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Everything posted by Elenion

  1. C2: The Two Trials The sudden and violent death of Lord Khlenn had thrown the aristocracy into disarray. The killer was never apprehended, but whispers in the west were that he had passed across the countryside on a black steed bearing him for Minas Morgul. While there were no ways to truly confirm or deny the rumors, the news threw fuel on the fires of gossip and paranoia that had always been present in Minas Tirith. Few were more aware of the potential for riots caused by the murder than the Guards of the Citadel, tasked with the defense of the Steward’s residences in the seventh and highest circle of the city. Baranor, captain of the guards, was at breakfast when the news reached him. “Sir,” a servant said, “we have a report from the lower circles. Lord Khlenn’s been murdered!” Baranor had never gotten along particularly well with Lord Khlenn, but he immediately realized the possible implications of the attack. “I want the guard around the Steward doubled immediately!” he said, rising to his feet, “Nobody is allowed into this circle without clearance from me personally. Not even the King of Rohan himself.” He turned and left for the Steward’s throne, leaving his breakfast half-eaten behind him. As he left, the servant tacked on, “Oh, and Mori lôm was killed by an angry mob, but we couldn’t find anyone at fault for starting it.” “That can wait. The Steward’s safety is more important.” PREPARE ********* King Cole was out for a walk. Sure, a murder had just happened, but to Cole routine came before paranoia. He had walked at this time, on this route for the last ten years, and he was going to walk it again. About halfway through, Cole stopped for a drink of water and a short rest. While catching his breath, he heard a soft, croaky voice speaking to him. “Could you spare some water, kind sir?” said an old man who was begging at the side of the road. “Some urchins stole my bottle yesterday.” What kind of bottle? Now that’s the question. Cole thought, but he didn’t say it out loud. Whatever this man’s drinking habits, he certainly looked like he could use a drink. “Okay, I guess I can spare a few swallows,” Cole offered the man his waterskin. “You know, you aren’t a bad fellow,” said the old man, “it’s a shame we have to kill you.” “What?” But as that word escaped his mouth, he was hit on the back of the head by a dueling cane. YOURSELVES *********** The new Lord Khlenn stood at the site of where his brother had been murdered, hands clasped solemnly in front of him. He had always had fantasies of his brother dying and him taking command of the family, but never had it been this real to him. He didn’t want this. He never had. He sniffled as he cried, and as he did so a strange aroma tickled his senses. “Marcellus, do you smell that?” he said to one of the servants that had come with him. “Yes, my lord.” THIS “Well, what is it?” CITY “Pipe-weed, but not the kind they sell here. This is the good stuff, Old Toby they call it.” WILL “Who would be smoking pipe-weed in a place like this?” BURN Darkness Ascendant was lynched! They were a Nobleman loyal to Gondor! King Cole was killed! They were a Scribe loyal to Gondor, with Pipe-weed! Pipe-weed was smoked! Vote Count BR (1) DA (1) Cycle 2 has begun. You have 23.5 hours to vote and send in actions. Player List 1. Lemonelon - Unspecified 2. King Cole - Unspecified Scribe 3. Randuir - Randuir 4. Jondesu - Findecano Nenharma 5. Steeldancer - Twigeye 6. Sony - Sony 7. Alvron - Zunn the Mad 8. Asterion - Hobo Baggins 9. Doc - Unspecified 10. Steph - Unspecified 11. Drake Marshall - The Marshall of Minas Tirith 12. Manukos - Oakmus N 13. Darkness Ascendant - Mori lôm Nobleman 14. Sami - Jedal Snyders 15. Orlok Tsubodai - Annatar 16. Mestiv - Unspecified 17. Roadwalker - Silver Feather 18. Straw - Straw 19. Brightness Radiant - Unspecified 20. Megasif - Megamir
  2. 1. No. The noble doc has a full list of things that you can and cannot do, so if you are a noble you can consult that list. 2. Are you planning on playing Rae? You haven't formally signed up yet, unless I missed it.
