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Everything posted by theuntaintedchild

  1. It's absolutely incredible that you were able to catch this. Man, I wish I had your perceptive abilities. Someone get me a metal spike, a bean bag chair, and an Anatomy book.
  2. How about some love for Hrathen. He's got a pic, and uh...I like him...XD
  3. Devotion the patron shard of reading Brandon Sanderson novels.
  4. Never mind. I hadn't considered foreign release dates being earlier. LOL.
  5. May be a stupid question but I thought that this movie came out like two days from now? How has anyone seen it?
  6. Only if it's laced with cyani....grape...Only if it's grape.
  7. Mistborn will be a classic. Simply for the way it was written. Sanderson had the entire trilogy finished before the first one went out for publication/distribution. It is the most complete trilogy I've ever read. I don't think anyone had attempted something like this before and I sincerely hope that future authors will take note and finish their stories before presenting them to an audience. Sanderson will usher in a new wave of writers, changing the way stories are told from now on. He will become a legend. He was the first. The rest of us merely followers. I started this off as a serious post but realized soon after starting that I was getting a little "occult-y" so I thought "In for a penny, in for a pound" XD
  8. Sadly Szeth being given the sword was spoiled for me somewhere on this site. (my fault entirely I was too curious about the cosmere concept before starting The Stormlight Archive). But I agree that it's a fantastic scene. I can imagine though that had I stumbled into it blindly I would have been as excited as I was when I read the scene where Hoid downs the allomantic metals .
  9. Fantastic I can trade these to that gullible Rosharan bully I knew in high school. I'll tell them they're broams. That'll teach him to stick me to the inside of my locker. For the blue beads I'll give you a slightly used pair of pajamas. I only wore them once I swear it.
  10. LOL. I was thinking this just the other day. I think they should try to input some kind of code to randomize the feature article on a daily basis. I'd do it but I'm not an admin and have only marginal skills concerning creating wiki's.
  11. Spoilers My favorite character is a toss up between Kaladin (because I like reading about broken men overcoming obstacles) and Dalinar (because I have preference for the White Knight archetype) My favorite scene so far has either been Dalinar freeing the bridgemen or When Kaladin rescues Adolin in the Arena. The former gave me chills and the latter I was on the edge of my seat screaming "Kaladin, jump in there!"
  12. I like the idea of the naval-based fantasy. Sounds cool. You write it and I'll read it!
  13. Thanks my microwave never quite cooks my hot pockets all the way through. Trades in a apple seeds acquired by a dragon with a limp.
  14. Ooooooh I second this! Taravangian is really unique and I love the way he's playing the long game. It's like Sanderson is trying to keep us preoccupied with what the "main characters" are doing to distract us from Taravangian's awesome plots.
  15. I'm also super excited at the prospect of a starmap. I really look forward to anything that can help me visualize the cosmere concepts. For example I'm super hoping for some shadesmar sketches in Oathbringer.
  16. Arthur Dent (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)...Allomantic Aluminum and Feruchemic Nicrosil. That way he can store all of the investiture he wants and nothing ever comes of it because it's aluminum. Just trying to find any way possible to make that man's life more frustrating.
  17. I think Bernard Cribbins would make a great Mennis.
  18. I would like to join in fellowship under The Wayner as well.
  19. When life begins, worlds start decaying.
  20. I learned from playing Scribblenauts the answer to everything is Cthulhu so that would be my Chalkling. (I've only read the first chapter of Rithmatist just wanted to add my two cents. XD)
  21. Duuuuuuuuuuuude....what was in that cookie you gave me? After I ate it I was all like...."I can see clearly now the rain is gone!" and then I was like "Ooooh that smell. Can't you smell that smell.
  22. I've finally got a copy of White Sand! I'm only about 50 pages in but I'm really liking it so far.
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