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Everything posted by AliasSheep

  1. Windows can be slow, clunky, restrictive and hard for me to use (as well as lacking a good implementation of bash). But it does have all the games I want to play. If GNU/Linux could run said games effectively (I don't trust WINE to keep a decent framerate) then I would switch to GNU/Linux in a heartbeat. I have GNU/Linux installed on my laptop and it's so much nicer to navigate etc. etc. That's likely a result of having Gnome as my desktop, but that's as a consequence of having GNU/Linux installed, so, win win.
  2. Despite what I previously said, I do have some comments to make (oh look, if I try something actually appears!). Luckat: Contributing a lot to the village, being nothing but helpful. Very strong village read. Magestar: His posts at the moment seem genuine, though just voting on me to get a lynch seems very oppurtunistic. Then again, he had a specific target in mind beforehand, so this seems less planned than it would be were he an elim. Mild Village read. Frozen: I don't think the mistake she made with PK is the kind of mistake that would be made if she was actually planning with elims in a doc, others probably would have pointed it out to her. Mild Village read. Meta: I don't think I'll ever be able to get a proper read on Meta. He tends to have an aggressive playstyle, which leans me towards elim, but of course that's more of an unconscious thing and more often than not wrong. Neutral read. Straw: I haven't been able to get a read on Straw either. Nothing he's done seems to conflict with the way I've seen him play as village before. Perhaps voting on me, but again that's something I've seen him do as village before. Inactivity hasn't helped (though I can't make any comments about this >.>). Neutral read. Doctor: As with luckat, his posts seem to be mostly helpful towards the village. Village read. Bard: Given Doctor's scan of him, I'm more inclined towards him being village than not. Mild village read. Daniyah: Hasn't made many, if any posts. Impossible to get a read on, given it's her first game as well. Neutral read. Assassin in Burgundy: Same as with Daniyah. Neutral read. And that leaves, The Only Alex: Has lurked a lot (which is understandable given it's his first game), but then a comment like the one he made about Lopen seems really out of place. If he was suspicious of Lopen earlier, why didn't he say anything about it? It sounds like a ploy to gain favour with the village right after a lynch has happened, and it just went over the top. Elim read. Thus voting for Alex.
  3. I don't like saying this, but that's not particularly uncommon for me in LGs. Once the game reaches a certain point, I get kind of lost, and I'm not really able to figure much stuff out, like I said in my PM. I don't generally post because I don't think my posts would have any value to the village, which may be faulty reasoning, but that's how it tends to go. I admit that isn't an excuse, however, but that is an explanation.
  4. How much money would we be starting with? And should we just post what we've bought here?
  5. I've played a lot of Kerbal Space Program recently. I've only gotten to one other planet so far, and only at the beginning of that program, so I think I'm gonna get a lot of playtime out of this game...
  6. Right, here's a first look at my character: The book sat on the table in front of Shalel. It was one of the highest quality in her collection, bound, gilded, with high quality paper and written in a style that flowed, one unlike her own now. It was also one of her least favourites. She lifted a hand and brushed away the dust that had gathered on the top, revealing a blank, dark red cover beneath. More dust spilled out as she opened it up, turning to the first page, forcing her to cover her mouth and waft the air in front of her. The page was covered in symbols, moving from letter to glyph in a way unlike most writing she had seen. A conversation was described, one between a woman and a surgeon, the woman’s speech in a similar deep red to that of the cover and his in a light blue. This one page had cost a firemark at least, likely more. “You’ll likely have to stay in for another few weeks now. Shalel? Shalel?” “Yes.” One glyph, smaller than the rest. “You understand that you’ll be seen by people each day to make sure that your wounds don’t get any worse? And of course, to test how your… thoughts… are doing.” “Yes.” “Cuts all across the body, major concussion. Strange what that can do to someone.” He had muttered this to himself. That was written next to the speech. “Yes.” You'll find out more about her as we go on, methinks. @Assassin in Burgundy If you want a copy of my character notes for story/campaign reasons, just ask and I'll PM you the link.
  7. Tornadogenesis sounds like a prog rock band. My exposure to tornadoes comes from like, The Wizard of Oz, Twister, and this science book I had when I was younger with a picture I can still kind of remember. How common are tornadoes in some of the places where you guys are? Because to me I don't think they're much more than a novelty.
  8. I posted that and then immediately thought of a conflict and driving incident.
  9. I lied. Anyway, I have a character, I'm just working out a conflict and driving incident for them. It's a work in progress.
  10. The idea of a fire burning for months on end never ceases to blow my mind.
  11. I was waiting for your response to my second questions. I don't like voting if I'm not sure of it. And I'm not actually going to given your response. Ah. Because nothing was quoted, I misinterpreted that post. Those wouldn't be odds that I would go on, but fair enough. I'm not quite sure what you mean by this.
  12. I haven't actually accused Magestar yet, I was just explaining Araris' point to him, though I acknowledge that could be read as me agreeing with Araris. I don't actually, a few of Mage's posts have seemed quite eliminatory to me, and few generic. If anything, I'm going to accuse him now. I have a few things I want to comment on. First, is Magestar's defense of himself, primarily yesterday but also today, in which he made several fairly emotive posts, expressing frustration and sadness at being voted on. This strikes me as eliminatory, in that emotive posts are much easier to get people to empathise with one with, thus require less potentially flawed logic from an eliminator to explain something. Second, I'll like @Magestar to provide some more reasoning for his vote on Mark, which occurred in his first post after Meta's accusation of Mark. He provides no reasoning of his own for this, simply stating that he found Mark also suspicious and that Mark was a likely target (I'm not quite sure I understand this last bit, clarification would be nice). It seems a bit like bandwagoning to me, thus why I'd like to see some clarifications and further explanation from Magestar. And finally, in his last post, Magestar says he sympathises with Mark's position and says he can't actually tell whether Mark is an elim or not. I'm not quite certain why he would say this and vote for Mark, so perhaps he could explain that as well.
  13. I was just defining "Villagery" as "a post that the reader would consider to be indicative of a village player" or "a post that the reader thinks a village player would post". I'm not necessarily good at finding them myself, but that's what I interpreted as a good definition for explaining Araris' point.
  14. It's that they're both generic and villagery. Saying something villagery is an indicator of being village, but if the posts are vague or without large amounts of accusations, or just generic in general, then it's going to seem like an Elim for the reason I stated above.
  15. Generic and villagery makes you seem like an Elim because they're so unremarkable posts that an elim would be able to pass as a villager when making them.
  16. Yep, that's what I think at least, @Assassin in Burgundy will have to confirm it for us.
  17. At least as far as 3rd ed goes, the threshold is determined by the thing you're hitting. The damage I imagine will be the result of a dice roll of the range of the numbers listed in the table, adjusted for modifiers.
  18. It looks a lot like D&D 3rd edition to me, so I assume the basics is rolling a d20 for actions, applying modifiers and then seeing whether it's above/below a given target. So the AC is a modifier for an attack role.
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