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Everything posted by vineyarddawg

  1. This is me, too. I've never really "gotten" the Western thing. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it, but I just couldn't get as immersed in it as I usually do in Brandon's writing. Elantris does seem less polished than his other novels, but it was the first book he sold, you know. Besides, I like the idea of the "fallen god" thing. Nice angle. The end did seem a little simplistic... kind of like, "Why didn't anybody think of this before."
  2. Uh... did you just suggest the possible existence of Awakened mashed potatoes?
  3. I really like the Words of Radiance cover with Kaladin in the middle of saying the words and about to go all superhero.
  4. Welcome to the 17th Shard! Don't accept any cookies from anyone, as they're known to contain a hazardous level of hemalurgic content.
  5. "Really? Santa Claus? Aw, sme... uh... shoot. You're gonna be just as bad as Ivy, ain't ya?" Bubba spit into his spit cup pensively. "I think I'm just gonna go talk to Bathroom for a little while." Bubba knew, of course, that Ron's last name was "Lav," but he thought it was incredibly clever of himself to come up with the nickname "Bathroom" instead. As he looked around, though, he saw that Ron wasn't actually in the White Room yet. Probably because there are no shadows for him to hide in, Bubba thought. He poked his head through the door of the White Room into the dimly-lit hallway. "Hey Bathroom! Where you at? Come on in here!"
  6. Cool, thanks! I was wondering how people did that.
  7. "Uh... you sure about that?" Bubba was slightly dumbfounded (well, slightly more than usual, anyway). "Meanin' no disrespect, miss, but you don't look no more dead to me than that dude over there looks like Santa Claus." Almost as soon as Bubba finished saying this, a kindly-looking, white-bearded gentlemen dressed as Santa Claus walked into the room. "Well, smet." For those who haven't read the books, smet is a "future curse" that J.C. uses.
  8. Ok, I'm super-late to this party, but that picture is of Zen Rigby, right?
  9. To answer the question about the actual meaning of idiom... saying something is only "skin deep" implies that it's only superficial, without larger meaning. Hence the saying, "Beauty is only skin deep." Obviously, that's not really describing the case, since it turns out that Panos was working on something far more detailed (and meaningful in a positive societal way) than anybody knew. (Though it did turn out that he used bacteria on the skin as his transmission method... so the answer that Stephen was looking for literally only went skin deep. That's probably what the actual reference means.)
  10. Yeah, Tobias was very clearly inspired by Morgan Freeman. After all, Stephen goes out of his way several times to point out that Tobias could be droning on about any old thing, but Stephen loved to hear him talk because, essentially, he just loved hearing the sound of Tobias' voice. There is a WoB that says Gwyneth Paltrow was the inspiration for Ivy. (#39 at this link) And Arthur, Adam Baldwin (the guy for J.C.) is most famous for playing Jayne Cobb (J.C...) in Firefly. (If you've never seen Firefly, go watch it on Netflix. Right. Now.) J.C. basically is Jayne Cobb. Finally, in my mind, Audrey and Firefight/Meghan are the same person.
  11. I was going to let my dramatic reveal be my swan song post, but I felt the need to also let all the non-shard villagers know that the entire game is basically being played around you at this point. All of the shards and Hoid are connected via PM's, and they're not going to invest in you if they haven't already, because they don't know if they can trust you. If I were a normal villager at this point, I'd just walk away and join the quick fix game that Hero is starting up. And yes, I know "that's exactly what an OC would say." And yes, I am an OC. And yes, I expect to die tonight. But this is actually, really, truly the way I'd feel if I were a regular worldhopper. Even if you have a minor role, it's redundant at this point. The shard group doesn't care if you all die, because after I die tonight, there's guaranteed to be more of them than there are of Team Odium. They'd happily kill every non-shardic player right now if they could, because Team Villager would then win the game. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that was their strategy. And Snoopy is Hoid. He's going around telling everybody other than Jesus in PM's, so you might as well know it, too. As a parting gift, I'll give you the following information. One of these players is the villager bloodsealer. One is Odium's witness (who has used his ability every night, by the way). And one is Cultivation. In random order: Feligon. Sarcomere. Qayshar. If you can figure out which is Cultivation, you can take back control of your own game. Adios, amigos. EDIT: Ok, one final point: If you look at the rules, the shards can manipulate up to 7 votes when they work in tandem. So basically your votes are pointless in a lynch unless someone has an 8-vote lead. Load up on one candidate or risk being manipulated over and over again.
