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Everything posted by TheMightyLopen

  1. Night 1 "Bridge 11!" Gaz called out from outside the barracks. "Or Bridge 404, whatever it was you wanted to be called," he grumbled. "You're up for chasm duty. Don't think that just because one of you died in his sleep you'll be getting special treatment either. I expect you all down there in 10 minutes." The Bridge crew slowly made their way out of the barracks, not really caring about the consequences of not hurrying to get down into the chasms. It was hard to make anyone hurry to get down there, where you might not ever come back up to the sunlight again. They began arguing about who might've poisoned the man during the night. "I think it might've been Div," Jost said. "I was talking to him earlier, and he seemed nervous for some reason." "Storms, why wouldn't I be nervous?" Div said. "We just saw a man die this morning!" There was a murmur of agreement as many of the bridge crew started to look askance at Jost. It didn't seem like the death had really affected him. He'd certainly been very talkative. Maybe he'd done it? Everyone went quiet as they reached the rope ladder leading down to the chasms, the crew starting down one at a time. When it was Jost's turn to climb down, he felt two pairs of arms grab him by the shoulders and heave him forward into the air. His scream was cut short as the chasm floor rushed to meet him. Down at the bottom, the rest of the bridge crew searched his body, glad for the darkness of the chasms. One of them found something underneath his vest and called for a torch. It was a bottle filled with a strange green substance. "It looks like we found our killer," one of them said with a sigh of relief. "I'm glad that's over with." Joe was lynched! He was a Spy Eavesdropper! Joe(4): BR, Straw, Drake, Jon Jondesu(2): Striker, Walin Striker(1): Rand BR(1): Unremarkable vote PM's are open again! Player list:
  2. As the bridge crew was slowly waking up and a few of them had wandered out of the barracks, one of those still remaining in bed suddenly started thrashing around. The others watched as he finally went still, face flat on the ground. "Should we get help?" one of the new members asked quietly. "Who's going to help us?" another answered in a gruff voice. "We're bridgemen. Dying's what we do. Don't matter if it's in here or out there." "What do you think happened to him?" someone else chimed in. "Can't see why it matters. Maybe he choked on his breakfast, or someone wouldn't shut up with the questions so he killed himself." As a few of the bridge crew members gathered around the dead man, one of them turned the body over and they all stepped back. His body was covered in strange spots, and there was blood leaking out of his mouth. "He's been poisoned," one of them whispered. The room went silent as they all considered why anyone would want to poison a bridgeman of all people? And more importantly, was one of them next? No more PM's! You have 24 hours to decide on a lynch. BrightnessRadiant has received the Unremarkable vote! Player list:
  3. All PM's are sent! If you didn't get one, send me a message. Uhh, I thought HH's vote was for 11, but I may have misread his post. Okay then, officially you're Bridge 11, but you're nicknamed 404.
  4. Night 0 "Many thanks, Brightlord Sadeas. You will not regret this," Vendel said with a smile. He'd got his bridge crew, which meant freedom to do as he pleased. He could continue his work, uninhibited by any cowards like those in Kharbranth. Now he needed to take a look at his subjects... Bridge 11. Vendel had been watching them come and go from their barracks for the last hour, and he wasn't impressed. I doubt these pathetic darkeyes will last longer than a week under my control, he thought with a grimace. He shrugged. Oh well, I'm sure Ialai will give me more subjects once she sees how marvelously my poisons work. He slipped a small piece of paper from his pocket and looked at the list of names he'd been given. He'd learned to read and write once he realized he couldn't trust anyone but himself to take notes about his work. It was hard at first, but gradually he'd learned well enough that he didn't need anyone to keep track of his experiments. He stuffed the paper back in his pocket and looked around to make sure no one had seen him. It wasn't that he was ashamed, but he didn't like to draw attention to himself. He doubted anyone would care what he was planning to do to the bridge crew, but there was no need to be sloppy. He knew the crimes of most of the bridge crew members, and he had a good idea of who to pick as his assistants. He approached his targets individually, and found that it was quite easy to bribe them into doing his bidding. Obedient assistants, unwitting test subjects, and even permission from the Highprince himself! He laughed maniacally to himself. I'm going to enjoy this very much, Vendel thought as Night came over the warcamp. I'm sending game PM's now. PM's are open! Refer to the rules for details about pm's. Remember, no deaths this Turn. This is just for RP and setup purposes. Also, I'm hoping I won't need it, but I think I'll place a 2 Cycle inactivity filter. If you don't post or pm for 2 Cycles without any prior warning, you will be hung up for the Highstorm! Player list:
  5. Sorry people! Some relatives came over to my house today, so I'm not at all prepared to get the game up tonight. We do have 20 players at this point, which is good enough for me! Assuming my computer will work tomorrow, I'll post Night 0 at 10pm CST. If anyone wants to sign-up before I post Night 0, feel free! At the moment, I believe 11 is leading the vote for your Bridge number. I was thinking I'd like to keep it realistic, but I guess I don't mind if you guys want to be crazy.
