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Everything posted by TheMightyLopen

  1. I don't remember there being any votes at all though(except those on the doll, which I don't expect were counted as valid votes), which means that Aman should have died, since he claims to have the Scapegoat role. Not sure how Steeldancer was killed, unless maybe vote shenanigans?
  2. This quote from the OP - "It's theoretically set on Threnody, but aside from a bit of flavor it doesn't matter. If you haven't read the story it's not an issue at all! (Just know the setting is old west trappers and such.)" makes me think that Shades don't really have an effect on the game. If it doesn't matter if you've read Shadows for Silence, then the rules in the book probably don't have anything to do with what we're supposed to accomplish. At least it seems that way to me. I'd like to suggest that anyone who has a unique role or item please tell someone else about it in PM's, and then they can relay the relevant information to the thread. Like what DA did to begin this Cycle, I think that if we can gather as much information about roles and such as we can, we're gonna have a better shot at piecing together what it is we need to be doing. I like Hero's theory about our goal being a Cycle where no one dies, since it fits with what fRR said in OP about stopping the killings, but I don't think we're going to manage it unless we get things moving and people start talking.
  3. I really like this theory. The Scapegoat role makes a lot of sense this way, since it forces a death each Cycle. The only things I'm worried about is what exactly killed Wilson, and what effect lynching the doll holder might have. Wilson said it was an "evil" doll after all, so is lynching the holder really the best idea? And at this point, I don't think Rebecca has the doll anymore, since she said it's passed every 2 Cycles I think, which would mean we'd need the holder to claim, so we could lynch them... >> (wow, that is way too many commas in one sentence I'm sure)
  4. If you all want to do a Contribution Crusade lynch, I'd suggest Majestic. They haven't posted at all, and they haven't even been online in the last couple days. Julio and King Cole have now posted, so there's no reason to kill them.
  5. Well Aman basically claimed to be the scapegoat when he "confirmed" the scapegoat role exists, and considering he voted on himself last Cycle, I can't claim to understand what he's thinking. So yeah, I guess at this point we can either let Aman(probably) be lynched or actually lynch someone ourselves. No one has really said much this Cycle, which is sad. And also makes it hard to find a good lynch target. We can't lynch for information, since we don't get alignments when a player dies. We could do another CC lynch, but that's kind of boring, and we have so many people to choose from... >> I've started 6 or 7 PM's, but none of them have done anything suspicious really. I don't want to lynch Rebecca, even though she has the doll, since this is her first game and I believe her that it needs to be triggered somehow. I don't really see any good options. :/
  6. I knew that was coming the second after I posted that.
  7. That's possible. Or they just realized she knew the most about the game, so they killed her before she could reveal anything else. And no, I'm not saying that because I killed her for that reason.
  8. Fair enough. I don't think Wilson actually knew any details about the doll though, because she said it was just a theory. I mean, she was right about it rotating between players, so, maybe she did... >.>
  9. Well, that was easy. Didn't expect my information to be confirmed so fast(or at all). This is good to know though. I feel like this means there's probably an actual team of eliminators rather than the doll being the only evil alignment, since apparently the doll hasn't triggered yet. Of course, Rebecca could be lying about that, but I don't see why she'd reveal she had the doll unless she's telling the truth. Like I mentioned above, I think it's more likely that there's just a different eliminator that made the kill on wilson. It seems to me that the doll shouldn't be able to do anything unless it's triggered. What made you reach the conclusion of there being an owner or the doll having a kill?
  10. Looks like Eternum was lynched and Wilson was killed. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it was an eliminator kill. >> I had a PM with Wilson, in which she told me her role and a guess she had for what we might be dealing with. I don't see any reason to keep any of this to myself, so here you go. She mentioned some sort of doll item, that she thought might get passed around randomly every few Cycles and turn a player into an eliminator while they were holding it, so we'd have a single rotating eliminator. She said it was only a theory though. Apparently she'd heard about an "evil doll" from fRR at some point. Anyways, she told me her role was the "scapegoat," so if there was no lynch or the lynch was tied, she would be lynched. She also told me that if she died, the role would be passed on to a random player, so it'll always be in the game. Which means we really should have a lynch each Cycle, unless we want a random player to die each Cycle.
  11. Well, now that everyone's got their PM's, I guess we can actually get started with our lynch discussion! I think we should have one, since we've got an extended Cycle. Hardly anyone has posted since the extension, but, we still have time to get something going I think. Anyone have any suspicions? Or anything to talk about? Points of discussion are kind of difficult to come by with no information. >> It appears we've got the standard village alignment, which implies we've got standard eliminators I think. I haven't heard of any neutrals, although I don't remember if Hero mentioned getting an alignment after his Cupid claim. Roles and alignment not being revealed upon death is gonna be rough. Hopefully we've got some scanner roles to help with the lack of information. @BrightnessRadiant, I'm guessing the Cycle will end in about 10 or 11 hours from right now, since that would make it 48 hours for this Cycle.
