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Everything posted by ZenBossanova

  1. When I started the Dresden Files books, I started with book 6 (The building was on fire and it wasn't my fault....) because that is what the thrift store had. There were some reveals, but it wasn't the end of the world for the series, which I promptly devoured. You lost a few big reveals, but I think you will still really enjoy the build up to them. Sure you know how some things are going to end, but let's be honest. 99% of the time, the hero does not die in the story, so you really already knew that.
  2. If he gets Honor spren, he might have to be less responsibility-avoidant. If he gets an Odium spren, he might become capable of dishing out more punishment.
  3. Do we know if "the God Beyond" and Adonalsium are two different people?
  4. If we know that Sixth of Dusk had Herdazian food, then isn't vastly more likely that the Ones Above are Rosharan?
  5. That does beg the question, does Hoid just want to be a surgebinder (if indeed that is actually what he is doing) or does he want all 10 powers (a Surge-born)? And how exactly would he do that?
  6. First time posting here, I thought I remembered a WoB about Ashyn having a shard of Self-contradiction, when talking about The Silence Divine. I was unable to find it, but I did find this. If a Shard ruled Talents (Alcatraz), what would the Shard be? Betrayal, or inner self-contradiction, people contradicting themselves in some way. That is not proof of such a shard, but it is highly suggestive. Then there is that something Hoid said, about spending a year being digested. I don't know about any shard that could correspond to. Perhaps, there is a shard of Consumption, or Hunger? I do like the idea of Honor+Odium = Justice That would be a great end to the Stormlight Archive.
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