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Everything posted by vineyarddawg

  1. I'm just now seeing these changes (and thanks Wiery for the specifics!)... and I have to say I'm a big, big fan of Kaladin's change. Kaladin killing Szeth just didn't "feel" right to me, much like it irked Brandon, apparently. Kaladin has moved past his vengeance phase, and as a windrunner, it suits him. Even though, as Brandon says, it's a huge deal to make such a change in an already-published story, I applaud him for it. In my mind, Kaladin killing Szeth is kind of what it would be like if, in the "Song of Ice and Fire" world, Eddard Stark had claimed the Iron Throne after Aerys II Targaryen had been killed, or if Robb Stark had killed Jaime Lannister when he had him in the dungeon at Riverrun. It would directly conflict with the character's arc up until that point, and makes a particularly notable incongruence that would eventually need to be dealt with in some way later down the line. I love that Kaladin doesn't kill Szeth now. It 100% fits with the story, I think.
  2. Well, we spent quite a bit of space really trying to figure out the complexities and mechanics of the game, so that was a part of it. (I love that part, by the way. I love a game with the complex mechanics like this one that Joe created. The best part is that all of them made sense and were thematically appropriate for the setting. This really is a great model you've got for future games, Joe.)
  3. Sorry, y'all. I guess I haven't got much RP in me this time. I'll just have to be plain ol' simple Vya.
  4. I can't believe everybody is doing this to Team Odium. We're so misunderstood. All we wanted to do was kill all life in the Cosmere. Is that too much to ask?? EDIT: This post was approved by Joe, honorary member of Team Odium
  5. Welcome to the 17th Shard! But I wouldn't take those cookies...
  6. Welcome to the 17th Shard! (Beware of strangers offering cookies.)
  7. Welcome to the 17th Shard!
  8. Welcome to the 17th Shard! But beware strangers offering you hemalurgic cookies... I recommend Warbreaker next. If you've already read the Stormlight books, you might recognize a "cameo" in those books from two characters that are in Warbreaker. (I don't want to spoil it for you, though.) I liked The Emperor's Soul as well, and it's set on the same world as Elantris, though on a different continent. If you just like Sanderson's writing style, check out his non-Cosmere works, too. In fact, you could just start with this list and read it all.
  9. Hmm... actions... Returning? Summoning a shardblade? A Returned giving up their divine breath?
  10. Welcome to the 17th Shard! Beware strangers offering cookies, as they've been known to have unhealthy levels of hemalurgic content...
  11. You laugh, but just wait for the WoB confirming this in 5... 4...
  12. Well, one synonym of "applause" is "bestowal," as in "investiture"... and one synonym of "live" is "to subsist/breathe," hence my Nightblood guess. Applause could also mean honor, so who subsists on honor? Honorspren? Kaladin? Dalinar?
  13. Welcome to the 17th Shard! And I think Taln is definitely the real Taln. To do spoilers, click the button that's third from the left on the top bar of the editor. (If you hover your mouse over it, it says "special BBCode.") Then choose "Spoiler," insert the text you want, and click OK, and you'll have your very own set of spoiler tags that you can use at your leisure... Oh, and beware of strangers offering you cookies...
  14. I'll have you know I never lie, Kas.* Still, you're my vote for MVP! Great game, Hero! In addition to the great (and very world-appropriate) setting and write-ups, you provided the impetus for me to practically inhale both Legion books, which I finished doing before the first cycle of the game was even complete! (I highly recommend them to anyone who hasn't read them yet.) * - Note: This is a lie. (See LG10, in which about 95% of what I said was a lie. In my defense, though, I was being influenced by Odium.) EDIT: Oh, and just in case anyone was wondering, Bubba V, being the computer hacker, totally helped find the nightmare aspects by feeding a tapeworm into the deep logic of the (additional made-up Hollywood movie technobabble hacking b.s.).
  15. Smidge, imma just call you UPS, 'cause you be shippin'.
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