  12. I'm very curious about PM's too. Anyone have any idea's on how to proceed? I haven't really played a blackout game either, so I'm a little unsure about what we should do. I guess for now I'll just start some PM's(if we can do that at least) and watch for suspicious-ness like usual.
  13. Wow, all of the spots are almost taken! I don't think I want to miss this one. I'll sign up as Usopp.
  14. Don't worry about it. It's my fault really. Anyways, Drake and Rand are I guess my biggest suspicions. If Drake is village, I might take a closer look at BR. Everyone else...I don't really know. I'd suggest as many people as possible use PM's during the Night, both to get the inactives caught up and involved, and to get a better feel for others, so you can have a better start to the next Day. More people have to vote if we're gonna have any chance of winning(unless the Forest village does even worse than us ). One thing that made me suspicious of Drake was his "analysis" of me that I was interested in self-preservation. It kind of read to me like he'd guessed I was some neutral role(there were only 4 Court members in the Zeta zone, so the elims likely guessed I was the Zeta), so when I died, he could say "oh, I was right that he just wanted to survive, which is why I was suspicious of him." That way he'd get less suspicion for lynching me. Similarly to how Elenion knew I was Odium in whatever LG that was, and used that as an excuse to push hard for my lynch, since he knew he wouldn't get any suspicion for it once I died.
  15. Yeah, so basically what happened was I thought that since I was a unique role, and the fact that my role wasn't colored, I was some kind of neutral. I did ask Aonar what I was supposed to be doing as soon as I got my role, but he never answered me. I guess he didn't realize I was asking what my goal for the game was and thought it was like, a rhetorical question since I couldn't actually use my ability, so he didn't think it was an actual question. At that point, I kind of felt like I was missing something, so I didn't want to ask the same question again and look like an idiot, but I guess that was just prolonging the inevitable... >> Anyways, I thought maybe I was just supposed to survive, or that something would happen when my ability triggered.
  16. Okay, well, I don't usually do this, but in this case I think it should help you all understand my actions up to this point, so here's a public roleclaim. I'm Zeta. When the game began, I didn't know how I was aligned. My role wasn't colored, so I figured I was neutral. Only when my ability triggered did Aonar tell me I was village aligned, so before that, I was playing fairly passively. Budgie and Burnt knew I was Zeta, because I claimed to both of them N1. Burnt because why not, and Budgie because they're new and I wanted to help them be more involved. I imagine this is why they both said they're reading me as village, because at the time I told them I was neutral(I thought I was). I have been honest with my opinions in case anyone's wondering. Anyways, hopefully that clears some things up.
  17. Well, it was pretty obvious no one was going to join me on El, not to mention I don't want to lynch her anymore and think it would be somewhat unfair of me to try and lynch her without giving some reasoning besides the fact that I don't have a good read on her, I don't really agree with Rand about you, and I'm suspicious of Drake. Admittedly, there is some self preservation involved with voting Drake, since I do think there's a chance I'll get some support, but I honestly am suspicious of him, so it's not just me trying to survive. I guess it's pointless to respond since you're gone, but I still wanted to. It might help others understand my point of view at least.
  18. Cool, thanks. I'm not sure how much I really think it's suspicious that Elbereth didn't mention it, since she might not have realized that was the case, or she just doesn't care about reassuring us. Anyways, there's 2 things I'm thinking that could point to Elbereth being village. (I know, I was supposed to be making a case for why she's evil, but oh well. This wasn't really my intent, because I totally was willing to lynch her, but voting on El got some players talking about her, and other players reads on El are actually more helpful for me getting a read on her than her posts are I think. ) First is that Rand put her as Neutral, and excluded her from being a target for the lynch purely based on Stink giving her the role of Dragonslayer. That seemed weird to me, since that doesn't exclude her from being evil, which made me think they could be teammates. Now that I think more about it, I feel like he probably would have mentioned she could still be evil if they were teammates, in case either of them were killed at some point and he didn't want to implicate her. Next, Drake's last post, where he says he's confused by me going after Elbereth, and he says he's paranoid I'm trying to lynch a village Dragonslayer to replace them with an eliminator one. This kind of reads to me like he knows El is village(otherwise, why not consider her as a potential lynch? has she done anything to make you think she's village?), and also that he's considered killing the Dragonslayer to replace them with an eliminator. Drake's last 2 posts have really given me strong eliminator vibes, so I'm gonna go back to voting Drake. Elbereth
