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Everything posted by Dahak

  1. Food is symbolic of Cultivation. Rocks are not. Therefore she probably can't convert rocks.
  2. Jasnah and Shalin's route to the Shattered plains is odd. Surely from Kharbranth one would go to Karanak and then upriver to the NW of the Shattered plains rather than the long land route via the Shallow Crypts.
  3. The way his shardblade is describe at one point as forming like a set of vines makes me think of Wyndle. Since he's the only one of the Nahel spren we've seen that looks like vines. Which would presumably imply Edgedancer. Adolin has wanted to kill Sadeas literally since the first sentance he was in back in chapter 12 of War of Kings.
  4. IIRC all the magical systems in the cosmere require damage to a spirit web. Allomancy has Snapping, Hemelurgy and Biochroma disrupt spirit webs by their use, etc. The magic needs a crack in your soul to be inserted into.
  5. I'm going to say Edgedancer, since there are few characters as articulate as the Lopen in this book.
  6. There was the point in the Oathgate where he started writing zeroes on the wall.
  7. The Stormfathers just being tsundere.
  8. IIRC When Kaladin comes round after the first fight with Szeth, there is someone else living in Zahel's room.
  9. Given his name, I'm suspecting him of being Rayse/Odium.
  10. It would explain Hoid. He's the Meddling Monk. Or the Sixth Doctor. And since we don't know all of Davros's name for certain he might in fact be Yarvelling Rayse Davros.
  11. Adolin at one point suggests that new Plate owners do in fact wear it much of the time to get used to the power and speed amplification.
  12. "I will speak the truth unspoken." seems like a candidate for the Lightweaver's second ideal.
  13. The safety Ranette built into Vindication implies she was expecting that she or Wax could exert fine control with Iron or Steel respectively. Pushing it as hard as Wax pushes things to fly [i.e. not when he's flaring and smashing buildings.] would throw the gun out of his hand.
  14. I don't think Shallan's got as far as the First ideal yet. Her telling the Cryptics secrets strikes me as similar to Kaladin attracting Syl 's attention. "I will speak the truth unspoken." seems like a candidate for the Lightweaver's second ideal.
  15. Megan can't use a tensor or the harmsway. Despite having tried. Therefore they aren't a workaround. But she has used Power Armour, so Conflux would appear as David said to be gifting Enforcement Team Leaders to be able to recharge them rather than the power cells. As for the Harmaway, it's never used with out both Prof and Tia being in the vicinity, and we never see it put on to someone, despite Tia suggesting she should put it on David. That there is only one suggests it isn't the device that's being gifted and Tia's carrying a single prop. The Prof only gifts that power when people need it. Of course that leads to the question if he can gift the power to gift healing. And The Prof heals David by directly gifting the power with out any noticeable Epic Effect Since David was showing signs of the Epic Effect after relatively small excavations I don't think we can argue that the Prof was doing anything different from Digzone. There's no evidence yet that the Prof is deceiving David when he comes clean at the end.
  16. Rick'o Shea the Epic with powers similar to the Gauss Gun was described as a newer Epic as well. As in not one from the first couple of years before the US government collapsed.
  17. Dahak


    Megan mentioned problems using her jacket after the fight on the way to Diamond's.
  18. Dahak


    Because he's been gifting his power rather than using it him self. Same as the Prof doesn't go Heart of Flint when the Reckoners use the Tensors, Harmaway and Jackets. I thought the Digger's were people who'd been gifted their ability and went mad from using it too much. David has mental swings when using the tensors and the Prof implied after the bike crash that David should still be able to use the tensor effect even though it was wrecked. The devices were I thought because the Prof didn't want anyone thinking the Reckoners worked with Epics and so handed out props.
  19. And the greatbows like we see Sadeas use occasionally. And the painknife. I'm reasonably certain one of Kaladin's new circle of acquaintances is one of the worlds best fabrial engineers.
  20. It is also mentioned IIRC when Shallan's reading up on Gavrilar's death in WoK. I got the impression somewhere the craters used to be domed buildings back when the plains were a city.
  21. I'd like to learn something I don't expect but which is obvious in hindsight.
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