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Everything posted by Rasarr

  1. Provided that nothing wonky happens when the data from your computer leaves the speed bubble for the game's server (such as sudden loss of energy, the signal getting completely scrambled, that kind of thing), the signal slows down to "real world" speed upon leaving the bubble, so the other players probably wouldn't see the difference while you'd get a tremendous log. Another possibility (which I'm not certain about): with how quickly the computer would be sending signals to the "real time" part of your Internet cable, the server might interpret the binary code as a row of "11111111111..." and would error out.
  2. I don't mind either way, to be honest.
  3. We could do books first, and then allomantic metals. Not sure if we should go hurt 2/heal 1 from the start, though.
  4. Ah, I know those. Hence why I wonder if it works the other way 'round.
  5. Heal Firefight, hurt Limelight. 3. Firefight--38 5. Limelight--2
  6. Oh. Didn't know that. Would be nice to have a confirmation, though.
  7. It seems that you and I were kind of circling similar topics when it comes to fainlife, @Amanuensis. I really like this theory - it provides a pretty good justification as for why the Shards ended up the way they did. I don't think many conflicting Intents would render Adonalsium immobile. After all, humans have conflicting emotions, and yet this doesn't make us incapable of doing anything - not to mention that one of the Letters notes that Rayse is this bad because he lacks other intents that gave Adonalsium's wrath context, which suggests that Big A wasn't just spending his time sitting and twiddling his thumbs in indecision while fain grew around him. Cultivation is decidedly not a wholeheartedly "good" Intent. After all, if you want to cultivate a garden, you have to tear out the weeds. I'm pretty sure she can be very cruel when she needs to.
  8. Storms, all those signings and I'm stuck on the other side of the globe. You people are lucky to have Brandon in your country If anybody would be willing, could you ask whether a Parshendi would hear an allomancer burning a metal as a Rythm? I don't think we know that already, do we?
  9. I'd guess so - after all, stormspren are apparently also of Odium, and yet Brandon doesn't count them as odiumspren, it'd seem. So a true odiumspren might be something like anti-honorspren? Maybe we'll see anti-Syl somewhere.
  10. @Orderbound, I have a lot of respect for Prof, just very little for his evil version. Heal Conflux, hurt Limelight. 3. Firefight--35 5. Limelight--5 6. Conflux--4 Even if Conflux dies today, I'm still happy that he's made it to the semifinals.
  11. I've been in the cinema to see Moana yesterday (really awesome film, BTW), and after I returned home, I stumbled upon the "Bavadin has invented entire pantheons of gods" WoB from Reddit, and somehow those two ideas mixed in my head. In other words: You know you're a Sanderfan when you spend the entire afternoon thinking about Disney-style Cosmere musical, where each Shard has their own song. I think Bavadin's would have her show up as all the gods she's been puppeting over the ages, "fanning out from behind her"-style.
  12. Those maps and charts are very pretty and I want them on my walls, but holy ****! The shipping cost is more than the raw price of all three of them put together!
  13. Heal Conflux, hurt Limelight. 3. Firefight--32 5. Limelight--9 6. Conflux--9
  14. No... Heal Conflux, hurt Limelight. 3. Firefight--295. Limelight--12 6. Conflux--9
  15. @Dirigible, thanks for asking my question! And that's a neat answer, I guess that means that you carry Preservation "in" you rather than connecting with it to reach the power. Makes sense, I guess. In other matters, it's nice to have a confirmation on Silverlight's location, Realms-wise. And now I wonder if "Reya" (of Reya's Tear) wasn't Ambition's name, though Reya seems to have more to do with Roshar's history than Cosmere's in general.
  16. @Dirigible, I like those questions, with two "but"s. "Have we seen Ire elsewhere" looks like a prime RAFO material to me, though, but I don't know - maybe Brandon'll answer that? With Seventeenth Shard's agelesness, I believe there was something about various worldhoppers using various methods, so the answer you'll get to that will probably be "among others". A question about Demoux might give you a more concrete answer. If you fill like taking a question from someone else, I humbly put forth this: considering how allomancy comes from a person's connection to Preservation, if a Misting used a Connection medallion on Roshar - for example, to speak Alethi - would they be unable to use their allomancy while Connected to Alethkar?
  17. I've posted here already, but I've found a really good duology: Leigh Badurgo's Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom. It's basically a fantasy heist story, set in a world that already has rifles, airships and tanks, but doesn't yet have stuff like trains or steam ships, with a fairly interesting magic system (though the locals don't consider it to be magic), and absolutely awesome characters and character development. The premise goes like this: a drug is invented that can vastly enhance powers of local magic users and the only man who knows the secret to making it is imprisoned by a country of witchhunters. Everybody scrambles to get to the man so that they could boost their Grisha (mages) before he's executed, and the main characters are six very different people who get hired to break in and grab the guy (the leader of the group will give you Kelsier flashbacks). Of course, things quickly get complicated. Oh, and you might learn that the duology is a follow up to the author's previous trilogy, but having read it, I assure you that (1), there's basically no connection between the two and (2), the Grisha Trilogy is not very good, especialy compared to this.
  18. Heal Conflux, hurt Limelight. 3. Firefight--25 5. Limelight--10 6. Conflux--15
  19. Yes, let's kill Regalia! Heal Conflux, hurt Regalia. 3. Firefight--22 5. Limelight--11 6. Conflux--16 10. Regalia--1
  20. Heal Conflux, hurt Regalia. 3. Firefight—20 5. Limelight—8 6. Conflux—16 10. Regalia—6
  21. I wonder if rather than about Dalinar, Oathbringer the in-universe book is be about the Herald Ishar. After all, Ishar was the one who imposed order upon the burgeoning Knights Radiant, so I guess you could say he... *drumroll*... brought them the Oaths? And besides, Ishar's the Bondsmith Herald, Dalinar is a Bondsmith, so he might want to look for some book about his Order's patron, explaining the way the book could figure in the story.
  22. Heal Conflux, hurt Regalia. 3. Firefight—19 5. Limelight—7 6. Conflux—15 9. Obliteration—2 10. Regalia—7
  23. If I recall correctly, some time ago (when the AU having essays was announced), Brandon said that we would find Sixth of the Dusk essay interesting because it's written long before the Ones Above visited the First of the Sun, or something along those lines. At any rate, the meaning was that at least this one essay was written quite a while before the events of the story.
  24. Thanks, @thegatorgirl00. Heal Conflux, hurt Regalia. 3. Firefight—19 5. Limelight—7 6. Conflux—14 9. Obliteration—4 10. Regalia—6
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