  19. I think it was Rand that pointed this out already, but I feel like El would likely post that regardless of alignment, so I really don't agree how that makes her one of the strongest confirmed villagers. I don't really know what to say about that first point. I'm just getting a better read on you than I did in QF25, which hopefully means you're a villager. I pretty much have? Because I have better reads on other players, and the rest are inactive. It might be a weird way to go about it, but so far I haven't gotten any strong eliminator reads on players. Still, I did mention I'd take a look at the other top candidates for the lynch as well, so I'm not just going to ignore everyone else to go after El. Also, I'm pretty certain that even if I completely pulled apart each of El's posts, I wouldn't see anything that would change my mind. The thing about BR is that I feel like I can read her a little better than others, so if I don't have a solid read on her, I'm inclined to just give her more time because I have more confidence in being able to figure out her alignment than for others, who I'd be okay with lynching if I can't get a solid read on(like Elbereth). Sorry. >.< That's why I said I'd make a better case, because it's annoying when a vote doesn't have reasoning to defend against. It's hit-or-miss with you still. Here's something that could be suspicious! In the rules, it says there's a 20% chance to be attacked OR change alignment. Not both. So if you were a villager, then wouldn't you be more likely to point that out so that no one would worry about you having changed to eliminator? (Of course, if it's possible to be attacked and change alignment, nevermind, but that's not how I interpreted that rule...Aonar? A little help?) Am I supposed to give a unique defense for a standard accusation? I could just point out that bandwagoning isn't really alignment indicative, since villagers do it all the time. I'm not exactly known for bandwagoning, but I feel like I do it more than most. >> I left myself open to lynch El or Randuir, which...isn't really leaving myself open? Implications of lynching a Dragonslayer. Hm. I have to admit that I hadn't entirely thought through that. Are there implications? Obviously, killing a village one and replacing them with an eliminator one, but in this case, I think the Dragonslayer is already an eliminator, soooo. How exactly would I go about influencing Stink to choose who I want to choose? I don't think I'd ever attempt to influence Stink to do something, since he'd probably do the exact opposite of what I wanted. Unless you think I'm just hoping he'd choose an eliminator by himself.
  20. Drake, you still seem to be holding on to the idea that I was bandwagoning when I voted on you. It was not bandwagoning, because I was one of the first players, if not the first, to speak out against you. And now that more has happened and there's new posts of yours to analyse, my opinion shifted somewhat. Just because I say I agree with Rand's points about you doesn't mean I didn't have them myself already. I'm just saying I had the same thoughts, because it makes sense, not because I'm following popular opinion. As for that "suspicions" list I put up earlier, it's actually very similar to yours, I just didn't vote, because I hadn't thought about it enough to put down a vote. But now that I've thought about it some more, I don't think I'd want to lynch Budgie, Burnt, or BR. Budgie is new, and I would like to give them more time to prove themselves. Burnt, well, I'd love it if she'd post some more alignment indicative thoughts, but I think I'd have a better read on her if I'd been able to PM her last Night Turn. BR, well, I just don't want to lynch her right now? So that leaves Elbereth, Randuir, and Shqueeves. Shqueeves is busy with his sisters wedding I think, so I'd prefer to give him some more time. Between Rand and El, I'd have to go with El, simply because I haven't really gotten any good reads on her posts so far. I'm actually mildly suspicious of both Rand and El, but I've gotten some good vibes from Rand, so I'm voting Elbereth. I realize I might not get a lot of support with this vote, considering I'm not really accusing her of anything, so I'll work on going through her posts tomorrow(as well as the other top voted players) tomorrow to make a better case.
  21. So you think Drake, as an eliminator, was willing to bet his life by tying the votes like he did?
  22. Well, it's not much, but here's how I'm feeling right now. Village: Orlok, Drake, Clanky, Stink, Lopen(well of course ). Hard to read, and by process of elimination, these are my top suspects: Elbereth, Budgie, Burnt, Randuir, Shqueeves, BR. Inactives: Asterion, Meta, Drought. Leaning village for Flash right now, but it's not a strong read. I did have Budgie and BR as slight village leans earlier, but that feeling has kind of faded lately. I sometimes am too trusting of new players, and with BR, her posts last Day seemed off just a little. I think I also mentioned a village lean on Rand, but it's always hard to tell with him. And his first post this Cycle seemed like, too helpful or something. Like he was trying to get some trust by starting off the Day strong. I might be overthinking it though. xD I did put Clanky in my the village section, but I am a little paranoid of him. I never like it when players go after me, and I didn't like the way he was going after me either. It wasn't necessarily something a villager wouldn't do though, so I can't say I find it all that suspicious. Oh, and I forgot to mention this earlier, but a "Regional Faerie" attacked me, so I'm roleblocked for a Turn. I'll get you for that...
  23. Noooo Flash, we just talked about not doing CC lynches last Cycle! If you want to see those posts, just read El's post during the meeting about it, and there's a few other people after that. Basically, a CC lynch kills discussion, so they're bad. Please try to find an actual suspicion to lynch. I'll be doing the same.
  24. I kind of agree with you about Drake. So now I need to find a better suspect to vote on... I mostly read Ecth as village based on tone, because he seemed like he was just posting what he thought without carefully making sure his posts weren't "suspicious" like I'd expect from an eliminator. Also, his vote on Shqueeves D1 seemed more village than elim, since I don't think an elim would usually risk the attention that being the only player to vote would bring.
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