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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. They are very definitively not related. M:SH It's understandable that it is confusing, because Kelsier himself confuses the Spiritual Realm and the Beyond until he ascends and learns the difference (repeatedly calling the SR "Beyond" while trapped in the Well - because he is trying to fingure it out. . . unreliable narrator). Note the WoB where Brandon says he will never answer the question about the true nature of the Beyond or the God Beyond because he believes it is up to each person (and character in-story) to answer that for themselves. However, he has confirmed that a "spiritweb corpse" persists in the SR after whatever goes to the Beyond has left. Hope that helps
  2. It's not a decision, it is based on WoBs: So, based on the current understanding (which, of course may be incomplete or change): Any Scadrian can burn Lerasium and Pure Atium because every Scadrian has ties to both Shards based on how that world and it's population was made. Not any Rosharan could "burn" Tanavastium because they do not have any Allomancy in their Spiritweb allowing them to "burn a metal for an effect." Hoid could burn Tanavastium because he does have connections to that inverstiture through his Radiant bond as well as being a Lerasium Mistborn. Lerasium may be burnable by non-Scadrians - but it's unclear because of Hoid - since the effect of Lerasium is making a Connection to Preservation. Otherwise, an Allomancer would have to have a tie to the investiture from which the Godmetal is formed, in order to burn that Godmetal. Hope that helps He is shown as burning Iron in Ch 25. That was the point of Harmony's prepared vials - to have wax unconsciously test if he was a weak Mistborn due to his experiments: Well, it seems that easy with the 16 Allomantic Metals (Vin did not know the effects of Aluminum when Kar made her burn it, either) - but I think it is a stretch to say that would pply to Godmetals of Investiture entirely unrelated to Allomancy.
  3. Could you please post (here, profile and/or an intro thread) a list of what you have (or have not) read (whichever list is shorter), so that we can avoid spoilers as needed? Scadrial Spoilers:
  4. Emperor's Soul, if done right, would be awesome, but I think they would have to add some more Gaotona scenes outside of Shai's cell room to flesh it out for a full movie. The best part, though, would be the subtle set changes to her room between each scene (oh, the desk is different. . . now the chair is different. . . is that hearth?!) Especially if they leave most of the changes unremarked by the actors, so fans can watch-for and pick-out the changes scene to scene.
  5. Well, another primary difference for Scadrial, is when he was naming the magic systems, he specifically sought out science-based linguistics because Scadrial is the Cosmere world about seeing how Science and History change with the magic system over time (originally - Fantasy Trilogy, Urban Fantasy, Space Opera). You can see it in the WoB about Naming Feruchemy: So, while most arts* are "named" by "something <person> does" - these were named to help imply how the Scientific Method will be portrayed in the world's understanding of the magic. I say most, because one of your examples - Awakening - is not actually the name for that art, it's only one aspect of BioChroma (more akin to Steel Pushing as one aspect of Allomancy), which also includes the Heightenings, Divine Breath, BioChromatic Entities (some of which are Awakened), etc. However, "Awakening" itself (and the state of being "Awakened") is becoming a Cosmere world-generic term for anything Awakened to Sapience or Sentience through Investiture - even when no Breath was involved at all (likely seen TLM, Tress, Yumi, TSM - Where Yumi is confirmed as not-BioChroma; and the other three would be possible by means other than BioChroma - but are not yet confirmed for or against).
