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Everything posted by dyring

  1. Jason: That still doesent work thou. something is very fishy here. At the time of the attack on cessie, there was only the inquisitor and one convert. (second one was made that night.) The inquisitor was not there. Only one action per night. That means Cessie cannot be the inquisitor according to rules as I understand them. And that she attacked herself? I mean, there was two people in the writeup so that shouldent work. I must be missing something, cause short of either Cessie or Shiv stating wrongly that they were snapped when they were infact mistings from the beginning, I dont get it to fit together. Or that Peng missunderstood what they wrote to him. If someone gets it to work, do please explain.
  2. The rules stating that a converted indicidual got 50% chance of gaining the dead mistings power. This does not mean that they got 50% chance of getting another random power but that its 50% chance of them gaining _no_ power att all apart from Ehvilness right? Cause if not, Iv majorly missunderstood.
  3. Meta, you wrote that he was a lurcher, not village lurcher as you used to do before. If you did not do this on purpose, please correct it;). Shiv will be extremely carefully searched for a spike;) Dyring looks shocked and... well, more angry then sad. "True, it is night now, and propably stupid to announce. But seing how there was no spike, I will vote for Cessie tomorrow." One vote each for Cessie and Shiv removed by soothing or rioting too.
  4. "And by the way, I do not necceserily believe Shiv to be the inquisitor. It is even more likely he is the one the inquisitor spiked with lurching"
  5. Jason, why? Attacking cessie(aka - killing) can be done by a convert. Spiking done by the inq. If you got something hinting on something else please say so.
  6. I´m convinced shiv is the right one to die. But I dont buy that argument barty. I changed my vote from you to Aether shortly before I was lynched last game. thou I stated I was still sure you were guilty and thought you were the best target, I was just hoping that since I was almost as certain that Aether was spiked to at that point, maybe I could get him instead there since there seemed to be one or two who was arguing for it.
  7. This was the reason why the inquisitor couldent both kill a villager and spike someone on the second night. So I am adamant on it, because that is the way it is. So yes, it does mean that. It does mean it happends on the same time. Everyone can do just 1 action every night. It have been explained.
  8. Quiver: It is impossible for a thug to be one of the spiked. Impossible, since no thug have been killed, and you lose your old ability when spiked. It is also impossible for her to be the inquisitor. Impossible, as the inquisitor did at the same time spike someone else, and as I understand the rules, only the inquisitor can do the actual spiking(he is giving up an ability to do so), while the spiked can do the killing at nighttime. Neither Cessie nor her attacker was the inquisitor. The oh so slight chance that shiv is innocent is due to both of them being innocent. There is simply no rulewise way for Cessie to be inquisitor or spiked at this time. Then, we have the _fact_ that only one person snapped, that means that one one of Cessie and shiv is lying. And we KNOW FOR A FACT that cessie is not spiked or the inquisitor, there is just no reason for her to lie. So unless I missunderstand the rules, wich I doubt, where does that leave us? Shiv needs to die Or, IC: "Kill him! kill him! Noone would talk like that and be right in the head! Kill him so we can get down to the important work of finding and lynching the tineye!"
  9. Kurk: your scenario does not work;) the inquisitor was spiking one individual. Another was attacking Cessie. Thats all. There arent any more bad guys. Not unless Cessie attacked herself, Only option is that GM forgot to write out we had a second snapped individual
  10. "Oh, should I be wrong and you end up innocent, Ill argue strongly that cessie should die. Can promise that. But I do not believe that will happend."
  11. Noone but the inquisitor can spike others(. The rest can kill but not spike. That must be the inquisitor as I read the rules. Feel free to try to read it in other ways, but I cant see it. Besides. 1 person to attack cessie, 1 person to spike, and one person who got spiked there. Thats all the 3 bad guys we got as of yet. There are just the inq and 2 converts now.