  3. I've got a physics question for y'all. So I've taken high school physics, and it got me thinking: So when you stretch a spring, you are storing energy in it, because Elastic Potential Energy = 0.5*k*x^2. Because 0.5 and k are constants assuming your spring does not warp, change in elastic potential energy is solely dependent on the change in length of the spring. (We'll revisit this later.) Therefore, if a spring isn't moving, it is not storing or releasing energy, right? No work is done because no distance is traveled, so there's the energy conservation. 0 change in energy stored in the spring, 0 work done. So if we have a block sitting on a table at rest, and we attach 2 identical stretched springs to opposite sides of the block, and attach the other side the springs to immovable anchor points equidistant from the block, no motion occurs. The energy remains stored in the springs, but the forces exerted by the springs balance out. No work is done, because there is no distance for a force to be exerted over. Question 1: Assuming all of my reasoning is correct so far, that means that these springs could exert a constant force forever assuming no changes to the system. This doesn't make intuitive sense to me: I've stored a finite amount of energy in each spring, but each can now exert a finite amount of force for an infinite amount of time? How did this infinity find its way into the system? (If it involves calculus I've got through Calc 1 down.) Is it because the time has nothing to do with the amount of energy in the spring, because time is not in the formula for work? Now let's consider a similar example. A person attempts to lift a small but super-dense cube straight up, but their lifting force is exactly equal to the force of gravity and so they can't lift the cube at all. Because the person is lifting perpendicular to the surface, there is no friction, and because this cube is so small air resistance can be disregarded. The only forces that we need to consider are the cube's weight and the force applied upwards by the person. Just like the springs, we have two equal forces canceling each other out, but something's different here. Question 2: The springs could oppose each other with matched forces without spending any energy, so why would the person's muscles grow tired after fighting gravity? One of two things must be the case: either the person has done no work on the cube, or the person has done work on the cube but gravity has also done work on the cube, and the work has canceled out. If it's that the person has done no work on the cube, why then do their muscles grow tired after outputting no energy? If it's that the person has done work on the cube, how is it that the springs did not lose energy? (Because therefore they would have done work on their block, and when a spring loses energy the only thing that can change about it is the extension length, per paragraph 2.)
  4. I'd love to play this game, but I'm GMing the QF and I think that'll take up most of my spare time, so I'll have to settle for a spec doc link.
  5. After talking to Elbereth we're going to be pushing that back and rescheduling the times. Turnover is now 3:30 p.m. MST and the game won't start until next Wednesday.
  6. PAFO! (If you sign up, that is.) The NSA is reading your PMs. You didn't read anything. Move along. Player list has been updated! If you don't like my comments about your character, just tell me and I'll take them down.
  7. QF27: Lord of the Lynches: Terror in Minas Tirith The year is 2756 in the Third Age. The land of Gondor lies dark and silent, menaced by an ever-growing shadow on its eastern frontier. Minas Ithil has fallen to the Enemy, and it will not be many years until Osgiliath suffers the same fate. But the plans of Sauron wait for no man. Even now, when the forces of Gondor are watching the expansion of Mordor, a few of Sauron's most cunning servants are ready to strike a blow at the heart of Gondor itself. Ground Rules: Known Roles: Clock will be posted later. Good luck, men of Gondor! (And Mordor, too, but it would be bad for my image to cheer on the homicidal maniacs. Player List: Quick Links:
  8. @Drake Marshall I haven't put the order in yet, because my proposal took so much flak. I only want to have to draft up one massive rule proposition. Edit: I've sent in my rule, and I think I've closed all the loopholes. Voting is public, one vote per player, voting cannot be affected by DMs, Elementalists, or any other manipulation. Actions are suspended before voting, and after voting only the actions that remained in the game resolve their effects. Players already dead can still vote.
  9. Were they open WiFis so that anyone could connect to them?
  10. It really depends on your definition of "best", because Sebarial's would be more than a little bit edgy. Who would be the best Rosharan safehand glove model, Siri or Vin?
  11. No, because Reckoners is on an alternate Earth, and there are no alternate Earths in the Cosmere. It's the same reason why Rithmatist is out.
  12. So it seems like we're all in agreement about a few things: -The game needs a fix but not a total wipe -Bunny rule definitely needs to be changed or removed -96 votes is just a wee bit much for a single player to command But now we're at another conundrum: the Brotherhood and the WorldSmiths now know the exact size and member list of the other faction. Ideas on how to fix that?
  13. @Arinian I will confess to attempting to attack you last night, but it wasn't my idea. One of the factions suspected you of being the Gunsmith (not related to Road's PM to you, funny enough, although I can only assume he thought you were Gunsmith as well because of the items comment), and because Drake and I were the only active WorldSmiths at the time and turnover was approaching I put in the kill. I didn't have personal suspicions of you. As for Arin vs SteelDancer, I think Arin is in the right. He's not mad that somebody put bunnies in the game, but that the bunnies that were put in the game broke the game, and the simplest way to unbreak them would be to remove them. @Aonar Faileas I'm disheartened to think that you would legitimately suspect me of putting in a broken rule on purpose. When I wrote those rules my intent was that each ability could only be used once, so the player could only get 2 votes. I was just as surprised as you are when Drake told me that Sheep had ruled that that ability could be used in the way Drake just described. To further prove that I didn't break the rule on purpose, ask Drake: he realized the votes were broken without a bit of help from me.
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