  6. Well, part of it is because of how the Manifestation of Investiture is divided. Just as Kaladin does not Gravitationed himself (Lash), an Allomancer would not Coinshotted or Steeled themselves. The known Canon verbs for the Metallic Arts are: Pushed (Pushing metals, including emotional allomancy) Pulled (Pulling metals, ditto) Burned (The act of activation a Metal to access the associated investiture) Stored (saving a Feruchemical Attribute) Tapped (accessing a F-Attribute) Spiked (Hemalurgy, the act of taking or granting an attribute) Charged (The intent of ripping an attribute to be stored in a Spike) Hope that helps
  7. I would guess that it is less like the Well or Kel/Vin/Sazed's ascension, and more like Kelsier in SH:
  8. ^This. Elend's Durlumin+E1Atium is very close to the effect of pure atium. WoB: I don't think there have been any instances showing Pure Atium being burned on-screen, since even the Atium Harmony provided to Marsh was changed back to resemble E1Atium. WoB:
  9. I did not say it prevents them from trying. I merely indicated that I think their priorities were elsewhere and that I doubt the "logical leap" is as easy in-world as you seem to think it would be. Not a Scadrial WoB - but related tangentially: Look at the history of Science IRL - humans knew lightning was conducted by metal for centuries (or longer) before somebody thought "hey can I make this flow through a copper wire to make that filament glow." It's about challenging assumptions and really exploring possibilities. Ironically, had the Set shared some of their studies, the chances these would have been found increase exponentially - but, like an "corporate/government" funded science you end up with executive meddling. . . . . . And, in this case, I took that to be "The Set wants Hemalurgy, we are paying you to study Hemalurgy and make <this> work. Now do what you are told." From an assumption stand-point - it seemed like the Set "knew" There is only metal that can be allomantically burned by a non-allomancer, and those beads no longer exist There is no such thing as a Metalmind that can be tapped or stored by a non-ferring (at least until they meet the SoScads in BoM - which still implied limited to known metals but using tech tricks) Hemalurgy is all about giving power to a Non-MetalBorn - that's the art we want! Why would they challenge those assumptions? It takes a certain mindset to challenge millenia old "knowledge" (of course the world is flat - just look in any direction) and even when a subset does know something (The Vikings discovered North America centuries before Columbus, who didn't even find the continent - just the Caribbean Islands) that knowledge has to be shared before a society as a whole begins to advance their understanding. I'm not saying you are wrong to think as you do, I'm just trying to help explain why I do not think as you do (on this topic). From a narrative perspective, it's likely because much of this was always intended for the next trilogy. Another tangential WoB (Resonances rather than GodMetals): Scadrial is barely starting their Scientific Revolution and actually exploring and learning about what is and what can be. I would guess Brandon is saving GodMetal stuff for Era 3 and 4.
  10. Why would they know this? It's not in the Words of Founding and while Sazed mentions the bead and how it changed Elend, he never calls it Lerasium or montions that any Shard Metal should work for anybody (in fact, it reads to me like he's implying only this one type of bead works for normal people - by granting Allomancy). We don't know if they did or did not try those things, we only know that the Protagonists never discovered such records. However, it felt (to me) like they were laser focused on Hemalurgy, because (as Edwarn says) they felt powers should be held by those that deserve them (BoM Ch 27): But I'm not sure they even know about Era 1 Atium not being real Atium, since Harmony is possibly hiding that information even from Marsh. WoB: Other WoBs: Hope that helps
  11. GitHub (WIki, Free and paid accounts, About the site) is usually the most reputable for amature coders to get testing, feedback, etc. Not sure on their account requirements since I don't have an account, but there are a number of ShareWare things I use that are hosted there because it includes things like anti-virus, version updates and history, etc. There are a lot of review articles for this as well, including GitHub specific reviews from Forbes, PCMag, TechRadar, etc.
  12. Probably the easiest is to use a Link Shortener (like TinyURL). There are a number of service reviews ("Best Link Shortener") that show/compare: free vs account vs paid; effectiveness; longevity (how long your shortened link will function); optional services (such as turning the shortened link into a QR code); etc. PS: From a cyber security perspective, I would be wary of any free service that does not at least use an Account - otherwise you are possibly just giving a PII laden link as input to something that may be collecting information in that exact method. If it does not have independant reviews, reputable behaviour, and terms of service (outlining how any information may be used) then be careful. Also - always remember the Golden Cyber Rule: Given any app, website, or service - if you cannot determine the source of revenue at a glance, then it is likely the source of revenue is selling your information. A good example of that is most coupon apps - which either make commission on sales through their app, aggregate customer data and puchase prefernces to sell - but usually do both. Another example is "free" games (facebook or "free apps") which use a combination of Ads, Microtransactions, and selling aggregated playing data to make money from customers without charging the customer directly (except MTs). This may not be explicit in the ToS - phrases like "Share information with affiliates" is legalese for "sell your data"
  13. Have you read Rhythm of War and The Lost Metal? It was discussed in both of those. Spoilers: Partially Ninja'd by @therunner
  14. I cannot tell if this is an attempt at stealth sarcasm or not, so I will reply as if the comment were genuine. Please use the search feature as your first option. Advanced search on this site is actually rather robust and spending a bit of time early to get used to how it works will save you hours of time in the future. Summary: Hope that helps
  15. Oldblood - Such as Teleb - identified by a blue tattoo under one eye:
  16. And, by "hilarious" you mean Awesome, right?
  17. Possible, but also note that Syl, who repeatedly mentions how much she does not like Deadeye Shardbaldes has never remarked on any Plate before this point. And it was not a lack of exposure, since she was around Shardplate from before Kal's first Oath (Sadeas wearing it on ever bridge run). Also, Kal never heard dead plate scream like a Deadeye blade. Also, WOB about Bonds with non-sapient spren: Granted that is a different (but possibly related bond - since we know Plate also has a bond), but it seems to imply that non-sapient spren pulled into the physical realm are just generally. . . content to be where they are.