  6. Yeah, right now we're at 16 players, and I'd really prefer if there were at least 20, so I'll extend sign-ups(if the mods are ok with that?). I'll go ahead and say sign-ups will be ending at 10pm CST on the 21st. That's about 47 hours from this post.
  7. MR25: Lowborn Intrigue "Brightness Ialai, a Brightlord Vendel has requested to see you." a guard informed Ialia, wife of Highprince Sadeas. "Send him in," she replied. Curious. I haven't seen Vendel in quite some time, Ialai thought. A middle-aged man entered the room soon after. He had dark hair slicked back down to his shoulders, and light green eyes. "Cousin Vendel, it's a surprise to see you here at the Shattered Plains," Ialai said as he approached. "I thought you were at Kharbranth?" "That's because I was," Vendel said gruffly. "Until that storming Taravangian had me banished for...practicing on some patients of his. I don't know what had him so upset. It was only a couple of darkeyes. The experiments weren't even fatal! ...for all of them," he added under his breath. "I see..." replied Ialai. "And what is your purpose for coming here?" "Well, I heard that you have quite a large army here. I figured you could spare a few of them to help me with my research," he said. "And what do I gain from sacrificing some of my husbands men to your, what was it? Ah, yes, your research?" she asked. "I'll share my findings with you. Some of my products have shown excellent promise," Vendel said proudly. "I suppose that could be useful to me," she said with a thoughtful expression. I think this could be very useful indeed, she thought. "Alright, you will have your men. But it won't be any of our fighting men. That would be wasteful. No, you can speak with Sadeas and he'll give you command of a Bridge Crew. We can't let you do your experiments out in the open, so you'll have to be careful with how you do them. I'd suggest bribing some of the bridge crew to administrate your...products, so no blame will be placed to you," she said. And if they show promise, they'll be of far more use to me than you ever will, she thought to herself, smiling slightly. I can always use more spies. "A brilliant idea!" Vendel exclaimed. "I knew coming to you was the right idea. You have my thanks, Brightness. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go speak with Brightlord Sadeas about that Bridge crew..." he said as he bowed and left the room. The Game Spies and Poisoining Roles Messages Action Order And that's the game! I thought I'd let the Bridge number be up to the players, so decide what you want before the game starts and I'll go with that(please don't go too high or low ). I wanted to go with a Bridge crew, since I thought it'd be funner than just sticking with the same story as MR8(although I did steal some things directly from MR8 since I'm rushing things a bit >>). I also thought you all might have fun coming up with criminal(or not) backstories for how you got to be a bridge crew member. Sign-ups will last until October 19th(not sure about a specific time). I'll be on vacation until the 17th, so I might not respond to questions or anything until then. Also, no promises that everything in the game is covered in the rules. Player list: 1. Darkness (Nuatoma Akihiko) 2. Randuir (Tenodin) 3. Straw (An Explosive Gerbil) 4. Brightness Radiant (undecided) 5. Hemalurgic Headshot (Kurt Barnacles) 6. Jondesu (Div) 7. Sami (Reddathan) 8. Roadwalker (Silver Feather) 9. Drake Marshall (Pashul) 10. Lemonelon (Ellenie) 11. StrikerEZ (Ardenal) 12. Walin (Nerkel) 13. Arinian (blank) 14. Sart (Mortago) 15. Megasif (Kohl) 16. OrlokTsubodai (Locke Tekiel) 17. Manukos (manukosokunam) 18. Eternum (Deral) 19. Shqueeves (Melb) 20. Joe in a Bush (Jost Joslin) Quick Links:
  8. @Lemonelon, yeah, at the time when I posted about not being able to vote, I hadn't yet received my moment of clarity. Apparently I was supposed to have gotten it the Cycle before, but they forgot to tell me about it, so they gave it to me in the middle of that Cycle. Anyways, I don't see what could have triggered it, so I'm guessing it's just random.
  9. We already had a Cycle where no one died. So I'm not sure what the point of not lynching is, but I also don't know what the point of lynching is either, so feel free to ignore me. Interesting bits: I had a moment of clarity 2 Cycles ago, and can now vote. I cannot do anything extra though. Also, Mark is the Magistrate, but he said he could only detain someone within 3 Cycles of getting his power. It's been way over that, so he can't use his ability anymore.
  10. I'm being framed! Yep, she just did. I suppose she did since I brought attention to it. Wow, lynch the guy who can't vote to protect himself. Thanks a lot. At this point, I don't mind being lynched. A little worried at this sudden "Lopen is suspicious" stuff, but I might feel the same if the situation was switched.
