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Everything posted by vineyarddawg

  1. All no. The clue is not an anagram, and it's describing a specific character. Also, there's white text hidden in the clue. (Highlight the entire text box with your mouse and the text will show up.)
  2. Welcome to the 17th Shard!
  3. Yeah, the absence of Tia is the big question to me. As long as she's not dead, I think she'll factor in significantly into the conclusion of the book. She might pretty much disappear until that time, actually. And that's a very interesting theory about the foundry being run by an Epic named Knighthawk. I like that theory. Makes sense.
  4. By the way, don't look now, but Brandon's been answering a few additional questions from the AMA over the last day or so. (No April Fools' joke!)
  5. (You come upon a fortune cookie growing up out of a vine on the ground. You pluck it and open it, and on the little paper on the inside, you read the following message: WOOOO HOOO!) Nice one! Very tricky, Slowswift. Here's the next clue: O Draconian Devil! O Lame Saint! P.S. Find the Voidbringers
  6. Congratulations, Gamma! I'm totally not surprised that someone from Team Odium was the last one standing. Yeah, Wilson was like a triple/quadruple/quintuple agent for a while. I second Jain's nomination. We wouldn't have crept right up to the very edge of winning if she hadn't pulled the strings so well. Well done, Wilson.
  7. The touch of the master/The inception ceremony A shadowblaze
  8. Welcome to the 17th Shard! And I think your username is awesome. I'm honestly kind of surprised it wasn't taken yet...
  9. Welcome to the 17th Shard! But I wouldn't take that cookie...
  10. Welcome to the 17th Shard! But I wouldn't take that cookie...
  11. I now regret suggesting to Wilson that we could ignore you because you were mostly harmless.
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