  18. But without at least some of the Deadeye baggage (RoW I-1):
  19. Sorry for the double post, did not realize I was still the most recent post when replying to the OP. That "note" has been fixed, and now has references.
  20. Actually, I think that for Windrunners, the surge of Gravitation is "unlocked" at the Second Ideal (Kal in WoR is second ideal when trying to learn - and it's considered "odd" (but necessary) that Division is withheld until third Ideal for Skybreakers because of how dangerous it can be). So, In Oathbreaker we actively see Teft learning Graviation as a Windrunner Squire, he becomes a Second Ideal Windrunner off-screen, and is now using his own Surges (while trying to avoid the Third oath with Phendorana). Lopen, likewise spent Oathbringer learning Surges as a Squire and kept trying to bond Rua; but his words were never accepted (still a Squire a/o Battle of Thaylen Field); until the aftermath when his oath is finally "meant" and accepted while talking to the wounded.
  21. I think it can still have merit to the degree that as his bond increased, the number he could draw did increase (Some in the Chasms learning in WoR, More fighting Szeth (after third oath), even more turning the Highstorm Winds to protect the captured humans, etc. )it's just that they were not being pulled from Shadesmar, but from the environment (and were therefore a different group each time - until he was able to form Plate). Well, with a possible side of "Some Surges are limited by the level of Oaths." (such as Skybreakers cannot access Division until the Third Oath) This, of course, relies on the interpretation that Squires (whom are First Oath - without a bond) are "borrowing" the Third Oath abilities of their Radiant; which is distinctly different from First Oath Kaladin in WoK, and partly different from Second Oath Kaladin in WoR.
  22. I wasn't disagreeing (especially with those whose understanding is greater), I was mearly pointing out that there is a third axis in the Cosmere (not just Matter<-> Energy; but Matter, Energy and Investiture) and the WoBs conflict (one saying "no molecular change" and the other saying "potentially break beta carotin due to a change to the spiritual nature" (paraphrased). This, to me, implies that Braondon could "decide" in either direction when he cannonizes more of how Physical Realm changes based on changes to the Spiritweb. (Correct me if I err) In the real world, color is determined chemically, but in the Cosmere it might not be "only chemistry" that makes that determination; we simply do not have enough data yet to reconcile the conflicting WoBs. My answer above was based solely on the WoBs I posted at the time.
  23. Don't forget though, that Windspren are primarily Physical Realm entities and rarely ever appear in Shadesmar (even partially). Oathbringer Ch 108: @Quantus - did you know you can hide your post with the "three dot" menu (top right corner), if it was a mistake?
  24. I doubt the number or type of Gemheart has any bearing on the Forms. For a Singer (Listener, Parshendi) the Form is a part of the Nahel Bond with a specific Spren. A similar Nahel bond that is used by Greatshells, Skyeels, etc. Rhyshadium have a Nahel Bond as well, but do not have a gemheart (or not confirmed to have one at any rate, since they are descended from Horses) and Radiants have a Nahel Bond without a Gemheart. Some Rosharan beings have the same chemistry, but no developed "gemheart" at all. The Formation of a Gemheart is, at least partly, about the Spiritweb and how a being is connected to Roshar and Rosharan Ecology. As for multiple Forms. we see that Venli has two Nahel Bonds, but only one Form (her EnvoyForm), and we have been told that having multiple Nahel Bonds requires the permission/(possibly coerced) acceptance of the Spren involved (Shallan/Venli). Part of this is what do you mean by "two forms:" Do you mean a hybrid (like Part NimbleForm/part WarForm)? Do you mean having access to two separate forms and being able to switch (either at-will, or at the Spren's bidding) (Lots of) WoBs: Hope that helps
  25. I think the person who worte that part of the article jumped to an unsupported conclusion. We know that Windspren gather around Kaladin as early as WoR, but we have no indication that it is the same group of Windspren in each instance - and I cannot find a WoB or any other reference that says they are the same thoughout multiple scenes (until after the plate has been formed). I'll ask the Coppermind Keepers. . .
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