  11. At this point I'm reaching for anything that might remotely be suspicious, so I got a little paranoid of one of your last posts, but then I looked over it again when I was making my post, and I really didn't think there was anything there, but I just left it in cause why not?
  12. Well we've had a role scanner and a detainer role, so I agree with lemonelon that that implies someone among us is working against the village. I don't have any strong suspects, but back at the start of the game, I pm'd Rebecca and she never responded to me. I guess I'm mildly suspicious of Stick's last couple of posts. But...not really. xD I can't vote, but if I could, I'd vote on one of them I suppose.
  13. Okay, so, that doesn't really tell us anything. Hero, do you have that list of roles handy? Just curious to see how things are looking.
  14. I have a hard time thinking anything is a bad idea at this point. Except maybe not lynching, since it's the 10th Cycle and we still have no idea what the heck is going on. Can you tell us who the other Lover is? I'm curious to hear your reasoning for connecting them.
  15. Yeah. But I bet that someone knows something that everyone else doesn't know, but that someone doesn't want to reveal that something to everyone else because it would hurt that someone. As a member of the "everyone else" group, I'm trying to figure out who that someone is, but since no one is really doing anything, that someone probably isn't going to do anything to give themselves away. So at this point random killings are fine with me. We're not getting anywhere by doing nothing. Does anyone want to vote on me, or anyone else, to make a tie? Me and Alv are trying to kill some lovers since it's unfair for them to be happy when the rest of us are so sad and alone there's nothing better to do.
  16. Sorry about not posting anything last Cycle. I saw that you all had everything under control, and I can't vote, so I didn't really have anything to add. I don't feel like activating the Scapegoat would really do anything, and it might kill 2 players at once, considering Aman is one of the Lovers. But...honestly, I don't have a better option, so I guess I'm not completely opposed to it. Just a note, but Elbereth put a tag up last Cycle that told us to be logical, so I suppose that means there is something we're missing. I don't have any idea what it could be though, so I'm not sure that helps. Maybe the eliminator team is just inactive or something? As long as you never saw a message that said you were dead BR, I'd assume you are alive, yes. xD Edit: I'd be willing to be a part of a tied lynch if someone wants to vote on me.
  17. Well, it's not that bad. There hasn't been much voting anyways. I asked about whether my vote just wasn't counted or whatever, and fRR said that I just wasn't supposed to vote at all, so I haven't. Yeah, I have no idea how to activate anything either. I've been thinking there's a role that can do it, but at this point, it seems like we'd have heard something about a role like that, considering how many people have asked for roleclaims and such in the thread. And the fact that so far only one player seems to have had a "Moment of Clarity." A player claimed to me, yes, because they'd heard I was the Teacher, so they thought I may have given them the "magistrate" role. All they said was that they had a "Moment of Clarity" and got the magistrate role. They told me they'd never had the doll(Alv asked me to ask them if they had at some point, I guess thinking that may have triggered the MoC). They also didn't know how they got the role.
  18. Firstly, where'd you hear the Teacher can only use their action once? I'm guessing it's because you heard about someone having a Moment of Clarity and they can only use their role once, but they said their role was the ability to detain someone once, not Teach. Secondly, I'm the Teacher, and I can't Teach anything. Here is everything I know about my role. 1 - I can't vote until I have a Moment of Clarity. 2 - That's all. There was nothing about using my role in any way. I'm just as vanilla as most everyone else, except I can't vote. I thought someone would notice the fact that I haven't voted at all, since typically I vote every Cycle when I'm playing, but I get the idea that not a lot of players are paying attention, so I figured I'd just reveal myself in thread to try and clear up any misunderstandings about my role.
  19. Roadwalker, Stick, Megasif, and Budgie all publicly claimed to be vanilla I think. I have a couple more vanilla claims through PM's, but I don't think I'll reveal that since it was revealed to me personally. Also, I received a PM from a vanilla villager, who claims to have had a Moment of Clarity this Cycle, and is now a "magistrate." Their power is the ability to detain someone for a cycle so they cannot post in the thread or be lynched. They can only do this once, and it has to be within the next 3 Cycles. They also mentioned that they were "chosen" for that ability, but they didn't know who chose them or anything about how they got the power. They suggest that's what the "Ah-ha!" in the write-up was for, which makes sense to me. About the Teacher role, DA mentioned it's specifics a couple Cycles back. Apparently they can't vote until they have a Moment of Clarity, and that's the extent of their powers, if I'm remembering correctly.
  20. That's not what Wilson told me in our PM. She said the Scapegoat was lynched if there was no lynch or the vote was tied. I just checked it.
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