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Orlion Blight

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Everything posted by Orlion Blight

  1. I would say read the current Sel books first: Elantris The Emperor's Soul Followed by the Mistborn trilogy. Warbreaker can then be read, but should definitely be read before Words of Radiance. Stormlight Archive should be read after these, since it seems there's considerable more enjoyment gained by reading these books last. The short stories can be read at any time.
  2. *Shrug* If they enjoy it, go for it! As far as more unsavory aspects, stories are probably the best way to broach the subject and instill a good morality. It might be uncomfortable, but if the time comes it might be better for them to say, "I'm not going to do that because Kelsier disapproved of such things!" then for them to stumble upon these concepts without a frame of reference. Ultimately, you know your children and will know when they are enjoying the story, getting something out of it, or contemplating the Void. If it seems good to you, go for it!
  3. Brandon seems to like to give us very little of some of the most interesting characters. Sometimes, a certain "mystic" is the best why to characterize someone. WoR Spoiler
  4. I didn't much care for The Path of Daggers. Winter's Heart was fine... much like Lord of Chaos: lots of nothing and a pretty sweet ending. Crossroads of Twilight deserves it reputation, I could never get past that book... to the point that I am starting over many years later.
  5. You don't say? Yeah, I'm kinda a jerk... sorry about that....mwahaha
  6. Yikes. Well, at least you should have an example of "stepping up to the plate" for mid-year reviews!
  7. This. Elantris is interesting, but since we are getting an updated version and it really does not add anything (yet) to the enjoyment of Stormlight like Mistborn and Warbreaker, I would say read the original Mistborn trilogy first. Spoiler alert:
  8. You can't In my experience, the best thing to do is provide the opportunity, and follow-up (i.e. do not hound the person). People have different reading speeds/needs, and sometimes you can not get someone to read a specific author. I lucked out recently because my friend had been "bullied/coerced" to read The Walking Dead comic and the first couple Song of Ice and Fire books. She felt they were slow going, and I felt she needed Mistborn. Having read The Emperor's Soul last year and enjoying that, she got to Mistborn eventually and is now feeling like she "never wants to read Martin again and just wants to read Sanderson".
  9. Nothing like a wonderful life-event to destroy the nerves, huh?
  10. I would get in trouble for reading too much of the assigned reading. This meant that when I opened my mouth during class discussion, the teacher couldn't cover what she wanted and I would be talking about all the plot points. I remember specifically when we read Beowulf and the teacher warned me after assigning the first reading, "Don't you dare read beyond the assignment". I read the entire thing before the next class. She happened to have enough foresight to talk to me before class to ask if I enjoyed the reading, to which I said something along the lines of "I liked the dragon!". Since the assignment had not even reached the point where Beowulf fought Grendel, she told me to just read what I wanted while the rest of the class discussed the assignment.
  11. If it's like other forums, try editing the first post in this topic (your original post). You should be able to change the title. If not, we'll have to summon an admin/mod to do it. The best way to do that is to post lots and lots of swears
  12. 753.83 pieces. That's because about 37.17 pieces worth of Shard is released as energy and lost forever to entropy.
  13. Tell me about it. One moment, you are full of hopes and dreams; the next you are waking up hungover in an alleyway in Atlanta after binge-posting about Ponies.
  14. I love Space Alert! It's a timed co-op game that stresses you out with hilarious consequences! My brother and I have recently been trying Mage Knight... good times, but other people that would play with us do not wish to participate in such complicated foolishness... *sob*
  15. Amish Romance exists? I'm using that as an excuse for my depraved hobbies! "Look, it was either Moon Knight comics or Amish Romance... and I believe I made the right choice! " Yesssss.... that'll do nicely!
  16. About a couple years ago, one of my back molars shattered whilst I was eating pizza... so I also swallowed it. It was dead, so there was no pain but I went to the dentist and dreaded what would happen... since I did not have dental insurance at the time. It does kinda suck, but the other problems that will inevitably show up can be triaged, so you can spread out the "work" as you wish.
  17. Let's see..... from Mario Vargas Llosa: Desafios a la libertad, La tentacion de lo imposible (looks like I'll have to actually read Les Miserables now), and Quien mato a Palomino Molero? From Gabriel Garcia Marquez: El coronel no tiene quien le escriba And from John Gardner: Nickel Mountain
  18. I understand the excitement/frustration of waiting for an anticipated entry in an awesome series... I, too, was young once Think about it like this: With the way writing and publishing goes, every other year is about as fast as I've seen any writer write a coherent series. Any faster, and you either end up with a much simpler story or the Malazan Book of the Fallen. This is Brandon's current goal for the Stormlight Archive and one that is not going to be affected by his other projects. So, what did affect the wait between Way of the Kings and Words of Radiance? Simply put, finishing the Wheel of Time. With that monkey off his back, I trust that he can keep more or less to his current rates, since he can focus on his own projects and not worry about a Legacy Project that could have ruined his career if he messed it up. So I imagine we'll have the first Five parter finished up by 2020. Just one year outside of the range you specified as being ideal. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. And the wait time is manageable enough with other books... like a ten-part one called the Malazan Book of the Fallen
  19. You understood me perfectly, Comatose. I'm also glad I didn't appear condescending... it's a character flaw I'm working on And the point you made with the use of the word "childish" is valid and a necessary clarification. One of my favorite novels of all time is The Wind in the Willows, one that I return to often and reference when dealing with various aspects of life.
  20. Really? Seems to be too much effort to me on the part of the customer. I've certainly gotten a voice-mail from a wrong number before, but you usually just have to ignore it and it is never a problem again... probably because just that one time there was a slight mis-dial.
  21. I'm going to come at this from another angle, one that may sound condescending to begin with but I do not intend and hope will be clear by the end of the post. I try to make it clear that I consider myself a pretentious reader. I love the modernists (Ford Maddox Ford, T. S. Elliot, Hemingway, Faulkner, Joyce) Nobel Prize winners (Mario Vargas Llosa, Golding, Steinbeck) and just "high art" in general as a previous poster called it (such as Salman Rushdie, Anthony Powell, Dante, Milton, Keats, Tretheway, etc.). From the perspective of just those works, even the most "critically acclaimed" Fantasies (such as Lord of the Rings and Malazan in particular) and all of science fiction tends to appear to be childish drivel. But it is not just about enjoying works of high aesthetic. One who limits themselves to just that is just as bad as those who limit themselves to just works of epic fantasy (or just as good... the main point is that it severely limits your perceptions). The ultimate point? William Golding's Pincher Martin is a completely different work/form then Sanderson's Warbreaker which is different from MLP:FiM. If forced into a corner, I would have to say that Golding's work has the greatest "artistic value", but <insert blasphemous appeal to deity to condemn something in general along with some other choice swears here> after the ending of that work, you kinda need a colorful show about the innocent exploits of techno-colored ponies. And that's the point. Everything serves a purpose and meets a need/want. Not everything has to be serious, aesthetically constructed, reflective of the grim existential world we live in, etc. We also need the excitement from just an exciting story. Doesn't matter that it would never happen, it's good for the soul. Having a varied interest, or being open, or just being able to shrug and say "can't account for tastes, sometimes" makes us more emphatic and better capable of interacting with the rest of humanity. And this is accomplished with a spectrum of works from The Satanic Verses to My Little Pony.
  22. Looks like the UK company that published Mitosis as a physical copy will be releasing both Legion stories this year... which is good for me, because I don't believe in e-books http://zenoagency.com/news/covers-legion-and-skin-deep-by-brandon-sanderson/
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