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Everything posted by AliasSheep

  1. For a given kill, the eliminators have a 0% chance of hitting an elim, and an x% chance of hitting a villager, while simultaneously having a chance to hit an independent who might help the village. I don't see why it isn't in the elim's self interest to try and kill someone every turn. Regarding revealing worlds; I think a better solution would be to reveal who was on our world the previous cycle. That way we can track people without giving unneccessary information to a possible worlddestroyer/other person with world-targeting abilities.
  2. Yeah, I'll definitely second this. I still need to read more of the Lightbringer series though...
  3. Nah, I mean, you could take that as a character name
  4. Can we get this in the main post? It's really relevant information
  5. You're not building a bandwagon, you're just contributing to one. I.e. you are bandwagoning. We have no reason to believe the elims would even try that strategy, nevermind have enough vote manips to do it. It's problematic when you're literally trying to justify yourself voting with no explanation given. It's a cop-out. Don't try to make it out that I've said things I haven't; I've said before that my issue is you trying to justify casting votes without backing them up. This is the beginning of the game. This was just a response to that one post; will catch up with the thread (I see I have more replies to view) and make more responses shortly.
  6. This isn't LG25 where we know that the eliminators are going to manipulate the votes to get the people they want lynched, lynched. I doubt there are that many vote manip abilities in the game, and if there are, not all the elims are going to have them, that would be stupidly inbalanced. Building up such a strong lynch isn't nearly as necessary. Thus, switching your vote at the end of the turn to someone else just lets a bandwagon build and lets you help get someone lynched with no contribution to the reasoning behind their lynch.
  7. Well, from the Common Powers, most of the kills I can see are for Player(local), so I imagine that's more likely; that being said, a cross-world kill could definitely be a hidden ability.
  8. You know how I was worried about Stink setting a precedent to do this with his vote switching? You literally just said you were going to do exactly that; which, if you remember, is something you then used when accusing him. You're not exactly being very consistent. Magestar
  9. You mean saying the village won't think of it as a valid defense because I've brought it up? I don't know if they're going to remember it, unless someone consistently brings it up. That was a comment about you being an elim and under pressure and you know it.
  10. Didn't I just say that you wouldn't be because of that defense? I'm not sure enough about that to place bets on it; it's not enough for me to just disregard my point.
  11. You're welcome, Stink Multiple times in the thread people have doubted whether a) there is an evil faction and b ) who they are; I wanted to clarify that where it was relevant. Basically: Wilson's comment about there being multiple Elims. Paranoid's whole post using [evils]; not actually stating Rayse, and then later explicitly stating the difference between Rayse and evils (not the same people I was referring to, for reference) My issue is not the vote switching as much as it is setting the precedent of taking you vote switching as being normal. Anyone can vote switch, but it highlights them because it's irregular. If you're going to vote switch lots, then you can just pass it off as the style of play you're taking, which doesn't sit well with me. Provided you can instill some faith in me that this is just a turn one thing, I don't see any reason why I'd continue voting on you.
  12. Right now, Stink's vote switching is making me uneasy; even if he does have good reason for each of his votes right now, it sets a precedent for later on in the game where we take it as a given that Stink switches votes when he could be switching to something that benefits team Odium (which I'm assuming is the enemy?, that's the impression I got from the thematic set-up in the Also Wouldn't that give you a reason to vote? I don't think the rest of your points really give an argument specifically against voting, so wouldn't it better to vote just for this first reason? EDIT: I forgot to put a colour on my vote >> (my nose grrr) EDIT2: Didn't even finish a sentence. I'm not doing very well at being focused am I. " that's the impression I got from the thematic set-up in the " Initial post by Nyali
  13. I think Knife of Dreams is the last Jordan one, and then it's The Gathering Storm, Towers of Midnight and A Memory of Light. They basically increase in quality from each book to the next (imo at least. I certainly was more enraptured by A Memory of Light than The Gathering Storm).
  14. Don't worry, WoT becomes a drag as well eventually! (Worth it for the last 3 books tho imo). And update on 2312. Like, it's hard not to love Wahram. And of course I love KSR's narrative style, so that definitely helps.
  15. I'll sign up as Kelen Taldar; not quite as dead as you might expect! Anyone fancy doing some RP with me this game?
  16. So I started reading 2312 and oh I already love it. I'm the kind of reader who really appreciates the kind of worldbuilding that KSR does (I'm currently reading an interlude in the book which is an extract from a book about turning an asteroid into a livable habitat, like, that's such a great thing to include!). The only downside is, I'm coming from this after having read the Mars Trilogy, and since they're in separate but very very similar universes, I feel kind of detached emotionally from the plot because I haven't had a chance to get to know the characters and the system as well as I got to know the characters and Mars itself in the Mars Trilogy. Hopefully this picks up though, as it looks like it's going to turn into something interesting!
  17. Well yeah, but at the moment that isn't the situation we're in. And if anyone switches their vote from me to Meta, then there won't be enough votes to lynch me, so I wouldn't have to vote for him to save myself, so I can continue to vote for you, who i find suspicious.
  18. At the moment, the votes are tied between me and you. What did you want him to do? Vote for himself? Or vote for you, such that the votes are less spread out than if he voted for someone who was neither me nor you. He can't exactly be expected to vote for me if he doesn't find me suspicious, and ~10 hours is more than enough time for discussion to solifidy the lynch.
  19. Hmm, so for a second time in a row, someone votes for me and then Straw and Magestar jump on the bandwagon with no reasoning of their own? And no "I think he's an elim" is not reasoning, it's so vague and generic it could stand in for anything and allows Magestar to completely circumvent needing to justify his position. Yes, but why? I don't mind being voted on, really, but if you're going to vote on me and not explain why at all whatsoever, then I start to get annoyed.
  20. And for myself, I'm launching up Crusader Kings 2 again. Time to try and be Wales for the hundreth time...
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