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Everything posted by dj26792

  1. I could have sworn that canonically burning a leresium alloy just added that metals power to you but I wouldn't know where to look for evidence.
  2. One note on the numbers of mistings, its actually considerably higher, the number of 1 in 10k is for mixed breed skaa. Nobles have have a much higher percentage of mistings and the number of mistborn (from memory 1 in 10k skaa allomancers is mistborn, but I can't remember where I heard that) is also comparatively higher. Other than that I would agree with a figure around 500million for population of the final empire.
  3. The well of ascension is a shardpool and operates under separate rules to metals, Atiums counterpart is leresium and is essentially another allomantic metal, just more powerful and few other things not relevant here. Ruin does have a shardpool that is a counterpart to the well, at the Pits. This power could be taken up and then used or released, and is a direct counterpart to the Well.
  4. If atium adds temporal effects I think it probably makes the metals that effect metal stores have longer term effects, ie: aluminium depletes your stores, atium aluminium depletes your stores and any new metals you ingest in the next X amount of time.
  5. I would like to question your opinions on my country. The vast majority of Australian people don't look down on Aboriginal people. Their modern culture does have problems and many of them... this explanation is far too complicated, they have current problems as a culture, some of their making some imposed on them by mainstream Australian culture. Some Australians are racist and look down on them, just as some American people think black people are the scum of the earth. The rest of us want government policies to help break everyone out of the cycle of poverty including the significant portion of the aboriginal community that is there (its probably the vast number of the . This could be interpreted as looking down on them I suppose, but it isn't. Other than that, what book/author? I like reading local fantasy books and I don't know many...
  6. Well just before dinner yesterday I finished my reread and immediately after dinner dove into aMoL which I finished before I got any sleep at a time early this morning. (... this is all Australian time, and I don't know how long it took me to finish because I had no way to check the time in my room my phone having been left at the other end of the house.) Good reread, good book, slightly disappointed that volunteering on a childrens camp kept me from finishing my reread on time, but it was worth it, real life aside, it was an incredibly experience to read all of the books so close together, and finally get an ending, even if I haven't been into the series as long as many others. (barely 2 years)
  7. Finally finished my reread of the series yesterday before dinner, and started on aMoL immediately after... mind blown, and short on sleep, because I finished before I went to bed. Opinions? Rants? Nothing. this book was amazing, it answered enough questions to feel complete, while leaving enough vague for there to be wonder. It did nothing I expected and every answer was good. I especially liked the consequences of killing the DO that was very clever.
  8. I'm probably not going to make it either, life got in the way for about a week and now I'm about to start CoS, And I won't be able to read much after Saturday (I say this on Wednesday night in Australia) while I have little on in the mean time, I have limited hope, but I will do my best anyway, I haven't yet conceded defeat, only conceded the almost certainty of it.
  9. Yeah I feel like Egwene is an interesting character because of tha tlack of failure, she does piss me off, but I think this meeting at the fields of Merrilor is being set up as a massive abject failure for her, that will become an even bigger failure when it turns out Rand was right and that her lack of support for him leads to his death, but the support of other female channellers makes it succesful and Rand gets a 2nd life somehow (probably Nyneave... she seems like the type)
  10. It was a tough choice for me, I could easily have chosen Blue or Brown and could even fit quite easily into White if not all the members are as incapable of reason as some of the Whites we've met, although I think I would find the White Ajah frustrating because nothing annoys me more than people who think so logically that they become blind to the people around them and all the people like that would end up in the white Ajah and probably make up the majority so maybe I would really hate the white Ajah too. Anyway, I picked Green cause if I had to be bonded by any Aes Sedai as an Asha'man Green would be the best fit, and the choice between blue and green and brown for myself was going nowhere.
  11. Thats plausible for Rand, and maybe even Loial but Hurin is supposed to be a bit older and a bit more mature. I think its more plausible that she was using a form of compulsion.
  12. so I'm on day 2 quite late compared to most of you but I figured I would report in, at this rate I'm on track to make it. Also the thing that struck me in this book was how Rand failed to realise something was up with 'Selene' seriously she was so blatantly manipulative and creepy and straight up vanishing and reappearing out of nowhere, it annoyed me the first time I read the book, she seemed out of place now knowing who she is I can't believe no one else sees it in the book. I might be getting a little involved in the story too, it happens sometimes, could be bad, I won't have time to read a book a day for much longer.
  13. I read this book yesterday, and I struggled to get into it, mostly I think because I've already done a re-read early this year which makes it hard to get back into again so soon. Aside from that I'm finding the emotional impact has changed, very different things are causing much bigger emotional impacts than they did when I first read this book about 2 years ago, I think that's largely due to how much I've grown and changed as a person in the past couple of years but the contrast is still really standing out to me. Particularly the early parts of the book resonate with me since when I started uni just a few weeks after I first read it I had to move interstate to a town I'd never been to. And reading about these people seeing a new world is reminding me a lot about that. Except none of this is about the book or relevant to any of you... so moving on... Its a good book, I haven't really stopped to think about it beyond the few minutes it took me to type this out, I'll come back when I finish the series with thoughts on the series as a whole, probably.
  14. Well I'm pretty sure I can't keep this up but on the morning of day 2 I'm now in the early parts of The Great Hunt. This is a surprisingly hard slog I think I've read them a touch too recently to really do another re-read but at the same time I really need to do it. I also only have very little time, which makes the reading harder.