  12. ooc - Cant do this argument ic:p Sorry shiv. To big a lead towards you. Only one person can have snapped (please correct me someone if I understood the rules wrong), and since Cessie was proved to be a thug, and she cannot be the inq(he was active doing other things at the same time), I can frankly not see a way within the rules that she is not that one snapped person, and that you did infact, not snapped. sure, theoretically, Cesie could lie and have been a thug from the start, but given that she´d still be proven not a spiked or the inq, that can be disregarded. There is one very small way out wich might make Shiv innocent. If one of Cessie and Shiv snapped due to the 10% standard chance, and the GM does not mention that. But given that he writes out that someone snapped at one time, I really cant see that he would not write it out a second time just cause it was due to a different cause. That is the only way. Cessie cannot be the inquisitor(since he was active doing other things). And Cessie cannot be a converted(since they cannot be a thug) So she is the real deal. that makes that only the very small oportunity I wrote above is the only way you are not lying about having snapped. So, sorry to say it unless the GM pops in saying he just forgot to add it, your where I place my vote.
  13. "I think this makes certain that the inquisitor cannot infact read all communication. If he had, he surely would not have attacked Cessie. As long as cessie wasent confirmed, it was uncertain who of the two we would attack. After cessie was confirmed, it was certain we would hit shiv. Not to mention, if he read pm´s he knew an attack wouldent actually kill Cessie."
  14. ooc - Cessie can be absolutely trusted for today then right, after tomorrow night(or more precise after the next time someone is spiked) she might be a convert like anyone of us. Shes not the inq thou ooc2 - (colours bugs for me:p. Theese parts are blue I tell you!) IC When the first customers arrive, dyring can be seen lying on the floor crying, bloodied hands fondling broken shards of glass around a stain of some above-average booze, the bottle broken when dropped in shock.
  15. Morrowind is the one I liked the most. Second skyrim, third daggerfall and last oblivion. Oblivion messed out with the way it leveled up random monsters. Not fun running somewhere, killing monsters easily, then leveling from running and coming back there to not have a chance since the monsters have been buffed by the game when I leveled up Skyrim went closer to morrowind again. frankly skyrim is propably as good a game, but the story was better in morrowind. And I was annoyed by the blades in skyrim Skyrim, oblivion and morrowin are all basically the same game in execution. Daggerfall is the same thing too, but way less well grapichally(much bigger diff between morrowind and daggerfall then morrowind and skyrim) And daggerfall randomized villages if I remember right. the other three got them premade, and looks the same every playthrough.
  16. I dont know. But Id expect a post every phase, if only some rp, to be consdered active;). Frankly,I dont got anything that new. Same old suspicions. And since Im not certain on any of them, I figure its not much of a point to just keep repeating them
  17. I have told him. I dont really see the point in writing it in colour.. But yeah, much better with a list about who´s not told him.
  18. Well, here is one of them, the one with most of my "entertainment literature". got buisness stuff elsewhere. The way of king is in there, as is most of the wheel of time, but the rest of Brandons books are mostly lent away;) Those two on that pic is almost exclusively fantasy, there are maybe 10 or so thats other genres thats been presents, and one or a few dictionaries;)
  19. "I find both Vron and Aonar suspicious based on their above posts btw. Hope their up for getting seeked/targeted tomorrow if their not somehow cleared. Aonars "certain he havent been acting suspicious" sounds to me like someone making sure that despite guilty, he isnt acting it. And Vron´s not wanting to kill when the majority is not voting for ed, and switching ones its becoming more of them doing so so it remains among the majority. I am also wondering about Kukri´s silence - but there its suspicion about convert status. Herwynbe too, but there is nothing new increasing the suspicion, just same old."
  20. Eddy Im placing that vote since we agreed on it. Eddy is one of my 7 main suspects(Aspren, Vron, Wilson, Eddy, Maxill, herwynbe Aonar), . He´s not the top of my list, but still suspicious.
  21. "I´m leaning on believing the inquisitor have been able to listen in on PM´s somehow. Thus, Im still all for the ones I considered suspicious before."
  22. reply to edge: "That would be very mean. Nor is it absolutely impossible, and it would explain why he ditched bronze. he´s seen all. but is thats the case, we´re just screwed, so lets hope not ;)"
  23. Quiver, its the tineye writing the messages, not the inquisitor. "Personally, I find Vron and Aspren to be acting the most suspicious. Maybe Aonar. But its weak. nowhere near certain. For convert.. The inq would go for someone who seem to be trusted and listened to. Someone not likely to be targeted. Well, Kukri have gone awfully silent. Aether or wilson, one of the listmakers? Bartbug based on him being very subvertive in the last game and good to have onboard? Maybe wes, thinking we wont go for him again?"
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