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Everything posted by Govir

  1. It's been a hot minute since I read Dawnshard, but I seem to remember Nikli is one of the youngest Sleepless, and is somewhere around 400 years old. I can't remember if that was in the novel or a WoB somewhere. Edit: He's definitely the youngest, still not sure where I got the 400 number.
  2. As an FYI, you just have to put the image in "spoiler tags", aka the eye icon. Spoiler blocks are collapsed by default. But in this thread, 1-2 images in a post is perfectly fine.
  3. My understanding of this is that he fell and was broken / dying. Then some Fused / Singers found him and gave him Stormlight that healed him, except for his eyes for some reason.
  4. It’s possible that Testament was being restrained, similar to the deadeye reacher we see on the boat. Without being summoned as a blade, Testament could be physically restrained in Shadesmar. E.G. the shopkeeper notices Testament is acting oddly for a period of time, and locks Testament in a room.
  5. That’s an excellent point that I didn’t think of. And just reinforces the oddity I found with Shallan’s Ideals. In my previous rundown in this thread, she wouldn’t have been at the Third Ideal with Pattern at the time she killed Tyn or used it in the chasm. Has anyone ever flat out asked Brandon, what are Shallan’s Ideals / truths? Which probably now needs to be specified to “What are Shallan’s Ideals she has spoken to Pattern?” Which is vague enough to hopefully not spoil people who aren’t in the know.
  6. It’s possible this is a Windrunner thing, given that it is windspren that make up the armor. And they are all around basically everywhere.
  7. It didn’t hit me until the end, but I missed getting more Lopen (just got a lot in Dawnshard though) and/or Lift. Both are types of humor that are fun to read (while being super annoying in person probably).
  8. Welcome! I can’t think of anything that directly invalidates this theory. It seems out of character for the Helaran we know, but we mostly know him through Shallan. Also, the sword was lesser known (as Shallan wanted to sketch it for her inventory of blades). This could mean it was new, or it could mean it was known but not in detail, or she could have just been lying about that to have a reason to get close to Amaram. Mai from my knowledge it *could* be, but I wouldn’t put my money on it.
  9. We’ve also got a whole new set of truths to be revealed. My timeline of events: 1. Shallan bonds Testament, up to the third ideal. 2. Shallan kills her mother (aside: who we still don’t know the name of?), and breaks the bond with Testament. 3. Shallan starts repressing her memories and fracturing (i.e. lying to herself), which attracts Pattern, and she starts over from the beginning. I am glad this was explained, because it never made sense to me that Shallan had a blade at a young age (which we assumed was 3rd ideal) then said for sure at least one more ideal (or maybe 2) because she could no longer repress the memories, but didn’t seem to be higher than the 3rd ideal still. So this brings me to the fact that we don’t have any other light weaver oaths we’ve seen to compare to hers. It’s hard to tell which of her statements were oaths (some of them). Shared I am frightened (something she was suppressing from herself) or I killed my father (something she wasn’t hiding from) I killed my mother (for sure an oath) I killed my first spren (idk, did she say the 4th ideal? Or is this just helping with her fracturing?) I guess this veered off topic, but it sounds like Shallan believes she’s double bonded now and can at least summon Testament as a “dead” shard blade.
  10. Hey, these are obviously RoW spoilers. Throwing it in a tag to be safe.
  11. So it is, so it is. I’m sure it was turning around in the back of my head from speculation before. But for some reason Teft’s PoV really cemented it for me. Chapter 103. I had been expecting a Windrunner other than Kaladin to say the 4th oath before him, and it seemed like Teft was almost there. On to something I haven’t seen mentioned (although admittedly I skipped over some of the longer entries here): The rumors are actually true! Jasnah and Wit *are* intimate. I honestly thought the rumors would be just that, so was completely surprised by it. It was also odd to me with Shallan and Adolin being intimate (even more directly than Jit). It shouldn’t have been, since they’re married, but it was still odd to me when they were taking in bed.
  12. I have not actually finished this book, but I’m in Part 5 now and wanted to write this down in public, because I finally have a theory about it. I think the Windrunner 4th ideal is along the lines of “I will accept that I cannot protect everyone.” I do think I remember this being theorized before, but it never really stuck with me until right now (as I read Teft’s first POV in Part 5). Welp, 10% to go (probably less, because of the Ars Arcanum). See you on the flip side. Edit a few weeks later: apparently this was the prevailing theory for the 4th oath and I either actually never came across it (unlikely) or I did a real good job of forgetting about while I read (more likely).
  13. I have felt the same way, specifically in Oathbringer when Elhokar died. Because I remembered hearing that *someone* was going to die. The scene was great, but I think it would have been *even better* if I hadn’t been looking for someone to die. I honestly blame my time on these forums and listening to a bunch of cosmere podcasts for the lack of surprise. But to be fair, there are plenty of things that surprised me in this book (and the last). Hobber’s healing, Dabbid’s chapter, PoVs from an Unmade and Chiri-Chiri in the interludes. I am still enjoying the whole ride.
  14. I can answer this from my memory of Mistborn
  15. Not finished part 3 yet, so haven’t read any posts. But man, at the end of chapter 53 I misread a line and my breath caught with a “WHAAAT!?” What I thought I read What it actually said For half a second, I thought Venli had somehow been impregnated by a human (even though I see now the traitors in context are the other Listeners).
  16. I feel like I'm missing something about this side talk here...
  17. @Karger @Czernobog I completely did not read the first half of that post, and so missed the context of talking about a Windrunner's plate. My mistake (from trying to catch up on the thread and only skimming some posts).
  18. Half were brought with her / gotten from Rysn's chair. The other half could have come from perfect gemstones, which do not loose Stormlight. It could also be from something more artificial, like the "crystal ball" from the lighthouse in Shadesmar.
  19. Because I'm paranoid and (for sure lite Dawnshard spoiler) I believe we saw that "live" plate also interfered with Lashing, via Dalinar's flashback when he brought in Fen (i.e. when Dalinar was the female Surgebinder). Chapter 34, Page 352 of Oathbringer
  20. She *is* a Truthwatcher that we know, and Sanderson does like to bring back people we know many times. I could see it. I assume Hoid goes where ever he wants (or at least where ever he *needs* to be) Sandertwist the 2nd (and minor Dawnshard spoiler, I guess?) I am not. My name is an anagram of Vigor, which is a Puritanical name from another book series I've read. At the time of creation, I did do a few searches to see if it meant anything in other languages (than English), but I didn't get any hits. Do you know of a meaning to it?
  21. As soon as they started eliminating people and they came to Edgedancers, I really wanted Lift to go. Who knows, maybe she'll sneak off an end up going anyway Isn't this exactly what the Fused wanted, to get the Bondsmith and Elsecaller out of the tower? It definitely makes you think that Taravangian is still working directly with the Fused. But it also doesn't rule out the Mink, given that he's the one who persuaded them to take the fight there. I could see a plotline where Dalinar and compnay are so focused on Taravangian, that they overlook a betrayal from someone else (e.g. the Mink). Edit: in the time it took to write this post, there were a few replies and as I was going through them I thought "Oh, someone else wanted Lift to go on the envoy....oh, that someone is me. The post I just wrote..."
  22. Just popping in to say that drawing of Chana really looks like Sophie Turner to me. Carry on.
  23. Oddly, Skyward is what gave me Gurren Lagann vibes, but per WoB, he hasn't seen the anime (as of two years ago).
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