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Everything posted by ZenBossanova

  1. Invested is not quite right and certainly crem and those other examples were all around long before the Shattering. But there is a pattern here still. Perhaps we should say that there seems to be a characteristic of the world that has unusual prominence for each shard. In the surgebinding chart in the Ars Arcanum, there are focuses for each surge. Perhaps we should call Crem a Focus for Cultivation.
  2. Every Shard so far, has had an aspect of weather or climate associated with them. Mists, flowers, geography, etc. It would be odd for Cultivation to not be expressed as crem, especially considering how much she does to help Roshar be a vibrant planet, in spite of its storms.
  3. Even if the pits were still there, there have been plenty of people burning metals around them since Elendel was founded.
  4. I was really under the impression Kelsier made them, but there was a WoB that suggested otherwise.
  5. Hiding in a highstorm would be a good place for an unmade to hide for an extended period. There is a reading of Dalinar at a feast during a highstorm in SA3 that may be pertinent to this discussion.
  6. Strictly speaking, entropy is not disorder. That is a common way to express and think of it, but it is wrong. Entropy is the number of possible states something can be in. For instance, there are a lot more ways you can arrange the pieces of a broken plate than an unbroken plate, so we say the entropy of a broken plate is higher, and unless we are very careful, broken plates are far more likely than unbroken. So, you can see how we get the idea of entropy = disorder. It is also the same reason it is hard to hit the bulleye when playing darts. There are just a lot of other places for the dart to go. The second law of Thermodynamics says that entropy will increase, or in other words, systems (closed systems technically) tend toward things that give them the maximum number of states. That means, if Adonalsium creates more worlds when shattered than when whole, then shattered is more likely. If there are more ways to shatter Adonalsium than there are ways for it to be whole, then shattered is more likely. In general entropy wants a universe with the maximum number of possibilities. If there were more good possibilities than bad, then good would be more likely. That could be trippy, but certainly possible. Alternate theory, the fainlife was created by demigods under Adonalsium, as an experiment in creation that went awry. It is now consuming planets, and even stars (the Red Rip).
  7. We should probably cross-reference this with I suspect that either bits of knowledge have come from the Shin, or the Heralds have occasionally let things out.
  8. Another good question is why. Even Hitler had a reason why. You don't invade a continent of creepy immortal bug people, just because they are creepy. And why have they not started rebuilding hives. Is there something they are now missing? Also, why did the scouring of Aimia involve killing larkins? What do they have to do with it? Is this a creature that Aimians would find particularly important? Perhaps important to starting a hive/nest?
  9. Facts and educated guesses intermingled here: I suspect, that the fainlife that Kyriss hinted at is at the root of why 16 people decided Adonalsium needed to be shattered. I also suspect, that the Red Rip is that fainlife expanding even to other stars. That is why Hoid thinks it is so important to recreate Adonalsium, even important enough to destroy Roshar. While others look at this problem, and think the solution is more shattering, eg. Odium. Note however, Hoid has not made any effort to pick up an entire shard. He just gets little bits of investment, just enough that he can use each shard. Recombining each shard would be too difficult, because there is too much interferring investiture. But if you combine them when you are just a magic user, then combining shouldn't be hard. Once he has done that, it is just a matter of getting enough investiture.
  10. All this said, I strongly suspect the Nightwatcher, who wields the Old Magic, is a dragon. I can't point to any one thing in particular. Just a suspicion. But if the Nightwatcher is just a super Cultivation spren.... what is it doing controlling the Old Magic? How?
  11. I really wonder if Larkins were what was scoured in Aimia. And if they will be significant to the Aimians.
  12. In book 3, Kaladin will have an epic smackdown with a Herald.... and win. The Heralds will be currently, powerful, but merely shadows of their former power.
  13. My guess is, Shallan will feel lonely if Adolin is exiled, but Kaladin will be too honorable to make a pass at his friend's girl.
  14. According to the same source, He had sold 15k in 2013, so he must be doing more like 2 million a year. So it stays at this rate, he will catch up with GRR Martin in 25 years.
  15. At least Butcher should be closer.
  16. Interesting! Be sure to notice the long, long list of very prominent authors he is ahead of, like Butcher, or Frank Herbert. But it is also worth noting, that not all of the authors ahead of him are putting out a lot of books. If we assume it is linear growth (which I am sure is wrong) then he is doing 1 million books a year. If growth is constant, then in 50 years (may Sanderson live forever) we will be in Star Wars and GRR Martin territory.
  17. Before Words of Radiance came out, almost no one even wanted a book about Shallan. She looked like an petty silly girl. Think about how much people hate Szeth. People felt that same way about Shallan. Or take a look at Wax and Steris in the later Mistborn books. Steris was incredibly unpopular... until the Bands of Mourning, where the romance suddenly clicked and no one could have been a better match for Wax.
  18. The actual WoB on that is a bit ambiguous. It is possible for Shallan, but it is certainly not written in stone... or metal.
  19. Justice is too dispassionate for Odium + Honor. In any case, I was using Vengeance for Odium + Autonomy. But as long as we are thinking this way, would Odium + Cultivatation would be Wildlife? Something that expresses life, but as 'Nature, red in tooth and claw'.
  20. Of course, we all said the same thing about Shallan before Words of Radiance.
  21. Pardon, Maxel, you are right. There was an interesting WoB in an interview Brandon did while in Spain regarding everyone except Jasnah... maybe. http://www.jotdown.es/2016/12/brandon-sanderson-i-want-to-show-in-my-writing-that-there-is-something-inherently-good-inside-human-beings/ I wouldn't see this as completely definite, as he gives his characters room to grow and act on their own.
  22. Besides, Jasnah is Adolin's aunt. While Jasnah might be all for throwing out gendered traditions, I doubt she would still be interested in marrying down. Of course, if Kaladin is a KR, then would it really be marrying down? She is definitely going to need someone her intellectual equal.
  23. Call it Vengence. It is happy to act on its own, but to also hate those things that need hating / need to be avenged. That said, I don't think Autonomy is going to leave her star. If Odium is picked up, it will probably be by someone on Roshar.
  24. I worry that people on Roshar are all going to go to "hell" when they die, at least until Odium is defeated.
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