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Everything posted by vineyarddawg

  1. Welcome! But I wouldn't eat that cookie... they've been known to have dangerous levels of hemalurgic content...
  2. I still wish Brandon had used that name for Words of Radiance as he had initially planned. And speaking of that book... Literally the breakthrough character in Words of Radiance.
  3. Welcome to the 17th Shard! But I wouldn't take that cookie... they've been known to have dangerous levels of hemalurgic content...
  4. Welcome to the 17th Shard! But I wouldn't take that cookie...
  5. Welcome! But I wouldn't take that cookie...
  6. Well, truth is copying what Brandon wrote, anyway. (If you don't want to click, the story is about scientists storing data inside human DNA. In other words, the plot of Legion:Skin Deep.)
  7. Bubba was getting really concerned as his suspicions grew that he was the only person in the room who wasn't really crazy. Well, that is, he did imagine his friend Stephen, and Stephen did essentially control his movements, which was a little creepy. But creepy isn't the same as crazy, right? Or is it? Yeesh, thinking about this stuff too much gave Bubba a headache, and he was already feeling a strong one coming on. Fortunately, right then, Ron Lav walked into the room. Bubba's face brightened up immediately as Ron walked directly to him. "Aw, hey, you finally got here Bathroooommpphhhh." Bubba's last word was interrupted as, without so much as a warning, Ron punched him directly in the mouth. Ron said, "You know I hate that," and then scurried off to a less-crowded corner of the White Room. "Weww, ad leass now I gobba heabache for a goob reasom," Bubba sputtered. He was a little annoyed, because now he was going to have to convince his imaginary friend Stephen to let him go to the dentist to fix the damage to his teeth. He couldn't stay mad at Bathroom, though. Bubba knew Ron didn't like the nickname, so he had just been asking for a confrontation. And after all, it wasn't the first time he'd ended up needing dental work because he'd pushed someone too far...
  8. Welcome to the 17th Shard! A word of warning, though... beware of strangers offering cookies.
  9. Actually, a WoB has confirmed that you can basically think of Harmony as one shard or two. (I still think of it as two.)
  10. I'm not calling your opinions into question, because everyone has their own tastes and preferences, and they are what they are... but still, I have to point out this logical inconsistency. You say the don't like the trope of the mentor dying (but not really being dead), and then in the next breath you say that you wished it had contained the trope of the two "odd couple" friends being separated, seemingly forever, but then finally getting to get back together again after a long adventure?
  11. Welcome to the 17th shard! And I wouldn't take that cookie... (thought it won't make any sense why not if you haven't read the Mistborn trilogy... just a little inside joke on the forum here).
  12. Welcome! I wouldn't take that cookie... (though I can't tell you why if you've only read the first Mistborn book, because it's a spoiler).
  13. Welcome! I wouldn't take that cookie...
  14. This thread is a magnificent example of how Brandon can appeal to so readers with so many different tastes! For example, I don't get the antipathy for Warbreaker. I thought it was excellent, and though I hated Vivenna most of the time because I pictured her in my mind as Sansa Stark with hair color that changes, I was very involved in the book, especially with Siri and Lightsong.
  15. Finally, An extremely nervous man tentatively stepped through the door next to Bubba and mumbled something to himself. "Alright! 'Bout time you came in here Bathro... oh. Uh, sorry about that, new guy." He spit into his spit cup. "I'm Din," the new arrival said, barely above a whisper. Then he quickly shuffled away from Bubba towards the corner of the room. Bubba watched Din retreat, then shook his head and sauntered back over to Clare and Cheesy. "I don't mean to be insultin' to a lady, Miss Clare, but I'm startin' to think the whole group of y'all are 'bout as crazy as Cheezy here. Well, almost as crazy, anyway. I know Cheezy says he ain't, but you just look at his eyes. I shore wouldn't go fishin' alone with him. Prob'ly end up like that Frodo dude in the Godfather movie."
  16. Welcome! I wouldn't take that cookie...
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