he already had a goal so it makes sense he did well. But yeah him and any shard sounds bad except maybe cultivation. He might be a really good Ruin in a sense of destruction
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