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Orlion Blight

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Everything posted by Orlion Blight

  1. Just don't let it get too dry! Nothing's worse than dry spiritual pot roast.
  2. You only need a receptionist who starved in the building! Now, she wanders the halls, searching for a meal to sate her hunger! But that hunger is now spiritual, and can only be assuaged by the tears of those who wronged her in life! Run! Run before it is too late!
  3. On Facebook, while talking about copy-editing Shadows of Self, Peter said the following: [Name redacted to protect the guilty!], the crunch this time is not Tor Production's fault. And I'm taking steps now to get us as much production time as we can get for Stormlight 3, but there's only so much I can do. Bands of Mourning is already shaping up to require a similar rush at the end, unfortunately! And I'm not that hopeful about Calamity production either... I imagine that simply means that, for whatever release date they have planned, they are pretty full with work to do. So I'd hope for February but expect "Spring".
  4. Drat, I got my wires crossed. Turned out he played Claudius in that play as well. Makes comparisons easier, I guess...sigh... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080835/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_117
  5. I believe Emperor's Soul takes place about twenty years after Elantris.
  6. Do you remember your President Nixon? Do you remember the bills you have to pay? Or even yesterdaaaaay?
  7. Of course! It be interesting to track down the Hamlet where Patrick Stewart plays Hamlet, compare it to his role as Claudius (loved his last scene... a lot better than that over-the-top extravagance in Kenneth Brannaugh's version....grumble....)
  8. "In a matter of a moment/Lost till the end of time/It's the evening of another day/And the end of mine Now the starlight which has found me/ Lost for a million years/ Tries to linger as it fills my eyes/ Til it disappears

  9. Alan Parsons Project, The Gaudi album... well, the good parts of it anyway, not the extra garbage they put on it.
  10. Of course, what brings happiness to you is not necessarily applicable. It might even be hurtful (to take the example in the Bednar talk, what if one of the children the boy applied dish soap, ointment, and bandages to happened to be allergic to one of those components? The intention is surely good, but the result is the opposite of what is desired). To bring this to theology, we can look at the following from Asimov: Essentially, the expectation that we ought to understand and accept why someone would continually share their faith should be paired with the understanding that many will respond with a "No thank you". And of course, these people should understand that religion will be talked about in a thread called "Religions"
  11. Tis dream to think that Reason can Govern the Reasoning creature, Man. It's like what was posted elsewhere, you just need to let people go and do their own thing and get a dog (or cat).
  12. Hey, I just provide the raw materials! What you do with them is your decision! Speaking of persuasive, there were these old guys, Parmenides and Zeno, who framed a bunch of arguments about how space, time, motion, individuals, etc. do not exist... only the One exists, everything else is illusion! This is proven because Achilles could never beat a tortoise in a race if he gave the tortoise a head start.
  13. Also, from the very, very end of WoR (Ye hath been warned!)
  14. I don't know, might trigger some pretty bad puns.
  15. Makes sense, for a librarian. She probably has nightmares about it... a precocious student will ask for help to find a book that will open her mind and unlock her potential, so Twi goes to that cabinet with all the cards set in order to the Dewey Decimal System, finds out where the book is at, but when she gets there.... it is gone! And the dream continues, she can not find any of the books! Have they been misplaced? Sold of at a "Friends of the Library" sale? No, they are just not there, but it should be there! And as she slowly goes mad, Rod Serling appears to give his ending monologue, for Twi has ended up in a library on the corner of Main St in....the Twilight Zone (Sans Sparkles) And though random, that story may not be fact, so to justify the existence of this post in this thread: German students apparently prefer to read Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason" in Norman Kemp Smith's English translation because Kant's original German reads like "it was produced by a brain tumor".
  16. Seems like you can get defenestrated for anything nowadays...
  17. A *cough* non-creepy way to initiate the Cosmere-illiterate Some Sanderfans are impatient that Brandon is not working on a specific series...
  18. "So you look into the land, it will tell you a story. Story about journey ended long ago. Listen to the motion of the wind and the mountains, maybe you can hear them talking like I do. They're going to betray you, they're going to forget you, are you going to let them take you over that way?"

  19. I'm fine with planes once I'm on them. On a ladder, I tend to freeze once I reach the third rung. I don't much care for rollercoasters either, and have not been on one for years. I believe the last time I was on some, my brother was visiting and I had not seen him for years and he was going to Cedar Point, dang it, because whatever they had in Utah at the time sucked or something.
  20. Competitive whistling.
  21. That really sucks. Sounds like this will turn into a situation where you will just have to be there for your sister, since it sounds like a promise from your parents is not worth much. Hopefully this is unnecessarily cynical, but you know what they say: "Hope for peace, prepare for war". It's a disappointing setback, however friendships can survive setbacks... but that does not make it less devastating.
  22. The Judge Dredd memes continue with a look at Dalinar at the end of Way of Kings And a Nietzsche one from the very end of WoK
  23. A good question, here are my (hopefully equally good) musings on the matter: 1) One might get more money by giving Breath to the God King 2) Though it must still be a sizable amount, the fee that might have lasted for over a year does not necessarily mean they lived in comfort and style. I imagine it was not abject poverty, but it might be similar to unemployment. 3) Offerings are continually made to the gods. I imagine that they receive a considerable bit in "tithing" from the worshipers in both monetary and actual goods. This could help offset the cost of giving the gods their hedonistic life and for Breath. 4) Some professions (such as the artist) are based around the economy to make offerings to the Gods. A registration fee could be charged to raise more money. Those are just some "side income" that I can think of right now, but since Hallendren is a theocracy, your explanation on the taxes on the dye industry no doubt play a crucial role.
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