  15. I totally forgot I had to do this in the mess of other things, I do not hold high hopes but the mad rush begins tomorrow. This will not end well, regardless of whether or not I make it.
  16. Thats true for two cars, but if you get a car and a Road Train the truck doesn't take much damage. the car takes an awful lot more than against another car, the mythbusters thing is not overly relevant, and if what you say is correct illustrates an incredible lack of understanding of basic physics on their part. The mass of the objects is very relevant in the force distribution. The engergy lost in flight is negligible, the odds of that flight having an extremely unpleasant landing are pretty good, particularly if you actually get knocked flying, arms and legs go everywhere, they break when you land despite the marginally lesser force. My instinct would definitely be that heavier is better, particularly if you can get massively heavier, potentially being massively heavy and picking your feet up at the last second... but that sort of physics isn't really my thing. I'd like to hear from someone better at this sort of physics than me. That would be interesting but I'm not sure how effective it would really be, minor changes to mass would make a much bigger difference, also I think you'd be better off making sure as much of the energy as possible goes into warmth etc cause your bones will break when you hit the ground, you can't really avoid that, unless you get so massive that all of the force went to the car, but that would probably require compounding. Also, I feel a little out of my depth with this sort of physics its not something I've really studied in detail much. I'm studying to be an engineer, but this sort of stuff hasn't come up in detail yet and I haven't even looked at the basics of it since year 12 physics which was a long time ago. Someone better at physics than me should actually crunch some numbers on this and see what happens.
  17. Yeah I'm going to have to go with Windrunner here, the death cries aren't something that I think would talk about the other shardworlds too much, at least not in specific things like Marsh, he wouldn't be relevant to them unless he was world hopping and going to show up and be a major player in SA which I don't think is likely.
  18. You can't just mention the invasion of a mans box like that and then not tell the story. WE DEMAND TO KNOW, or like ask nicely or something... whatever is more likely to get us (or potentially just me, maybe) the story.
  19. so the name shardlings really does sound to me like something you would call someone who was a baby in terms of the cosmere... before they grow up and join 17thshard and become a sharder. I would feel insulted by such terminology were I a little shardling Cosmerites, or better yet Cosmenauts is a better name, but unlikely to stick I think Sanderfans seriously works and makes it clear what you stand for.
  20. It's a little more complicated than that cause being heavier less of the force of the reaction would hit you, but also yes you would get it all internally rather than externally, but equally being thrown from the impact would do a lot of damage if you were light, I honestly don't know if you'd be better off having maximum mass, minimum mass or mass approximately that of the car, or just slightly either side of the car, its the sort of thing I'd want to run through a computer to calculate all the different scenarios, or ask xkcd to work out for us.
  21. This is actually an ongoing discussion on the forum, and as far as I can remember Brandon has even been asked and said its theoretically possible to fly by this method, but many people, myself included question the ability of even the most gifted of people to pull it off. In terms of the car crash question, if the feruchemist weighs much more than the car then much less force is imparted to them, and they would probably do fine, if they didn't have enough weight to get sufficiently massive then I suspect it would not go so well for them, although they would also get thrown clear which would make it less damaging... the car crash is complicated. Thats a good answer, the car crash is complicated, someone more interested in physics can run through the various scenarios and work out the optimum weight to be if they wish to, but I can't be bothered.
  22. I'm going to disagree with you on that last point Wonko, I think they are the same but its a matter of degrees. In order to soulcast you have to push your consciousness into the cognitive realm and manipulate it in a way that causes certain changes in the physical, the reason most people need to touch what they soulcast could then be that they need to 'aim' and they can't target things they aren't touching because they can't find them without going more completely into the cognitive realm. When Jasnah and Shallan go into the cognitive realm proper, I think they're doing the same thing, but going all the way in, and you could use this for more complicated soulcasting, and worldhopping and whatever else, I don't think ranged soulcasting would work if you went all the way into the cognitive realm, at least not in any combat useful way, I think that is simply going slightly further into the cognitive realm than normal and potentially further in than a soulcaster is capable of taking you. And that is a completely unfounded theory, what of it.
  23. That just means it was a lousy back up That said, I don't think we're likely to find another Lord Ruler bumming around as a back up, while one could have survived hidden in the Final Empire, 300 years after their supplies stopped coming they would be dead or would have had to reveal themselves in order to gain more supplies.
  24. Chaos recently posted some pictures of questions answered in his signed books that said part of the reason was that that Devotion and Dominion were shattered there, and also had to do with 'the name of that expanse' speculation in that thread turned to the expanse of broken skies, and my particular take on that is that the region of shadesmar around Sel is filled with the wild uncontrolled and undirected power that once made up Devotion and Dominion, which incidentally to this thread is the Dor. I'm not really sure how to support that beyond simple gut instinct, but there you have it.
  25. I dont have quotes to support it but I know I've seen Brandon talk about Scadrialese magic being light on for investiture, but in terms of out comes compare it to a bullet or a pile of gunpowder there isnt much gunpowder in a bullet but it is very focused and therefore extremely useful for its given purpose (killing things... this metaphor keeps getting better) The pile of gunpowder can do more but it isnt as good at any one thing without a lot of work. Thats why I think the mistborn will win that and ranged attack...
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