  12. Welcome! What Sanderson books have you read? (Don't want to spoil anything for you! ) And don't accept cookies from ostensibly well-meaning strangers...
  13. "Oh, really? Well, I might need ta make a new friend, then. Heh." Bubba laughed towards no one in particular. Then his eyes got very serious: "But does it taste more like Skoal or Copenhagen? 'Cause I can't stand that Copenhagen crap. Named after some Euro-trash country and all, ya know."
  14. "Yep. Jus' a plain ol' normal redneck." Bubba picked up an empty beer can that had suddenly appeared on the floor of the White Room and spit into it. Then he hesitated. "Uh, well... I mean, mostly normal. For some reason, I can't go nowhere unless my imaginary friend Stephen goes with me. And I can't always just summon him when i want. It's real annoyin' when I run out of dip. Or spit cups." Everybody near him took a step back. "But now you, Miss Clare... are you pretendin' to be dead or somethin'? (/spit) You gotcha dress all floatin' around and whatnot." I don't know why I'm focusing on the dip thing. Sorry about that... kinda?
  15. Welcome! And yeah, I wouldn't eat that cookie...
  16. As soon as that insolent peasant Martin breathed his last, Vineyerian smiled knowingly at the rest of the crowd around him. He said, almost too softly for anyone else to hear, "My work is complete, my lord. Your plans for me have been carried out perfectly, and all is in place as you have forseen." Suddenly, red smoke enveloped his hands and feet, then crept along his extremities until it seemed to be emanating from every pore of his body. "YES, PUTRID LITTLE CREMLINGS. I SERVE THE GREATEST LORD AND MASTER IN THE COSMERE; THE MIGHTY ODIUM. MAKE ALL THE PLANS THAT YOU WILL. TAKE MY PHYSICAL BODY AND KILL IT. YOU CANNOT ESCAPE THE DAMNATION THAT AWAITS YOU!" Those around Vineyerian were momentarily stunned into silence, so he continued: "Hoid! I see you, you dog! You might kill me, but I am just the Baleful Almighty's servant. You cannot escape the wrath of Odium! You might even manage to strike down Rayse, but ODIUM will survive. The Cosmere will be rid of your foul stench soon enough! The inexorable ascent of my mighty Lord and master has begun, and it cannot be stopped! TREMBLE, PUNY MORTALS, AND PREPARE TO KNEEL BEFORE YOUR GOD!"
  17. The dude from the Interlude in... WoR, I think? That made shoes for free for homeless children. Was that Ym? EDIT: The Coppermind tells me that yes, it was. Dang it, Joe. You and your encylcopedic memory.
  18. "Dead? Aw, heck, I ain't never been dead before, Miss Clare. Don't see how as I'd like it much," Bubba responded. "No huntin'. No fishin'. Wouldn't be much of a life." He chuckled to himself at what he imagined was his extremely clever joke. Then he glanced around to either side and leaned in closer, as if to share a secret. "I will tell ya somethin', though. I got this imaginary friend that appears to me sometimes and talks to me. Big sonofagun, too. Says his name is Stephen."
  19. Bubba sauntered into the room, casually put a plug of dip inside his bottom lip, and nodded towards Clare. "Howdy there, miss. My momma named me Dale Earnhardt Junior the Fifth, on account'a bein' her fifth son, but you can call me Bubba Vee. That shore is a nice poofy dress ya got there."
  20. Cool, I'm Bubba V, a southern redneck who's convinced that Stephen is actually a figment of his imagination. (Also, I'm only about 1/3 of the way through reading Legion... just started reading it when Hero announced this game was next. So I apologize if anything I say isn't correct in-world.)
  21. This might be a dumb question, but can we play in more than one Elimination game at the same time (if we promise to only get them confused with each other no more than twice... in the first cycle)?
  22. Just for that Patrick, the role of Prof in the upcoming Reckoners movie will be played by Jar Jar Binks. (Hollywood strikes again! )
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